Basic Forecast Setup

To enable the Forecast functionality, you must perform some basic setup in Forecast Setup.

  1. Click the icon, enter Forecast Setup, and select the relevant link.
  2. Fill in the relevant fields:
Field Description
Forecast Exception Handling This field specifies how the Replen. Journal calculation for a Forecast item should cater for a situation when forecast result entries do not exist for that item. The available options are:

Use Average Usage Result:
The Replen. Journal will use the average daily sales calculated with the Average Usage method as the demand of the item, on the days with missing forecast result entries.

Use Zero Quantity:
The Replen. Journal will treat the item as having no demand (zero demand quantity) on the days with missing forecast result entries.
Days Forecast Entries Exist This field specifies how far back in days to keep the Forecast Entries and Forecast Group Entries.
Days Forecast Dimension Entries Exist This field specifies how far back in days to keep the Forecast Dimension Entries.

The tasks listed below describe the setup steps for Forecast:

To See
Set up Forecast Locations How to: Set Up Locations for Forecast
Set up Forecast Items How to: Set Up Items for Forecast
Set up Forecast Dimensions How to: Set Up Forecast Dimensions

See also
