How to: Set Up Replenishment Out of Stock Overview

The Replenishment Out of Stock Overview page shows grouped information of the out of stock situations. You can set the page up to give an overview of the out of stock statuses based on various parameters and filters.

To set up Replenishment Out of Stock Overview

  1. Click the icon, enter Replen. Out of Stock Overview, and select the relevant link.
  2. Create a new Replen. Out of Stock Overview line by clicking the New action.
  3. Fill in the Code and Description fields.
  4. Select a Type, and fill in the Start Date Formula and End Date Formula. Below are the available options for Type:
  5. Type Description
    Started The Started type answers questions such as:
    • How many new out of stock situations started yesterday?
    • How many new out of stock situations started last week?

    When this type is selected, the Replen. Out of Stock Days entries, where the Date Out of Stock falls within the range of the Start Date Formula and End Date Formula, will be considered in the No. of Lines. Note that this includes entries for which the out of stock situations may or may not have been resolved, as the Date In Stock is not considered.

    For example:

    Start Date Formula = -3D
    End Date Formula = -1D

    All entries for which the out of stock situations started between 3 days ago and yesterday will be included.
    Ended The Ended type answers questions such as:
    • How many out of stock situations ended yesterday?
    • How many out of stock situations ended last week?

    When this type is selected, the Replen. Out of Stock Days entries, where the Date In Stock falls within the range of the Start Date Formula and End Date Formula, will be considered in the No. of Lines.

    For example:

    Start Date Formula = -1D
    End Date Formula = 0D

    All entries for which the out of stock situations ended between yesterday and today will be included.
    Ongoing The Ongoing type answers questions such as:
    • How many out of stock situations did we have yesterday?
    • How many out of stock situations did we have last week?

    When this type is selected, the Replen. Out of Stock Days entries, where the Date Out of Stock is before or on the End Date Formula, and the Date In Stock is empty or later than Start Date Formula, will be considered in the No. of Lines.

    For example:

    Start Date Formula = -14D
    End Date Formula = -7D

    All entries for which the out of stock situations were ongoing across the previous week (-14D until -7D) will be included. This includes the entries where the out of stock situations:
    • Started before or within the previous week, and
    • Ended within or after the previous week, or have not ended.

    This however, does not include entries where the out of stock situations ended exactly on -14D.

    Note: Start Date Formula is a compulsory field. If the End Date Formula is left blank, it will use the same value as the Start Date Formula when calculating the No. of Lines.

  6. Fill in the Division Code, Item Category Code, Retail Product Code, Item No., and Location Code, if applicable. These fields act as filters for the No. of Lines, where only the out of stock entries based on the filtered criteria will be included.
  7. Click the No. of Lines of an overview line, or select an overview line and click the Functions - Show Lines action, to view its relevant Replen. Out of Stock Days entries in detail.
  8. To rearrange the position of an overview line, you can adjust the Sort Order field directly. Alternatively, click the Functions - Move Up or Move Down action to swap the selected line position with the previous or next line, respectively.

See also

How to: Calculate Replenishment Out of Stock Days