How to: Delete Replenishment Out of Stock Logs

In this article

To delete open Replen. Out of Stock Logs

To delete closed Replen. Out of Stock Logs

See also

The Replenishment Out of Stock calculation creates Replen. Out of Stock Logs, which track if an item had zero or negative stock in specific locations on a specific date. The log entries track the first date when the out of stock situation occurred, and also when the item was available again.

There are two ways to delete and clean up the Replen. Out of Stock Logs, if needed.

To delete open Replen. Out of Stock Logs

Open Replen. Out of Stock Logs refer to the entries where their out of stock situations are still ongoing (with blank Date In Stock) since the last Out of Stock calculation. You can delete these log entries by using the Delete Open Replen. Out of Stock Logs report.

  1. Click the icon, enter Replen. Out of Stock Overview, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the Delete Open Entries action on the Replen. Out of Stock Overview page to open the Delete Open Replen. Out of Stock Logs report.
  3. The Date Out of Stock Before field is defaulted to a year ago from today, but you can change the date value, if needed. The Replen. Out of Stock Logs without Date In Stock, where their Date Out of Stock falls before the specified date, will be deleted.
  4. Click OK to run the report.

To delete closed Replen. Out of Stock Logs

Closed Replen. Out of Stock Logs refer to the entries where their out of stock situations are already resolved (with Date In Stock populated). You can delete these closed log entries periodically by using the DELETELOGS Scheduler job (set up with codeunit 99001486 LSC Delete Logs).

  1. Click the icon, enter Replen. Setup, and select the relevant link.
  2. In the General FastTab, under the Stock Out Functionality group, fill in the Days to Keep Closed OOS Logs field, which specifies how far back in days to keep the closed Replen. Out of Stock Logs.

If you enable the DELETELOGS Scheduler job, all the Replen. Out of Stock Logs with Date In Stock older than the defined period will be deleted. If you do not wish to delete the entries, set the Days to Keep Closed OOS Logs field to 0.

See also

Replenishment Out of Stock Days