How to: Exchange Items

Note: This is only available as part of a new transaction.

This process is used when the customer wants to exchange items.

  1. In the POS, press the Transactions List button.

  2. Select the sales transaction by searching for it in the list, or by scanning the barcode on the receipt, and press Exchange.

  3. Press Select or Select All to select the line or lines that are to be returned.
  4. If this is a "like for like" exchange, that is an exchange of the exact same item or variant, press the Same Item button.
    If the exchange is for a different item or variant, press the Other Item button.

  5. The Same Item button creates two lines per each selected line, one return line and a sales line. The lines are exactly the same but reversed.
    Tip: You can see the text EXCHANGE at the bottom, identifying this transaction as an item exchange.

  6. The Other Item button only creates the return line for each selected line (see left image). The user must manually add a Sales line (see right image).


  • The return line cannot be modified, only voided. If this line is voided, the transaction is no longer an Exchange transaction, and it goes back to being a normal Sales transaction.
  • The sales line can be modified as any other sales line.
  • At least one return line and one sales line are required on a Exchange transaction. Otherwise, the below error is displayed: