Member Management

The Member Management module can handle multiple user clubs, each with a different set of rules for different types of user. There can, for example, be one club for member contacts and another for staff.

Each club can have one or multiple schemes, for example Standard, Silver, and Gold. Club members are linked to a scheme, but they can move between schemes based on specific calculation rules.

Being a member of a club brings various benefits to the user. The benefits vary between schemes. Discounts of many types and member points are examples of some of the most important benefits. There are special benefits at each scheme level.

It is possible to transfer member points between accounts in the same club. It is not possible to transfer points between clubs. The points can be used as a payment on the POS or as a trigger for discounts. Before points expire, it is possible to issue a warning to users that their points are about to expire. Expired points are not active in the system but are available for viewing.

Points can be given for certain purchases, in certain periods, and as a part of an offer. Members can acquire points on POS sales and in journals, where points can be handled.

The following table describes a sequence of tasks with links to the articles that describe them. These tasks are listed in the order in which they are generally performed.

To See
Create and set up member clubs, accounts, schemes, calculate points, and manage members. Setup
Work with general functions such as how to create and assign membership cards, block and unblock accounts, work with journals, the Member Value Factor, member point entries, and statistics. General Tasks
Work from a POS client. POS Functions
Work with periodic activities: up- and downgrading member accounts, expiration of member point entries, and updating member information. Periodic Activities
Set up member campaigns. Member Campaigns
Set up discount tracking and discount limitations, and to view entries connected with discount tracking. Discount Tracking