Orders in LS Central

To find orders in LS Central, click the icon, enter Customer Order, and select the relevant link.

If an order is to be shipped, it should have an automatically assigned Sales Order No.

Sales Order

  1. When an order has been created, you can find it in the Sales Orders page.
  2. There, you can process the order for invoicing and shipping. To do that, select the order in the Sales Orders list, and click the Post action.
  3. To complete the process, select an option, and click OK.

Click and Collect Order

To process Click and Collect orders, open the Retail POS in LS Central:

  1. Click the icon, enter Run POS, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click Logon, and click 101 Flynn button to log in.
  3. If there is a CaC order ready, a message will be waiting in Retail Message:

  1. Click the Retail Message button:

  2. Select the order, and click the Process Message button.

    This will show the order and there you can mark the items that are being collected or do other work on the order, and then confirm it as being ready for pickup.

  3. When customer comes to pick up the order, click the Operations button in the main POS screen, and then click Customer Orders.

    This shows all orders ready to be picked up.

  4. Pick an order, and press To Collect and the order will be displayed in the POS as a normal sale.
  5. Process the sale to complete the process.

To process a sale from the POS so loyalty points will be calculated and the transaction will be displayed in the Sales Entry history, run Update Member Information in LS Central.

In BC 15 this can be found Member Process Order Entry - Update Member Information