Export and Import LS Central Web Services to a New Company

To export the Web Service data from the LS Central Demo Database and import the data to the new Company or Database:

  1. Open Demo Data Company, preferably in the same version as where your new Company is.
  2. Click the icon, enter LS Import Export WS, and select the relevant link.
  3. Click the three-dot button in the No. Of Records to Export field for the WS Request line.

  4. Click Actions, then Selet All, and then close the form.
  5. Back in the LS Import Export WS page, make sure that the WS Request line is selected, then click Actions - Export.
  6. The export will create a new file in your Windows Download folder.
  7. In the new Company / Database go to same page, LS Import Export WS.
  8. Select the WS Request line, click the Import action, and select the file generated from the Export process.
  9. When asked if it is OK to overwrite the data, reply with Yes and continue the import with OK.

Web services should now be imported to the new Company / Database.