Frequently Asked Questions

  • I want to set up the Commerce Suite, how do I get started?

    Download the latest release of Commerce Suite from the LS Retail Portal (login required) and follow the Commerce Installation.

  • Error: Delta replication not supported for table xxx in SaaS

    The tables mentioned in the error message are missing from the list of tables that should create PreActions. Add the missing tables in Scheduler Setup - Related - Setup - Preaction Creation.

  • I get an error, what to do?

    If you run into errors or something does not work, the best place to look is the Commerce Service Log, which is located in the installation folder. If no log is generated, activate the logging in the nlog.config file.

    To read the log, look for errors. The log also shows all incoming requests, requests sent to LS Central and results. In trace mode, all SQL Statements can be seen. This can be useful to find out what is wrong or missing in the configuration of the system and in LS Central.

  • Error 0010 - Request Source <value> not found in xml setup

    LS Central has XML setup for Web Service calls. These XML requests / responses have to be correct and matching what Commerce is expecting. The best way is to compare these XML setups with Demo Data from LS Central and add missing entries, if an error like this comes up. It is also possible to import the XML Setup data from Demo Data.

  • What do I need installed for the Mobile Apps to work?

    You need a working version of LS Central, the LS Central Toolbox, and the Commerce Service.

  • I just installed Commerce Service, how can I check if the connection to LS Central and the database is working properly?

    You can open the URL: http://<host>/<service name>/ucjson.svc/ping, which might end up like: http://localhost/CommerceService/ucjson.svc/ping.

    If everything works, you should see a message like this one: "PONG OK> Successfully connected to [LS Commerce Service DB] & [LS Central DB] & [LS Central WS] LS: [23795] LS Commerce Service:4.19.0"

    If something is wrong, the message should tell you what went wrong.

  • I have version X of the Mobile App installed, which version of Commerce Service do I need?

    Commerce Service and Mobile App versions should always be the same.

  • I want to change which Commerce Service the Mobile App is connecting to, how do I do that?

    Go to the Login screen on the Mobile App you are using, tap the three dots or change the URL, and then write the URL for the Commerce Service you want to connect to.

  • I got an error on the Mobile App, what should I do?

    The first step is to read the Commerce Service log and see if there are any errors. You can find the log at C:\LS Retail\Commerce\CommerceService\logs\logfile.txt with the default installation. The latest message is always at the bottom.

  • I have an error but there is no error in the Commerce Service log, what can I do?

    If you have the Mobile Inventory or Mobile POS App, you can go to the login screen, tap the three dots, and select Log to see all the errors logged on the device.

  • I have an Android device with a built-in barcode scanner; why does it not work with the Mobile Inventory app?

    The Datawedge needs to be set up so that it sends the entered command after the barcode, otherwise it will not process the request.

  • I want the app customized with this color and this logo and this new functionality; how can I do that?

    Customizations are handled by the LS Retail Consulting department.