Loyalty Contacts

In this article

To create a loyalty contact

To add a customer or loyalty contact to the transaction

To view loyalty contact history

Offers and coupons

Note: A Loyalty Contact in the Mobile POS is the same concept as a Member Contact in LS Central.

To create a loyalty contact

  1. In the Find Loyalty Contact and Find Customer screen, tap the + icon at the top of the screen.
  2. The Create loyalty contact screen appears. Enter the contact information, and tap the Create loyalty contact.


To add a customer or loyalty contact to the transaction

  1. In the Sales screen, tap the Add person icon to display the Find Loyalty Contact and Find Customer screen. 
  2. In either tab, tap the search field to enter your search criteria. Use the drop-down menu to choose to search by name, email, phone, or card number.
    Tip: If loyalty contacts have a loyalty app, you can scan a QR code from their loyalty app which is unique for every loyalty customer.
  3. Tap the search icon at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Tap a name from the search results, and the Customer/Contact info screen appears showing details about the customer or contact.
  5. Tap Add to transaction, and you are redirected to the Payment screen. The customer or contact name is displayed at the top of the screen.
  6. If the customer or contact has earned any points, he or she can now pay with the points: go to the Payment screen, and tap Pay points.

To view loyalty contact history

  1. In the Loyalty contact screen, tap the Transactions tab.
  2. A list of all transactions made by this loyalty contact is displayed.

Tip: You can tap each transaction for more details. 

Offers and coupons

In the Loyalty contact screen, the Offers and Coupons tab shows available offers and coupons for the loyalty account currently in use on the Mobile POS.

This information is derived from the corresponding tables in LS Central.