Configuration File

The Mobile POS (Android), Mobile Inventory (Android), and AppShell (Android, Windows 10) can use configuration files to import settings for the app.

The configuration file can be imported in the settings for each app.

Any field that does not apply can be skipped or left empty in the configuration file.

The POS (Android), Mobile Inventory (Android) and AppShell (Android) have a single configuration so the file will look like this:

<AppConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">

The AppShell (Windows 10) supports multiple configurations so the file will look like this:

<ArrayOfSettingsConfig xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

The AppShell (Windows 10) v 2.4 and newer supports App settings as well, so the file should look like this (it also supports older configuration files like the one above):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<AppConfig xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

App settings configuration fields

Field name Description AppShell(Windows)
AutoUpdate Whether to auto update settings from file (True/False). v2.4 or later
AutoUpdatePath Path to the auto updating configuration file. v2.4 or later
ServiceUpdateTimer How often the app checks for service availability on the LS Start page. v2.4 or later
LSStartFullScreen Whether the LS Start page is full screen or not. v2.4 or later
WebApplicationFullScreen Whether the Web Application page is full screen or not. v2.4 or later
SettingsUsername User name for settings. v2.4 or later
SettingsPassword Password for settings. v2.4 or later


Settings configuration fields

Field name Description Mobile Inventory(Android) Mobile POS(Android) Appshell(Android) AppShell(Windows)
ID Unique ID to identify the configuration       v2.3 or later
BatchSize Replication Batch Size v4.2 v4.3 or later    
Company Simplified Url Company     v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
ComputerName Simplified Url Computer Name     v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
ConfigType WebClient = 0 ExternalApplication = 1 Folder = 2     v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
Description Name of configuration       v2.3 or later
DisplayOrder         v2.3 or later
EftApiKey       v1.12 or later  
EftConnection       v1.12 or later  
EftEnvironment       v1.12 or later  
EftHostAddress       v1.12 or later  
EftIpAddress       v1.12 or later  
EftKeyIdentifier       v1.12 or later  
EftMainPort       v1.12 or later  
EftMerchantId       v1.12 or later  
EftPassword       v1.12 or later  
EftReceiptLineWidth       v1.12 or later  
EftSaleId       v2.3 or later  
EftSecondaryPort       v1.12 or later  
EftSelectedDevice       v1.12 or later  
EftSerialNumber       v1.12 or later  
EftSoftwareManufacturer       v1.12 or later  
EftSoftwareName       v1.12 or later  
EftSoftwareVersion       v1.12 or later  
EftTerminalId       v1.12 or later  
EftTimeout       v1.12 or later  
EftUserFieldOnReceipt       v1.12 or later  
EftVersion       v1.12 or later  
FolderId ID of the parent folder       v2.3 or later
HardwareStationComputer Name of the remote computer used to check online status       v2.3 or later
HardwareStationPassword Password of the remote computer       v2.3 or later
HardwareStationRemoteComputer Hardware Station is running on a remote computer (True/False)       v2.3 or later
HardwareStationServiceName Name of the Hardware Station Service       v2.3 or later
HardwareStationUsername User name of the remote computer       v2.3 or later
HexColor Color of the tile on the start menu       v2.3 or later
IpAdEftSaleIddress Same as EftSaleId     v1.12-v2.2  
LSKey Used with the Commerce Service to support Multitenant v4.2 or later v4.3 or later    
Page Simplified page URL     v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
Parameters Parameters for external application       v2.3 or later
Password LS Central password     v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
Port Simplified port URL        v2.3 or later
PreventClosing Disables the close button on the app (True/False)     v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
PrinterLanguage None = 0
Ank = 1
Chinese = 2
Taiwan = 3
Korean = 4
Thai = 5
South-Asia = 6
    v1.12 or later  
PrinterModel None = 0
TmM10 = 1
TmM30 = 2
TmP20 = 3
TmP60 = 4
TmP60II = 5
TmP80 = 6
TmT20 = 7
TmT60 = 8
TmT70 = 9
TmT81 = 10
TmT82 = 11
TmT83 = 12
TmT83III = 13
TmT88 = 14
TmT90 = 15
TmT90KP = 16
TmT100 = 17
TmU220 = 18
TmU330 = 19
TmL90 = 20
TmH6000 = 21
    v1.12 or later  
PrinterNetworkAddress       v1.12 or later  
PrinterPrintWidth       v1.12 or later  
PrinterSelectedDevice NavPrint = 0
BixilonSPP = 1
ZQ110 = 2
Demo = 3
PedPrint = 4
ZebraLinkOS = 5 EpsonEposBluetooth = 6
EpsonEposNetwork = 7
    v1.12 or later  
RunOnStartup Run configuration automatically on startup (True/False)       v2.3 or later
SecurityStandard Http = 0
Https = 1
    v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
ServerTimeout   v4.2 or later v4.3 or later    
ServerUrl   v4.2 or later v4.3 or later v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
ServiceTierComputer Name of the remote computer used to check online status       v2.3 or later
ServiceTierPassword Password of the remote computer       v2.3 or later
ServiceTierRemoteComputer Service Tier is running on a remote computer (True/False)       v2.3 or later
ServiceTierServiceName Name of the Service Tier Service       v2.3 or later
ServiceTierUsername User name of the remote computer       v2.3 or later
ShowBackButton Show a back button while the Web Client is running (True/False)       v2.3 or later
StoreId   v4.2 or later v4.3 or later    
TabletMode         v2.3 or later
Tenant Simplified tenant URL     v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
TerminalId   v4.2 or later v4.3 or later    
UpdateFrequency How often to update replication data (in minutes) v4.2 or later v4.3 or later    
UrlType Normal = 0
Simplified = 1
    v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
UserName LS Central user name     v1.10 or later v2.3 or later
WebServiceInstance Simplified URL for Web Service Instance     v1.10 or later v2.3 or later