Hardware Station for LS Central

The Hardware Station is a service that communicates with the various devices LS Central needs to use. Most of the devices that are used in the standard product are OPOS devices.

When it needs to use a device or send information to a device, the LS Central system starts a dialog with the Hardware Station. The Hardware Station then takes care of the communication with the device, so that the LS Central system does not need to know specifically how to do that.

The image represents an overview of a possible setup scenario for LS Central and Hardware Station:

Help articles for the Hardware Station are grouped in a few sections that you access by clicking the links below:

To See
See information on how to install and configure the Hardware Station. Installation and Configuration
Display a list of available devices. Devices
See step-by-step instructions on how to use the Hardware Station. How to ...
See step-by-step instructions on how to use the Virtual Station. Virtual Station
Learn about how to customize the Hardware Station. Implementations
Learn about an app that comes with Hardware Station to print PDF files. Hardware Station Printing App