How to: Use Web API Printing

In this article

Print Raw

Print Buffer

Print Buffer with Config

To test the WebAPI functionality

A few printing methods are available via WebAPI. This is done by sending HTTP requests to Hardware Station.

We recommend using an API testing tool like Postman when testing and setting up WebAPI requests.

For detailed instructions on how to import a request collection and handle variables in Postman, please refer to our Import Postman WebAPI Printing Requests guide.

Print Raw

The PrintRaw function can print PDF documents, labels, and more to a Windows printer (not OPOS). LS Central currently uses this function to print PDF receipts and shelf labels. The PrintRaw function takes a byte array stream as parameter, which can be seen in the LS Central implementation.

The URL for the request is structured like this:

  • {http(s)}://{hotstname}:{port}/api/printer/{printerID}/printraw

It also has two aliases so either of these URLs can be used as well to the same effect:

  • {http(s)}://{hotstname}:{port}/api/printer/{printerID}/printpdf
  • {http(s)}://{hotstname}:{port}/api/printer/{printerID}/printlabel

Note: Replace the values in the curly brackets with your own parameters

Direct PDF printing is not supported by all printer types. In those instances Hardware Station will not be able to print PDF documents. A workaround for this is to select the Save to File option in the Management Portal which bypasses the printer and writes the PDF stream to file at C:\ProgramData\LS Retail\LS Hardware Station\pdf. From there it can be manually printed, or a script can be written to watch the folder and print the documents when they appear there.

Query String printing

Printing a stream can also be done using a query string format. This means that instead of:

  • {http(s)}://{hotstname}:{port}/api/printer/{printerID}/printraw

the same method can be called like this:

  • {http(s)}://{hotstname}:{port}/api/printer/printraw?printer={printerID}

The other aliases also work. The reason this may be preferable is that it accepts more diverse strings, such as ones with backslashes. For example, if the printer name is a network printer with a name like \\\NETWORK_PRINTER, it would only work as a query string but not the method mentioned above.

Print Buffer

There is also a HTTP version of the PrintBuffer function. It is similar to its SignalR counterpart.

The URL for the request is structured like this:

  • {http(s)}://{hotstname}:{port}/api/printer/{printerID}/printbuffer

PrintBuffer takes a JSON array in the body of the request in the same form as the SignalR version does as parameters. The array is a collection of objects formatted like this:


timestamp: string,

Store No.: string,

Terminal No.: string,

Transaction No.: int,

Entry No.: int,

Buffer Index: int,

Station No.: int,

Page No.: int,

Printed Line No.: int,

LineType: int,

FiscalLineType: int,

HostID: string,

ProfileID: string,

TransactionType: int,

Text: string,

Width: int,

Height: int,

BCType: string,

BCPos: int,

SetBackPrinting: bool,

FontType: int,

Training: bool,

Xml: string,

DesignText: string


Print Buffer with Config

This function is an extension of the existing PrintBuffer endpoint with enhanced functionality. While both endpoints are used to print from a buffer, PrintBufferWithConfig offers the flexibility for callers to specify the printer configuration.

The URL for the request is structured like this:

  • {http(s)}://{hotstname}:{port}/api/printer/{printerID}/printbufferwithconfig

PrintBufferWithConfig takes a JSON object in the body of the request in the same form as the SignalR version does as parameters. The endpoint accepts two parameters: DataTable, representing the print buffer, and PrinterConfig, which specifies printer settings. The object is formatted like this:

To test the WebAPI functionality

To test this functionality, use the PrintTest function. This function simply prints out a test receipt, same as the Print Test Receipt button in the Management Portal. This test function is very useful for testing the connection to the Hardware Station and if the HTTP request is valid.

The URL for the request is structured like this:

  • {http(s)}://{hotstname}:{port}/api/printer/{printerID}/printtest

Note: Replace the values in the curly brackets with your own parameters.

An example of a print test on the virtual printer:

  • localhost:8082/api/printer/VIRTUAL_P1/printtest

A print test takes no payload as the test receipt is created in the test function itself.