Data Director Older Releases

3.02.32-42 (see details in earlier release notes)

  • DD-198: Incoming Job Web Service
  • LSTS-9631: Codepage fixes
  • DD-116: Hide connection string password in Debug files
  • LSTS-10640: Lockup in Offline pulling mode
  • Database connection type BC
  • DD-127: Decimal values changes using BIG Mode
  • DD-199: Error when replicate from Old Nav to New BC
  • LSTS-10640: Invalid HEAD.xml file in Manual Mode
  • DD-84: Speed up DD shutdown
  • Cancel Job stops running Database processing
  • Database type navws renamed to lsws
  • Time value in DateTime field
  • Database Design Read for BC
  • Extended table replication fixes
  • Setup fails to stop running DD Service
  • Default configuration values changes
  • Removed Thread watcher in DDScheduler
  • Support to update SQL Identity values on Insert
  • LSTS-5899: Connection property has not been initialized
  • Backup host feature removed
  • Return IP Address fix
  • SHA Hash check
  • Scientific decimal values
  • Add Fob Delete function
  • Add functions to DDConfigClient DLL
  • Add DD Job Monitor security
  • SQL Iso level set to default ReadCommited
  • Setup supports Nav Docker Install
  • Support BC Extended tables
  • Support LS Central WS v1 for Source Location
  • Zip Password

3.02.22-30 (see details in earlier release notes)

  • Add Support for TCPS Certification
  • Scheduler service is not picking up network mode
  • Filter does not work on linked table
  • SQL Command Timeout available in Config Tool
  • Selecting all lines and cancel in Job Monitor
  • Table design fails if a dot is in the company name
  • DD Setup does not pick NAV 2017 Add-ins path
  • Return Routing path is wrong in pull job
  • Job to DD2 does not support Unicode text
  • Offline functionality
  • Fix problem with Boolean field replication and bug in clean up logic
  • Scheduler External Commands
  • NAV 2015 Object Replication changes
  • Keep Old Debug files for x days
  • Fixed error when change Host path on ErrInsert Queue
  • Specified cast is not valid
  • Job stops if source and destination have different localhost name
  • Added new Monitor jobs -SCHLOG
  • Fixed Status on Sub Locations
  • Delete Action error in LS One Scheduler
  • NAV Multi-tenant Test Connection error
  • LS One Scheduler fails on database connection error
  • DD Job Monitor checks connection
  • Added new NAV Database convert characters
  • DNS Lookup in Configuration tools show Aliases
  • Fixed Context ID usage with LS One data
  • Nonexistence decimal field error
  • Linked table are replicated if no header data is found