Data Director 3.2.120 Release Notes

This version was released in January 2022 and includes the following improvements and bug fixes.

LSTS-17907: show error about missing primary key data / fields

Display information about if data for primary key is missing with the job.

LSTS-18186: Fix DateFormula replication

DateFormula data came out wrong.

LSTS-17983: Update SystemModifiedBy fields in Central Database

DD will add values to $SystemModifiedX fields with the current date and time, if this data is missing in the job data, for example when replicating from an older Nav to a new LS Central database. The GUID value can be adjusted in the lsretail.config file.

LSTS-17969: Add TCPS params SPNIdentity & UPNIdentity

Added a few values that can be adjusted when using TCPS connection. These parameters are only accessible in the lsretail.config file.

Replication counter issue in WS Replication

Normal job using replication counter caused the job to loop and get stuck again and again with the first set of data.