Data Director 3.2.116 Release Notes

This version was released in October 2021 and includes the following improvements and bug fixes.

LSBS-598: Date Formula field data from SaaS

Fix invalid data in Date Formula field data from SaaS

DD-214: Configuration Tool modification

Add Data Config tab to Configuration tool for Database Process settings (removed from App Config)

DD-216: bit, tinyint, smallint mapping

When data mapping is set to transfer data from bit to tinyint or smallint all values will turn into 0.

Protocol options for WS Replication

Protocol value for authentication to LS Central Web Service can be put with net=xxx parameter in Connection string.

Unicode Data fixes

Unicode data in filter and linked table caused no records to be found.

Various fixes

Web Service replication: Insert Error: hexadecimal value 0x00

Link Table (from vs to) mix up fixed

Fix Scheduler ContextID Guid data error

TransAutomClien: Fix unicode GetString