Data Director 3.2.106 Release Notes

This version was released January 2021 and includes the following improvements and bug fixes.

DD-209: Add write support for Central Web Service

LS Central 17 has new Web Services that allow data to be written into the database. DD supports this method now. Use the same connection string mode as when reading from Web Service (lsws).

Unicode data in Web Service Request

When sending DD Push job via DD Web Service, the Unicode data was not treated correctly.

LS Central Insert Index error

Error when execute Query for Table: xxx >> Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

This error happens when Ignore Extra Field was not selected.

LSTS-12033: Fix Extension table for Central 14

Database design in Central 14 handled Table extension differently, where primary table is without extension ID. This caused error in replication.