Data Director 3.2.102 Release Notes

This version was released September 2020 and includes the following improvements and bug fixes.

CEN-2733: Blob data pull via WS

Fixed Blob data when replicating from Web Service Source location. This also needs updated CodeUnit (LS Central16.3).

DD-202: NAV license upload in Config Tool

Configuration Tool gave error when trying to upload the Nav License file.

DD-203: Null field error in standard Nav DB

Null error when insert into standard Nav table for a field that is not included in the job data.

DD-204: The variable name '@xx' has already been declared

Insert error: The variable name '@xx' has already been declared.

CEN-2893: Web Service replication fixes

When running Replication counter job or Action job errors occur.

Must declare the scalar variable '@xx'

Invalid value Transaction Header in Request Node Ignore_Extra_Fields

LSTS-11428: Read Design

Unable to convert from Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavText to System.Int32 when reading Database Design.

Fixed crash on DB Close when using CFront

Inactive database close process could cause the DDDatabase86 process to crash.

LSTS-11709: Source pack should never come back

When running action job, usually 2 jobs get created, one with delete actions and another with insert/update actions. Both of these jobs got same Pack Guid which caused the 2nd one to fail and get an incoming error.