How to: Upgrade HO from DD2 to DD3

You can upgrade only HO to DD3 while all Stores and POS are still running DD2.

If you have DD 2.28.x you may leave that installation on the Server that you are about to update, just disable the DD2 Services so it will not start up also as it will then conflict with ports on the DD3 Service. If you wish to uninstall DD2, then make sure when installing DD3 after, to select DD2 Client for NAV, to install the DD2 clients needed for NAV if it still uses the older controls to communicate with DD.

There are two things you need to look at: All Services and Ports used by the older DD2 setup can be added to the DD3 setup. If you had an HO Server running DD2 with a setup like, for example, 3 DD Services for DD processing and 1 for TS requests, you need to add these service names and ports into the DD3 Configuration.

  1. Add all DD2 Service names (DDHO;DDIN;DDOUT) as Aliases in the Base Config tab:

  2. Add all DD2 Port numbers, both for DD Servers and TS Servers, to the Data Ports field in the App Config tab:

  3. In the NAV Distribution Location card, set the DD Mode to DD2, or for older LS Retail Nav form, change the Distribution Server name for all Locations, still running DD2 to <DDServer> :16750:DDOLD

HO running DD3 and any other location running DD3 does not need any change, only the Server Host Name is needed as Distribution Server name.

Note: No changes are needed at the Store or POS running DD2 to be able to communicate with DD3 at HO, everything there stays the same.