Gather Log Data When Missing Data Happens

When data is noticed missing at the destination host, find out in what time frame it happened. This example shows a missing transaction record at around 10:24:22-10:24:37. Check the Store register, and see if records are also missing there.

If records are at the Store register, check the Job Scheduler that generated the job: get the Scheduler Logs for that time frame, look for all jobs that ran around that time frame, and get the Scheduler Log Lines also so you can see what Replication Counter Range was used in each job.

At the Source DD, go to the Data Folder, and in the Keep folder, get all jobs from that time frame. If you know the GUID ID of the jobs, you can pick just those, if not just take all jobs from the time frame when the jobs ran. In the example, the time frame is 10:23 to 10:25. Take Log files from the Source DD and Destination DD Log folders.