Using Infocodes in the POS Pop-up
This article contains three examples of how to use infocodes in the POS Pop-up:
Example 1 – Selection infocode
- Open the Sales POS window.
- Sell item no. 50060 Stapler.
- In the POS Pop-up window, select the appropriate response code. You may need to press the scroll buttons to find the correct one.
- Press OK. The window closes and the program has now registered the response code for the item as an infocode transaction entry.
- Finalize the transaction with payment.
- Click TOTAL and then CASH.
- In the web client, click the
icon, enter Infocodes, and select the relevant link.
- In the Infocodes List, locate and double-click the TRAV-REAS (Travel Reasons) code.
- Click the Related action, then Infocode - Infocode Usage to see the entry. The information is there for customized use.
To cancel the infocode selection
- Open the Sales POS window.
- Sell item no. 50060 Stapler.
- Press Cancel in the POS Pop-up window. The window closes.
If no input was required, no infocode entry will be registered.
If the infocode required input, the system asks you whether you want to cancel the item line triggering the infocode.
- If your answer is Yes, the system removes the line.
- If your answer is No, the system displays the same pop-up window again.
Example 2 – Group infocode
- Open the Sales POS window.
- Sell item no. 50070 Punch.
- In the POS Pop-up window, select several response codes. Each code you select is highlighted and is marked with how many times you have selected it. You may need to press the scroll buttons.
- Press the OK button when you have selected the codes you want.
To switch between groups
Maximum Selection is 1
- Select one code. The system switches automatically to the next group and makes its selection codes visible.
Multiple Selection Allowed
- Select several response codes. Each code you select is highlighted and is marked with how many times you have selected it. You may need to press scroll buttons.
- Press the OK button. The system switches automatically to the next group and makes its selection codes visible.
Note: The group infocode may be marked as closing the window when OK is pressed (OK Pressed Action). Users then decide which groups they want to select codes from by pressing the group buttons and selecting all the necessary selection criteria before finally pressing the OK button.
Note: If you have reached the maximum selection, the system will not let you select more codes.
If you have not selected the minimum number of codes required, the program will not close the window when you click the OK button.
To clear the selection of one code
- Select Clear Qty in the POS Pop-up window. The function button is highlighted.
- Select the code you want to clear. The selected quantity disappears from the button.
To clear the selection of all the selected codes
- Select Clear Selection in the POS Pop-up window. The selected quantity disappears from all the buttons.
Example 3 – Cross-selling group
- Open the Sales POS window.
- Sell item no. 60070 VCR.
- Select items from each cross-selling infocode. Some items may require serial numbers.
- If necessary, type in a serial number.
- Press OK to close the window.
Triggering upon request
Infocodes are usually triggered automatically. They can, however, also come up only upon request; that is, when a button is pressed. This applies only to infocodes assigned to an item (or retail product group or item category).
The Electronics store in the demo data has a Cross-selling button set up. If you have selected items the first time the cross-selling pop-up comes up (automatically), you can press this button to add to your selection. You cannot change or delete the existing selection by requesting infocodes again. You have to void lines that are already in the item journal.
You can request infocodes for the same line several times to add to your selection, as long as you have not reached the maximum selection allowed for the infocodes assigned to the item.
Selection subcodes linked to items with variants and/or serial and lot numbers
When you select items in the POS Pop-up window that require a serial number, a lot number, or a variant, the system lets you enter this information at selection time. The system lets you enter (or scan) the serial or lot number via an alphabetic pad with a possible lookup. The system opens another POS Pop-up window to display the variant codes for the item and to let you select one.
See also
How to: Filter Modifier Options by Parent UOM
How to: Link Item Modifier Option to Menu Button
How to: Display Open Groups in Pop-up Panels