How to: Create Item Modifier Group

In this article

To create item modifier groups

See also

An item modifier group groups together a combination of item modifiers, text modifiers and time modifiers.

It must use a POS Pop-up window. The POS Pop-up window displays the selection possibilities for one item modifier in the group at a time. You can select any item modifier to see its selection possibilities.

Once you have created item modifier groups, you can assign them to retail items, product groups and item categories.

To create item modifier groups

  1. Click the icon, enter Item Modifier Group List, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the New action to create a new item modifier group.
  3. For filling in the fields on the page, refer to Setup Options for Item Modifier Group.
  4. In the Item Modifier Group Selection Subcodes section, create a new line.
  5. Enter a code in theSubcode field (01 for example).
  6. In the Infocode field, select the item modifier e you want to have in the group.
  7. Repeat for each item modifier you want in the group.

See also

How to: Filter Modifier Options by Parent UOM

How to: Link Modifier Option to Menu Button

How to: Display Open Groups in Pop-up Panel