Prescription Charges

Prescription charges are extra charges that are added to the prescription order line. An example of this is when packaging needs to be broken, and then additional charge(s) can be added for the breaking. Another example is when water needs to be added to the drug.

In order to use this functionality, you must first create a setup.

Prescription Charge Types

The first step is to create the prescription charge types. These are the types of the charges being added to the Pharmacy Item, for example a type of water.

Where Used

When prescription charge types have been created, the setup for each type must be defined using the Where Used action on the Prescription Charge Types page. There you can add the charge to a specific pharmacy item or/and to all pharmacy items. The pharmacy item has highest priority.

The following table describes a sequence of tasks with links to the articles that apply when prescription charges need to be created and set up:

To See
Add prescription charges to a prescription order line in BackOffice. How to: Add Prescription Charges to a Prescription Order Line
Create prescription charge types and set them up. How to: Create Prescription Charge Types and Set Them Up