Pharmacy Staff

The Staff table contains information about each staff member, such as name, address, and phone number. In addition, it contains information on what actions the staff member is authorized to perform at the POS terminal, such as voiding transactions, giving discounts, and performing tender declarations.

To set up Pharmacy Staff

  1. Go to Departments - LS Retail - Pharmacy - Pharmacy Setup - Pharmacy Staff
  2. In the Administration section, click Staff List.
  3. Click New on the Home action menu.
  4. Fill in the fields in the General FastTab:

    Field Description
    ID Here you type on the ID for the staff member. The ID is used to log on to the POS.
    First Name Here you type in the staff member's first name.
    Last Name Here you type in the staff member last name.
    Name on Receipt Here you type in the name that should appear on the receipt on the POS.
    Store No. Here you define the default store that the staff member should belong to.
    Employment Type Here you select the type of employment that the staff member is currently assigned to.

    The options are:

    • Cashier
    • Sales Person
    • Both
    Sales Person Here you select a staff member. You can link the member to the Sales Person feature which can be useful, for example regarding to commissions.
    Language Here you select a language. This is the language that will be used when the staff log on to the POS.
    Blocked Select this check box, if the staff should not be able to log on to the POS.
    Date to Be Blocked Here you can define the start date of blocking the staff member on POS. Note: This requires running the codeunit Blocking Utility (Codeunit 99001491) regularly in the Scheduler.
    Continue on TS errors Select this check box, if you want to allow continued operations even if you cannot connect to the Transaction Server. For example when dealing with gift cards.
    Logged into POS This field displays which POS terminal a staff member is logged into. The field is active only if the Floating Cashier function is active on the Transaction Server.
    Last Z-Report In this field, the program automatically enters the number for the last Z-report printed by the employee.
    Last Date Modified This field shows when the staff table record was last modified. When you change information about staff, the program automatically enters the program date in this field.
    Permission Group Here you can select the permission group for the staff member, if needed.
    Manager Privileges Specifies if the staff has manager privileges. For more information see Manager Privileges.
    Interface Profile Here you select which interface profile should be used for the staff member. The interface profile controls what the interface on the POS looks like when staff log onto the POS.
    Menu Profile Here you select which menu profile should be used for the staff member. The menu profile controls how the menus on the POS looks when the staff member logs onto the POS.
    Style Profile Here you select the style profile to be used for the staff member. The style profile controls the style of the POS when the staff member logs on to the POS.
    Inventory Active Select this check box, if the staff member should be able to see the inventory on retail items on the POS.
    Inventory Main Menu If the Inventory Active field is selected, the menu selected here will be used on the POS.
  1. Fill in the fields in the Personal FastTab:

    Field Description
    Address Here you type in the staff member’s address.
    Address2 Here you type in the staff member’s additional address information, if needed.
    Post Code/City Here you type in the staff member’s post code or city code.
    City Here you type in the staff member’s city.
    Home Phone No. Here you type in the staff member’s home telephone number.
    Work Phone No. Here you type in the staff member’s work telephone number
    Password Here you type in the staff member’s password. The password is used to log on to the POS.
    Change Password Select this check box, if the system should prompt a password change when the user logs on to the POS for the first time.
    Payroll No. Here you specify the staff member's payroll number.
    Hourly Rate Here you specify the staff member's hourly salary rate.

In the Store Link Lines FastTab you can link the staff to other stores. Note: A default store must have been selected first.

  1. Fill in the columns in the Store Link Lines FastTab:

    Field Description
    Store No. Here you can select additional stores where the staff member should be able to use the POS.
    Store Name The additional store's name appears here.
    Permission Group The permission group for the additional store(s) appears here, if a group has been defined on the selected Store card.
    POS Interface Profile The interface profile for the staff on the additional store(s) appears here, if a profile has been defined on the selected Store card.
    POS Menu Profile The menu profile for the staff on the additional store(s) appears here, if a profile has been defined on the selected Store card.
    POS Style Profile The style profile for the staff on the addition store(s) appears here, if a profile has been defined on the selected Store card.
    Default Sales Type Internal use only.
    Delivery Driver Internal use only.
    Default Store Indicates if the store is the default store.

See also
