
Multi-prescriptions are prescriptions that can be used more than once, with up to four withdrawals. You can view these prescriptions by clicking the e-Prescriptions action on the Customer Service page after you type the Customer ID and press Enter.

Multiprescriptions are e-prescriptions. When a Prescription Order is created from a multiprescription, it is done in the same way as an e-prescription with only one withdrawal. See How to: Create an e-Prescription Order for more details.

In the example below, the selected prescription has four remaining withdrawals (after this withdrawal there would be another three remaining).
Note: The red lines indicate that the next withdrawal is not valid until the date that is specified in the Next Withdrawal field.

The following table lists the columns in the Customer Prescription page:

Column Description
Prescription No. The number of the prescription given by the issuer.
Sent To Store If the prescription is sent to a special store, the store name appears here.
Article ID The article ID number.
Product Name The name of the product.
Next Withdrawal The date of the next withdrawal of the prescription.
Ins. The prescription's insurance code.
Quantity The quantity of packs in the prescription.
Issuer ID The ID of the issuer.
Issuer Name The name of the issuer.
Issue Location Code The location code of the issuer.
Purpose Text A purpose text that is written by the issuer.
Last Valid Date Validates the last valid date of the prescription. Past this date, the prescription can no longer be processed.
Prescription Type The type of the prescription, for example Pack.
Product ID The ID of the product.