How to: Create Issuers

The Issuer Card is where you create a new issuer, and where you enter data regarding the issuer. The issuer must have an Issuer ID and a social security number (SSN). The Issuer ID is a number that is given by public authorities, the Directorate of Health for example. Other information, such as address and communication data, is also required.

Tip: When you create an issuer that is a health care center, the procedure is the same as when you create an issuer who is a doctor.

To create an issuer

  1. Click the icon, enter Issuer List, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the New action, and fill in the fields in the Issuer Card.

The Issuer Card has these FastTabs:

General FastTab

Field Description
Issuer ID Here you enter an ID for the issuer. The ID is the doctor's number that was issued to him or her by the Directorate of Health (or a similar public authority).
Issuer NIN Here you type in the issuer's national identity number.
Gender Here you select the issuer's gender.
Issuer Group Here you select the issuer group, which stands for the issuers permissions. For example S for Specialist. Note: If you select All here, the doctor has all permissions to all actions.
Issuer Group Date Here you enter the date when the group was assigned to the issuer.
Issue Location Here you type in the issuer's location, for example a specific hospital.
Issue Location Name The name of the location appears automatically after the location has been selected in the previous field.
Permission Date Here you select the first day of the issuer permission.
Internship Year Here you can enter the year of the issuer's internship.
Specialities Here you can select the issuer's specialities.

Issuer Limitations FastTab

Field Description
Exclude Rights Select this check box if some rights should be excluded.
Limitation Type Here you select the limitation type for the issuer.
Code ATC is displayed here. Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System is a classification of active ingredients in drugs according to the organ or system on which they act and their therapeutic, pharmacological, and chemical properties.
Description Here you can write a description of the limitation.

Group Limitations FastTab

Field Description
Issuer Code The issuer's code is displayed here.
Exclude Rights This check box has a selection mark if some rights are excluded.
Limitation Type The limitation type is displayed here.
Code The code for the limitation type is displayed here.
Description The description of the limitation is displayed here.