How to: Transfer an Order from One Table to Another

To try this you can use POS terminal P0011 and the restaurant in S0005.

Transferring an Order to a Free Dining Table

  1. Press a dining table that already has an order (bill not printed and not paid).
  2. Press Transfer on the pop-up menu.
  3. Press a free dining table to transfer to.
  4. Press Transfer on the pop-up menu.
  5. On the Transfer panel, press Transfer All.

The order has been transferred to the free table.

Transferring an Order to an Occupied Dining Table

  1. Press a dining table that already has an order (bill not printed and not paid).
  2. Press Transfer on the pop-up menu.
  3. Press a dining table to transfer to that has an order (bill not printed and not paid).
  4. Press Transfer on the pop-up menu.
  5. On the Transfer panel, press Transfer All.

The order has been combined with the order on the selected table with an automatic cover update.