The Coursing Overview Panel

The Coursing Overview panel gives you an overview of the selected order by menu course. Here you can complete menu course tasks and dining table tasks and view the time each task was completed.

The Demo Data includes the Coursing Overview panel. It has the Control ID #COURSE-OVERVIEW and belongs to the ##DEFAULT interface profile and its POS menus in the ##DEFAULT menu profile.

The panel contains the following sections:

Section Description
#COU-OVERVHEADER The header of the panel.
#COU-MESSAGEBAR The message part of the panel. Error messages are displayed here.
#COU-COURSES The part showing the menu courses that have been ordered. The program builds this menu on run-time.

When you click a course button, the program shows the tasks for the course and the course items in the relevant panel sections.

Note: The skin of the menu course buttons reflects their kitchen status (Announced, Fired, or Served). The program uses the Dining Table Button menu settings for the dining area. See Specifying Look of Coursing Statuses.

#COU-COURSETASKS The part showing the menu course tasks for the currently selected course. The program builds this menu on run-time.

When you click a menu course task button, the program executes the POS command behind the task and marks the task as completed. If the task could not execute, a message is displayed in the message part or displayed as pop-up.

#COU-COURSEITEMS The part showing the items that belong to the currently selected menu course. The program displays this data table grid on run-time.
#COU-TABLETASKS The part showing the dining table tasks assigned to the restaurant. The program builds this menu on run-time.

When you click a dining table task button, the program executes the POS command behind the task and marks the task as completed.

#COU-FUNCTIONS The part showing the function menu. This menu can be changed.

It needs to have the EXIT Command that closes the panel. Other commands can be HOSP-KOTCOMMENTS, KDS-COURSE-FIRENEXT, and KDS-COURSE-SERVENEXT.

#COU-COURSECOMM The part showing the KOT Comments that have been sent to the kitchen.