How to: Use a Mobile Phone for Order Taking

In this article

Setup for the terminal

To logon the POS

Hospitality Prestart window

To open a table

To open the POS for a table - first step of the process

To sell items into a table - second step of the process

To close the menu part in the POS

To send an order to the kitchen

To close a table to get into the table list layout

In order to use the Hospitality POS on a mobile phone instead of a POS display, you must change the POS look and design with the smaller phone display in mind. The phone layout is more compact and the setup process slightly different.

Setup for the terminal

The LS Central Demo Data Company has an example of a setup for using the Hospitality POS on a mobile phone.

This example is set on Terminal P0047 which is working on Store S0005.

  • The Interface Profile for this terminal is: #HOSP-PHON
  • The Menu Profile for this terminal is: #HOSP-PHON
  • The Style Profile for this terminal is the same as for Store S0005 or #ARIES.

Note: This example is designed for use on the phone in portrait mode. You can easily change the layout to landscape mode.

The setup uses a table list functionality which is explained in Working with Dining Table List.

To logon the POS

  1. Tap the Manage button, then Logon.
  2. Enter staff ID and password.
    Tip: You can enter 501 in the Staff ID field if you do not have a password. In the LS Central Demo Data Company User 501 does not require a password.
  3. You are now in the Hospitality Prestart window.

Hospitality Prestart window

All available Hospitality POS options are displayed in the Hospitality Prestart window. The list in the main part of the window is a list of tables where each line represents one table.

There are three action buttons at the bottom of the window: 

  • Restaurant Downstairs: Lets the user switch between hospitality types.
  • Info: Displays POS and status information.
  • Manage: Displays options for filtering the tables in the Prestart window:
    • Free: Filter all tables with status Free.
    • Seated: Filter all tables with status Seated.
    • Occupied: Filter all tables with status Occupied.
    • Sent: Filter all tables with status Sent.
    • Finished: Filter all tables with status Finished.
    • Reset: Reset the filter.
    • My Tables: Filter all tables belonging to the waiter who is logged on.
    • My KOTs: Show KOTS belonging to the current user.
    • Alerts: Filter all tables with status Alert.
    • Reset Table
    • Unlock Table
    • Logon
    • Logoff

To open a table

When users open one table, they get the same options as there are in the Hospitality POS, Seat Guests, Open Table, and so on.

Since the phone has a small interface, much smaller than the standard Hospitality POS, the options in the POS part are not as many as in standard Hospitality POS.

The process to enter items into the table is in two steps:

  • First step: displays the journal and actions buttons.
  • Second step: use button Menu to open the menu part to sell items

To open the POS for a table - first step of the process

Be in the table list view.

  • For a new table, select the table, and use the Seat Guests option.
  • For a table that has been seated, select the table and use the Open Table option.

To sell items into a table - second step of the process

  1. Be in the first step of the process.
  2. Use the Menu button.
  3. A panel opens where the user can add the items on the table.
    • Top part displays the last lines for the table’s journal.
    • Middle part includes the menu part.
    • Lower part displays different actions.

To close the menu part in the POS

  1. Going from second step to first step.
  2. Use the Done button.

This closes the menu part and returns to the POS part.

To send an order to the kitchen

  1. Be in the first step in the process
  2. Use the Options button. This opens a menu with a few options.
  3. Use the To Kitchen option to send the order to the kitchen.

To close a table to get into the table list layout

While you are in the first step:

  • Use the Table List option to close the POS part.

When you are in the second step (in the menu part):

  • Use the Done option to close the menu part.
  • Use the Table List option to close the POS part.

Example: To logon into the Hospitality POS on a phone

Example: Hospitality Prestart window - the list of tables

Example: POS first step

Example: POS second step