How to: Manage Waiting Lists

Wait-listed reservations are handled in the Dining Reservation List panel.

Wait-listed reservations can be created in the following ways:

  • When you are trying to making a reservation in the Dining Reservation Desk panel and availability or available dining tables are not sufficient.
  • When you are trying to create a walk-in entry in the Dining Table Allocation panel and availability or available dining tables are not sufficient.

Note: You can control for each period whether waiting lists are allowed or not. You set this for the dining area templates and dining area plans.

To confirm a wait-listed reservation

  1. Open the Dining Reservation List panel to view reservations on a waiting list.
  2. Select the desired reservation (availability must be more than 0).
  3. Click Confirm. and confirm the question.

The program confirms the wait-listed reservation. If the dining area uses automatic allocation, the program will then allocate a dining table, if possible.

Dining Reservation Desk

When a reservation is canceled in the Dining Reservation Desk panel and there are waiting list entries for the same period, the Dining Reservation List panel appears.

The list is filtered by the date and period of the canceled reservation, showing waiting list entries. You can confirm reservations with availability more than 0.

Dining Table Allocation Panel

The waiting list entry changes color (if set up that way), when an appropriate dining table or the allocated table becomes free,

Tip: You can check the estimated waiting time in the dining area by pressing the Statistics button in the Dining Table Allocation panel.

See also

Availability in the Dining Area

Allocating Dining Tables Automatically

How to: Manage Dining Reservations

How to: Manage Walk-ins

How to: Manage the Dining Reservation Desk