Hospitality Order POS Commands

Order Commands

Use these alphabetical links to quickly navigate the table below:

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Command Parameter Description Where Used
AVAILABILITY_MODE   This command is used to switch to Availability mode. Then you can set current availability for items or deals. The POS tag <#AVAILABILITY_MODE> is registered with the command. This text is populated with Press to Quit, indicating when the mode is on and how to reset the mode to normal mode. Sales POS
BOMMENTYPE   Prints the order lines with the selected menu type (such as starter, main course, dessert) on the kitchen printers and the KDS. See KDS POS Commands Sales POS function menu
CH_STAFF   Displays a lookup of staff members in the store and changes the staff registered on the POS transaction. See Change Staff Dining table pop-up menus
Direct Edit Menu
COMMENT   This command displays a dialog where you can edit the existing value or enter a new value in the Comment field of the POS transaction table. This can be a number or name to identify the transaction. Sales POS function menu
COVERS   Opens a dialog where you enter covers (number of guest) for an order. Dining table pop-up menus

Sales POS function menu

GUEST   This command sets the guest or seat number. When you press this command, you enter the seat/guest you want to take an order for in the numeric pad displayed. Then when you select an item, the item line is assigned to this guest or seat. Sales POS function menu
GUEST_CHG   With this command you change the seat or guest that the selected item line is assigned to. You enter the new seat or guest number in the numeric pad displayed. Sales POS function menu
GUEST_TGL   Toggle guest view. Toggles between viewing all guests in the transaction or just the lines for the current guest. Sales POS function menu
HOSP-OPEN-NEWORDER   Opens up Sales POS with new order Direct Edit menu
HOSP-OPEN-POS   Opens up Sales POS, new or existing order Direct Edit menu
HOSP-ORDEREDIT   Edit selected order directly Direct Edit menu
HOSP-SEARCHNAME   Brings up a dialog where you enter a name to search the order list by Direct edit menu
HOSP-SEARCHORDER   Brings up a dialog where you enter a receipt number to search the order list by Direct edit menu
HOSP-SEARCHRESET   Resets filters put on by search Direct edit menu
LINK2PAR Optional:

PRICE - Fixed Price for the linked item, including Zero price.

UOM - Fixed unit of measure, otherwise inherit UOM from base item
This command is only used as post command with PLU_K. Function moves new (last) inserted line to the parent group selected by the cursor. If the parent group ends just above the last line, then the last line is added to the parent group by setting its parent line no. If the parent group is not located at the end of the transaction, then the new line is moved from the end to the last line in the parent group.  
MARK_ALL   This command is used to mark all the lines for return. This menu is then used on the new Lookup List called Refund that has been added to the Lookup List Setup. (POS -> Setup -> Functionality -> Lookup List).  
MARK_GUEST   This POS command marks all lines that have the same guest number as the selected line. If the line has 0 guest number, all lines with 0 guest numbers will be selected. Double clicking a line has the same affect as pressing a button with this command. Split Bill panel, Transfer panel
MARK_SPLIT   Mark lines in same split group Split Bill panel


Menu Type - Code on POS

If the command is used with a menu type Parameter (Code on POS), the pop-up window does not come up. The program changes the menu type of the selected lines to the menu type selected as Parameter.
Changes the menu types for the marked lines.

If no lines are marked, it changes the menu type for the line currently selected in the journal.

Populates the POS Pop-up panel with the menu types of the restaurant. When you select the menu type you want to change to, the program changes the menu type of the selected lines to that menu type.
Sales POS function menu
NEXTGUEST   This command sets the guest or seat number one higher than the number that is currently set. When it reaches the seat capacity of the table, it goes back to 0 (the table).

If number of guests (covers) on the table is less than the seat capacity of the table, the system keeps track of how many guests have item lines assigned. Once all the guests have item lines assigned, this command scrolls between the guest seats and the table (0).
Sales POS function menu
PAY_GUEST   Pay for selected guest  
POPUPBOM   Dynamic pop-up for display and exclusion of recipe ingredients. Populates the POS Pop-up form with the ingredients of the current recipe item. Inserts selected ingredients as transaction lines with –quantity (unit of measure and quantity are linked to the recipe), directly after the recipe line. If the recipe line has quantity > 1, the program splits the line into two lines, one with quantity 1, the other with the rest of the quantity. The program inserts the excluded ingredients after the line with quantity 1.  
POPUPMENUTYPE  Menu Type - Code on POS

If the command is used with a menu type Parameter (Code on POS), the pop-up window does not come up. The program sets the menu type currently active as the menu type selected as Parameter.

CLEAR - If the command is used with the CLEAR parameter, the pop-up window does not come up. Instead, the program clears the currently active menu type. Now, there is no active menu type and the program selects the as menu type for a line its default menu type if any.
Sets the currently active menu type for the following item selection. This active menu type is used instead of the default menu type for the item or deal line.

You select the menu type you want to set as active from the POS Pop-up panel. If you select the Clear menu type, the program clears the currently active menu type. Now, there is no active menu type and the program selects the as menu type for a line its default menu type if any.

The command populates the POS Pop-up panel with the menu types of the restaurant.
Sales POS function menu
PRINTBILL   This command prints the pre-receipt for the order.

For details on how to use in X/Y/Z reports, see How to: Set Up Extra Information on X/Y/Z Reports

Dining table pop-up menus

Sales POS function menu

PRINTSPLIT   This command prints the pre-receipt for the order, one slip per guest. Sales POS function menu


Menu Type Round No. 0 of POS lines with the menu type selected as parameter for the command are copied and the new lines are marked as Round No. = + 1. Used to copy another round of items. If there is no parameter then all Menu Types are selected. Sales POS function menu
RETAILCHARGE RETAIL CHARGE CODE This command replaces SERVICECH command. It is used to add a line of service charge to a sale based on a setup of the Retail Charge Card. This can be done manually via button, or executed automatically (i.e. via total PA). This Command gives much more flexibility than the SERVICECH command.  Sales POS function menu
SERVICECH Account - The Income account to register the amount. (Must be existing in store as income account).

Percentage - The percentage of the total which should be calculated as service charge.

MinGuests - The number of guests required (minimum) to add the service charge automatically.
This command is used to add a line of service charge to a sale. This can be done manually via button, or executed automatically (i.e. via total Pos Action). After execution, the 'pre-receipt' will be automatically printed.

This command will ask for confirmation before adding the service charge.

The RETAILCHARGE command offers much more flexibility.
Sales POS function menu
SPLIT_ALL_EVEN   A command used in the Split Bill Panel. See Split Bill POS Commands.  
SPLIT_BILL   Used to Split the Bill within the Sales POS. The system creates a new transactions with the lines that are marked within the transaction when a button is pressed with this command. Sales POS function menu
SPLIT_ITEM   A command used in the Split Bill Panel. See Split Bill POS Commands. Split Bill Panel
SPLITBILL   Shows the Split Bill panel. See Split the Bill Dining table pop-up menus

Direct Edit menu
TIPS INFOCODE - Assign an infocode to register the tips to a staff member To be able to get tip totals per staff via the infocode features This command is used to add a Tips entry to a sale. It requires the user to enter the amount. 

See also Gratuity Management
Sales POS function menu
TRANSF_LINE BACK – transfers selected lines (lines that have been moved only) from the destination transaction back.

CANCEL_LAST – cancels the last move.

CANCEL_ALL – cancels all moves, window appears the same as when you opened it.

TRANSF+ – increases the number of transferring guests by 1 (cover number of destination + 1, cover number of origin - 1).

TRANSF- – decreases the number of transferring guests by 1 (cover number of destination – 1, cover number of origin + 1).

GUEST+ – increases the guest number of the selected lines by 1 (destination only).

GUEST- – decreases the guest number of the selected lines by 1 (destination only).

SHOWGRID - shows grid 1 or grid 2 in a one-grid Transfer panel. If placed on the heading 1 of the transfer panel, it shows the Transfer From sub-panel. If placed on heading 2, it shows the Transfer To sub-panel.

This POS command is used within the Transfer Lines window to perform most tasks. No parameter - moves selected lines to the destination transaction.  
TRTBL_CANCEL   Cancels the Transfer that has been started (Transfer has been selected for a dining table) Dining table pop-up menus 
TRTBL_PART   Transfer whole or partial order/Transfer seating.

Pressed first time: Sets selected order or active order/seating on dining table as Transferred From.

Pressed second time: Sets selected dining table or hospitality type as Transferred To. Completes the transfer if allowed.
Dining table pop-up menus

Direct edit menu

Layout function menu
UNMARK_ALL   Unmarks all the POS transactions in the panel Sales POS function menu