Maintenance and Upgrades

Updates of the base application and platform are managed by LS Retail.

LS Central SaaS environments are updated with two major updates, usually in May and November each year, and monthly service updates.

The following illustrates the key milestones and dates for rolling out a major update, though dates will differ.

Milestone Example date Description
Update is available May 1 The data when the version of LS Central SaaS becomes generally available
Scheduled update date May 15 The day when the update is automatically scheduled to run
Last selectable Scheduled Update date May 21 The last day you can choose to extend your upgrade date to

As an internal administrator or partner, you can use the Business Central administration center to specify certain parameters of the timing of updates for each environment.

Update Availability

LS Retail sends an announcement/email, including release notes, when the on-premise W1 version is available for download on the LS Retail Portal. Release notes include an overview of fixes and new features. If you are not receiving the email and want to be on the list, you can email and request to be added to the recipient list. You will also find a blog about the new release here. The localized update is available for upgrade in LS Central SaaS, typically 5 to 10 days later.

Schedule Updates

When the update becomes available for your environment, a notification email is sent to all notification recipients that you have registered in the Business Central administration center. A notification about the update availability is also shown in the Business Central administration center itself.

Starting this day, you can use the Business Central administration center to schedule the date when you prefer the update to happen.

The following fields on the environment page can help you plan the update:

Field Description
Available Update Version Specifies the LS Central SaaS version to which you can update your environment
Scheduled update date / Update will start on or after Specifies the default update date set by LS Retail when the update is scheduled to run. You can change this date to the one you prefer.
Update Window (UTC + offset) Specifies the hours of the day that an update can run. (UTC + offset) indicates the time zone, represented as Coordinated Universal Time plus or minus the difference in hours and minutes.
Update Rollout State The upgrade can be postponed by Microsoft for various reasons. This field provides information that can help you track the current state of the rollout.

Here you can learn more about managing updates.


Scheduled Update Date / Update will start on or after

LS Retail sets the default date for the update. You can change this date to one that fits you better.

Schedule an update date

Update Window

Make sure you set this window when creating the environment to avoid the risk of updates running during business hours.