Hardware Station Setup

In this article

Configuration of Hardware Station

Hardware Station - Certification Process

Hardware Profile for the POS

Type A - the COM port

You must set up the Hardware Station for LS Central for both setup options, Type A and Type C.

Included with LS Central SE fiscalization is a dll file, LsSweFiscalDevice.dll.

In the Hardware Station, a serial device needs to be set up for Type A and C, and the dll file is then linked to the device. This serial device is then connected to the hardware profile that is set up for the POS.

Note: The Hardware Station serial device must be set up for both options, A and C, since it connects with the dll that is part of the Swedish fiscalization.

For more information about Hardware Station for LS Central and how to set up a serial device, see the LS Central Help.

Configuration of Hardware Station

To configure the LS Hardware Station for the Swedish Fiscalization, SweFiscal, the following needs to be done:

  1. Install the Hardware Station.
  2. Copy the LsSweFiscalDevice.dll file to:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\LS Retail\LSHardwareStation\Devices\OPOS

  3. Start or restart the LS Hardware Station Service.
  4. Have the Startup Type as automatic.

Note: It is important that the Hardware Station Service is restarted after the dll is copied into its folder, and before the serial device is created.

Create a Serial Device in Hardware Station Management Portal

  1. Open the Hardware Station Management Portal, http://localhost:8088/ and log in.
  2. Create a Serial Device:

    Note: This setup is needed for both types A and C both.

  3. In the Implementation DLL field, enter this value:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\LS Retail\LSHardwareStation\Devices\OPOS\LsSweFiscalDevice.dll

  4. In the Implementation type field, enter this value:


  5. You can test the status of the new serial device in the Hardware Station Management Portal:

Hardware Station - Certification Process

This chapter only applies to Type-C, Infrasec option.

  • After installing the Hardware Station, you need to import the Infrasec certificate on the same computer where the Hardware Station is installed.
  • You can download this certification file from Infrasec.

What you do:

  1. Copy the general certification file from Infrasec to the machine where the Hardware Station is running.

    Note: This is not the same certification file you upload for the terminal; this is a general one.

  2. Double-click the file to run it.
  3. Select Install Certificate.

  4. You are now in the Certificate Import Wizard.
  5. Select the Local Machine option:

  6. Click Next to continue.
  7. Select the Place all certificates in the following store option.
    1. Browse to select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
    2. Click OK.

    3. Click Next.
  8. Continue and Finish the Certificate Import Wizard.

    Note: The Hardware Station user is a Local System account as in the default install:

Hardware Profile for the POS

  • The next step is to connect the new serial device to the POS hardware profile.

    Note: Make sure the ID is the same as the one you created in the Hardware Station.

Type A - the COM port

For Type A, you have the e-Tax Control unit that needs to be plugged into the PC where the Hardware Station is running.

This control unit is connected to a USB port on the machine, but the Hardware Station converts this for a serial device.

Before you start, be sure to check in your computer's Device Manager which serial port you are using for your device.