Hardware Station Setup
In this article
Configuration of Hardware Station
Hardware Station - Certification Process
You must set up the Hardware Station for LS Central for both setup options, Type A and Type C.
Included with LS Central SE fiscalization is a dll file, LsSweFiscalDevice.dll.
In the Hardware Station, a serial device needs to be set up for Type A and C, and the dll file is then linked to the device. This serial device is then connected to the hardware profile that is set up for the POS.
Note: The Hardware Station serial device must be set up for both options, A and C, since it connects with the dll that is part of the Swedish fiscalization.
For more information about Hardware Station for LS Central and how to set up a serial device, see the LS Central Help.
Configuration of Hardware Station
To configure the LS Hardware Station for the Swedish Fiscalization, SweFiscal, the following needs to be done:
- Install the Hardware Station.
- Copy the LsSweFiscalDevice.dll file to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\LS Retail\LSHardwareStation\Devices\OPOS
- Start or restart the LS Hardware Station Service.
- Have the Startup Type as automatic.
Note: It is important that the Hardware Station Service is restarted after the dll is copied into its folder, and before the serial device is created.
Create a Serial Device in Hardware Station Management Portal
- Open the Hardware Station Management Portal, http://localhost:8088/ and log in.
- Create a Serial Device:
Note: This setup is needed for both types A and C both.
- In the Implementation DLL field, enter this value:
C:\Program Files (x86)\LS Retail\LSHardwareStation\Devices\OPOS\LsSweFiscalDevice.dll
- In the Implementation type field, enter this value:
- You can test the status of the new serial device in the Hardware Station Management Portal:
Hardware Station - Certification Process
This chapter only applies to Type-C, Infrasec option.
- After installing the Hardware Station, you need to import the Infrasec certificate on the same computer where the Hardware Station is installed.
- You can download this certification file from Infrasec.
What you do:
- Copy the general certification file from Infrasec to the machine where the Hardware Station is running.
Note: This is not the same certification file you upload for the terminal; this is a general one.
- Double-click the file to run it.
- Select Install Certificate.
- You are now in the Certificate Import Wizard.
- Select the Local Machine option:
- Click Next to continue.
- Select the Place all certificates in the following store option.
- Browse to select Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
- Click OK.
- Click Next.
- Continue and Finish the Certificate Import Wizard.
Note: The Hardware Station user is a Local System account as in the default install:
Hardware Profile for the POS
- The next step is to connect the new serial device to the POS hardware profile.
Note: Make sure the ID is the same as the one you created in the Hardware Station.
Type A - the COM port
For Type A, you have the e-Tax Control unit that needs to be plugged into the PC where the Hardware Station is running.
This control unit is connected to a USB port on the machine, but the Hardware Station converts this for a serial device.
Before you start, be sure to check in your computer's Device Manager which serial port you are using for your device.