Hotfixes on LS Central version 25.3.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).
LS Central hotfixes

65589 Android AppShell epos drawer API hotfix
- Details not available.
65583 Error while opening Store Card
- Fixed Customer Order Setup error when opening the Store Card.
65455 Customer Order Shipping Order Posting License issue
- Details not available.
65255 Integration Events for Allocation Plans
- The below integration events have been added to the following Allocation Plans related objects:
Table LSC Alloc. Plan Lines
- OnBeforeValidateQtytoDistribute
- OnBeforeValidateAllocationRuleCode
- OnBeforeValidateAllocationRuleCalcMethod
- Codeunit LSC Alloc. Plan Utils Public
- OnBeforeDistributeAllocPlanLine, which is used by the codeunit LSC Alloc. Plan Utils.
65186 Make coupon functions accessible
- Procedures IsCouponValidForItemLine, ValidateCouponHeader, and ValidateCouponEntry were made externally available through codeunit "LSC Coupon Management Public".

65502 Label printing stops using Device Dialog for Printing Labels
- Details not available.
65288 Need a publisher in codeunit 10036988 "LSC BackOffice Ext."
- New publisher event OnBeforeGetCustomerOrders in codeunit BackOffice Ext.
65207 #LOOKUP not working after an minor update
- Fix for Lookup on POS not working.
65184 OnBeforeLoadPanelDataOrLookup
- New event OnBeforeLoadPanelDataOrLookup in codeunit "LSC POS Member Contact Popup".
65158 Expose SetItem procedure in Dimension Matrix #480
- A public procedure, PublicSetItem, has been added to the LSC Dimension Matrix page, which allows access to the internal procedure SetItem.
65114 CO - HL- synchronize Customer Order Postings
- Statement Postings for Customer Order synced across versions.
65017 Functional mistake in rounding for Foreign Currency
- Fixed rounding issue when using currencies.
64975 Event required in function TypeCreateDataEntry codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility"
- Added event OnAfterTSDataEntries in POS Infocode Utility.
64718 How to use keyboard buttons or bump bar buttons in Web KDS?
- Bump bar configurations for Web KDS are fixed.
64491 Update Omni BO #474
New event, OnAfterFABOrderMessageStatus, added in the function FABOrderMessageStatusUpdate.
62925 No orders being shown on the Web Kitchen Screen
- The routing considering terminal and sales type need to have their type fixed.

65169 Add OnBeforePrintSuspendSlipItemLine event #482
- New event OnBeforePrintSuspendSlipItemLine added to "LSC POS Print Utility Impl" codeunit.ment-Post" codeunit.
65168 Added event OnBeforeCreateItemJnlLineDim to Statement-Post codeunit #481
- New event OnBeforeCreateItemJnlLineDim added to "LSC Statement-Post" codeunit.
64983 NextInfoCode in codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" to be public
- Procedure NextInfoCode made public.
64967 Tender Declaration
- Added event OnBeforeTD_CommandPressedCallback in "LSC Safe Denom. Panel Commands".
64958 Added OnBeforeExitOnCancelVoid to VOID #478
- New event OnBeforeExitOnCancelVoid added to POS Transaction codeunit.
64951 Store Item Card - Vendor Item No. length issue
- Increased variable length to match table field name in the Store Item Card page.
64816 EFT-printer shows error banner on POS
- Details not available.
61012 "Min/Max. Amount Allowed" in Tender Type Card after voiding line is still prompted that max has been reached
- Bugfix, Max Amount Allowed for tender type calculation included voided Trans Payment Lines.
Hotels hotfixes

65273 Reconciliation Tool Enhancements part 2
- Hotel Deposit Difference was changed to always calculate the Hotel Deposit Collected - Hotel Deposit Consumed. Before, when deposit collected was higher than total charges, it was subtracting consumed amount from total charges, but it was causing other issues. We can still have some false positives when deposit is higher than charges, so it is a work in progress to find a better way of handling these cases.
- Fixed calculation of deposit collected posted in GL when deposit is collected through invoices. The posting date filter was failing in some cases.
- Enhancements on false positives:
- Not marked as issue when reservation got deposit difference wrong because migrated deposit. New field added in the page to enable it again
- Not marked as issue when Hotel Balance Acct is not on balance because missing statement postings.
- Added new check processes related to deposits:
- On DRE level, check if lines were paid in a POS transaction different of Sales Type(regular type). Still investigating how this can affect to postings.
- New check of deposit refunds done through invoices with postings affecting to GL side.
- Added new check processes regarding to Hotel Balance:
- Look for missing posting statements. New issue code to report this: HTL-BAL:STMNT
- New process to look up revenue line postings related to Hotel Balance. New issue code to report this: HTL-BAL:DRE
- It checks that a revenue line paid is reversed and that reverse line is posted in Night Audit.
- Also checks that there are no duplicated postings.
- Note: It can affect performance and make it a bit slower.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements:
- Fixed lookups for property and reservation filters.
- Enabling saving filter values for page and also improved to get the last filters used in job when data comes from it.
- Fixed date filtering from job queue entry. It was not getting the dates correctly. Date format is:
- YYYY-MM-DD: Year-Month-Day.
- Parameter string for job now supports status filtering.
- The parameter string should have following structure: [property],[date_from],[date_to],[source_code(optional)],[internal_status(optional)].
- Examples: H0001,2025-03-18,2025-03-21 or H0001,2025-03-18,2025-03-21,'',Cancelled or '',2025-03-18,2025-03-21,'',In House
64968 Changing hotel rate causes error in string
- Fixed an issue where changing the rate code on a hotel reservation sometimes triggered a length of string error.
64947 Charges Overview report does not print Income/Expense entries
- The Charges Overview report has been fixed with the following changes:
- Corrected amounts when the same item was charged in multiple lines. The transaction compresses item lines so it is also compressed in the report.
- Reservation extras added in a new section of the report.
- Fixed the rounding format. It now applies regional format and two decimals for all amounts.
- Other minor improvements.
64894 Hotel Folio payment refund
- A new POS command was added, HOTELREFUNDDEPOSIT, which allows hotel refunds from POS.
The user is asked to select a "Res. Payment Entry" receipt no. to refund against, then prompted to enter a refund amount. A refund deposit is added to the POS journal and once transaction is posted, a refund line is added to the Res. Payment Entry table.
64868 Deposit Entries with Hotel Account Method Option "Blank" - Double Customer Ledger entries when post statement
- Details not available.
64343 Manage room types and rooms for the reservation stay in a more efficient way
- Improvements to the Room Change Page, which is now opened when the user tries to change the Room No. on a Hotel Reservation (Confirmed or Checked-in):
- It is now possible to change the Room type on specific days.
- Added a new action Allocate Rooms to auto-allocate rooms on the days that have no room assigned.
- New field, Upgrade, to determine if the room charge will be updated or not (True to keep the same price).
- Totals of the price changes are displayed in the bottom of the page.
Localization hotfixes

64779 Pharmacy - When pharmacy product has strength zero checks on remaining quantity fail in dispensation and wrong amounts and information are sent to SÍ
- Dispensed Quantity for Products of zero strength has been fixed.

64076 Pharmacy - Two or more e-prescriptions in one order with insurance - between steps
- Insurance calculation is corrected when doing two prescription order lines at the same time and customer is between steps.
65010 Pharmacy - Request lines missing when credit
- Details not available.