Hotfixes on LS Central version 25.2.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).
LS Central hotfixes

65583 Error while opening Store Card
- Fixed Customer Order Setup error when opening the Store Card.

65502 Label printing stops using Device Dialog for Printing Labels
- Details not available.
65207 #LOOKUP not working after an minor update
- Fix for Lookup on POS not working.

65395 AppSource validation fails for LS Central 25.1.23
- Event OnBeforePrintSuspendSlipItemLine was added to 25.1 and 26.0 but is missing in 25.2.
65017 Functional mistake in rounding for Foreign Currency
- Fixed rounding issue when using currencies.
64529 LT language - POS Warmup Active
- Details not available.
62925 No orders being shown on the Web Kitchen Screen
- The routing considering terminal and sales type need to have their type fixed.

65168 Added event OnBeforeCreateItemJnlLineDim to Statement-Post codeunit #481
- New event OnBeforeCreateItemJnlLineDim added to "LSC Statement-Post" codeunit.
64983 NextInfoCode in codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" to be public
- Procedure NextInfoCode made public.
64970 Deactivate all unprocessabe entries on codeunit 99009012 (UPGR/DOWNGR-MEMBER)
- Details not available.
64958 Added OnBeforeExitOnCancelVoid to VOID #478
- New event OnBeforeExitOnCancelVoid added to POS Transaction codeunit.
64951 Store Item Card - Vendor Item No. length issue
- Increased variable length to match table field name in the Store Item Card page.
64816 EFT-printer shows error banner on POS
- Details not available.
64718 How to use keyboard buttons or bump bar buttons in Web KDS?
- Bump bar configurations for Web KDS are fixed.
64696 New event request-GetDefaultCustomer #476
- New publisher event OnBeforeGetDefaultCustomer added in codeunit "POS Create New Customer".
61012 "Min/Max. Amount Allowed" in Tender Type Card after voiding line is still prompted that max has been reached
- Bugfix, Max Amount Allowed for tender type calculation included voided Trans Payment Lines.
50595 Validation Period for Offers: The offer is valid from Start Date and Start Time and will end on a End Date and End Time
- New functionality on Periodic offers to allow offers that are not happy-hour using start and end time. New fields added, Offer Starting Time and Offer Ending Time.

64541 Adjustable data on Web Service #475
- New publisher event OnBeforeInsertCustomerTemp in GetCustomerUtils codeunit.
64489 EFT Numpad Active settings and use of token not working
- If configuration "Use Numpad" in the EFT section on the POS Terminal card was activated, then paying using payment operation CardOnFile did not work. This has now been fixed.
64406 Hotfix lsts-37289
- New version of event OnAfterSelectCustomer created, named OnAfterSelectCustomerV2.
64405 CO Reservation entries
- Details not available.
64371 End of Day
- New event OnBeforeSetMoveMenuLine in LSC Safe Management Public codeunit.
64141 Retail receiving Quantity incorrectly in Transfer In
- Information about Total Quantity and Quantity Left have been fixed in the Mobile Inventory App. Retail receiving Quantity has also been fixed in "Transfer In" in Backoffice and in web request for Mobile App.
64138 Local procedure SaveCustomerInfo_SkipModify()
- New parameter added to event SaveCustomerInfo_OnBeforeModify from "LSC POS Create New Customer" codeunit.
61849 DD Push - Functionality Profile (exclude fields)
- Add Configuration on Login/Logoff DD Push.
59539 Cash Declaration Entry created when when no cash is declared
- Details not available.
58664 Issue with Purchase Price List for items created from Item Import Journal
- When creating items using the Item Import Journal, an issue where the Purchase Price List created is always in Draft status and is assigned with an incorrect Direct Unit Cost, has now been fixed.
58222 Cannot see the customer order on the POS when warehouse shipment is used to ship the transfer order
- Fix for Customer Order Transfer Orders not showing up in the POS after shipping from warehouse when Compressed Lines Active is turned off after upgrade.

64500 Edit in Excel error loading metadata
- Details not available.
64493 Add event to control flow when capturing payment for Shopify orders #473
- New events added OnBeforeFulfillment2Send and OnBeforePaymentCapture.
64413 Block users to make a sales return in same Transaction as Customer Order
- Details not available.
64384 Add integration events for WI item price variant handling #472
- New event OnBeforeFindItemPriceVariants added to "LSC WI Mgt - PriceOnly Public" codeunit.
64307 GetCustomer WS not triggered when adding a member account with a linked customer
- When a Membership Card is validated on the POS where the Member Account is linked to a Customer, the Customer Balance is retrieved from the HeadOffice database.
64275 Statement Post Events #471
- Added more parameters to the event OnBeforePostCustomerStatementLine.
64177 POSMemberContactPopup ContactToParameters Exposure #468
- New procedure, ContactToParameters, added to "LSC POSMembContPopup Public V2" codeunit.
64081 New events in codeunit 10000853 "LSC POS Print Utility Impl"
- New events OnBeforePrintVATRegistrationNoOnPrintVATInfo and OnBeforePrintVATRegistrationNoOnPrintSalesInfoEx added to "LSC POS Print Utility" codeunit.

64331 Fix Inventory update with multiple lot lines
- Fixed Inventory update when an item has multiple lot lines in the Inventory Lookup Table, and sum them up to send.
64291 Incorrect balance in Print Bill receipt when there are inc/exp entries
- Fixed Balance Amount in pre-slip printing(PRINTBILL). Additionally, the Tips line moved some lines up, similar to final receipt printing.
64283 Error prompt out when running code unit 99009012 (UPGR/DOWNGR-MEMBER)
- Member Account Upgrade Entries can now be deactivated from the Member Account Upgrade Entry page. Just created entries can also be deleted on the same day they were created. This might be needed if the Upgrade/Downgrade Management process enters into entries that cannot be processed.
64147 Mixing CO with take-away item and payment types gives rounding error when posting a statement
- Mixing CO with take-away item and payment types gives rounding error when posting a statement.
63452 Add new event OnBeforeOnRunPOSItemFinder to "LSC POS Item Finder" #455
- Details not available.
62658 SC-791-Prevent Macro Execution when Input is missing on "Input Required Infocode"
- Fixed an issue where other POS command was allowed while infocode was required which skips the infocode input.
62013 Dimension Value Code not populated for Destination Store for Transfer Orders created from Purchase Replen. Journal with Cross Docking
- When posting the shipment for a Transfer Order created from the Purchase Replen. Journal with Cross Docking, the Dimension Value Code was not populated for the destination store. This issue has now been fixed.

64380 Distribution location prefix is not working in No. series for promotions
- Prefix on promotion number series.
64142 New Integration event for Allocation Plan #467
- A new integration event OnCreateDocsFromAllocPlanOnBeforeAssignTransferStoreTo has been added to the codeunit LSC Alloc. Plan Utils Public, accessed by the codeunit LSC Alloc. Plan Utils.
63721 Reset AmountBase and ItemPoints before calculating member points #463
- Added resets for AmountBase and ItemPoints variables before calculating member points.
63551 Error Discount calculation in Shopify price syncronization
- Updated Discount filter in Shopify price updates.
63408 Content profile for KDS v25
- Details not available.
63330 Functional mistake in rounding
- Fixed rounding on selling with different currency.
62801 "Discount %" and "Orig. cost price" not included in GetTransaction request
- Added Orig. Cost Price and Discount % from "Trans. Sales Entry" table to GetTransaction request.
61849 DD Push - Functionality Profile (exclude fields)
- Add Configuration on Login/Logoff DD Push.
61327 Refund line added in Cust. Ledger Entry that should not be there
- Customer Order: fixed incorrectly created refund line in Customer Ledger Entries.

63934 Customer Orders from Shopify - tender types are posting payments to the wrong G/L accounts - Correction
- Fixed a bug in statement posting when for transactions with CO items and items sold from store.
63766 Added OnAfterCancelCustomerOrder to allow Custom cod… #465
- New event OnAfterCancelCustomerOrder added to "LSC CO Utility" codeunit.
63721 Reset AmountBase and ItemPoints before calculating member points #463
- Added resets for AmountBase and ItemPoints variables before calculating member points.
63714 API Sudden character limit for password
- Replaced event OnBeforeCheckAuthorization with OnBeforeCheckAuthorization2.
63707 Added event OnBeforeCheckPostError #462
- New event OnBeforeCheckPostError added to "LSC Store Inventory Management" codeunit.
63705 Added event OnBeforeValidateBarcodeMask #461
- New event OnBeforeValidateBarcodeMask added to "LSC Item - Control Public" codeunit.
63679 294-Manufacturer coupon handling
- Details not available.
63659 Required event LoopSourcingLocationInCOSelectSourcingLocationV1
- New event OnBeforeCustomerOrderSelectSourcingLocation added to "LSC CO Create Panel" codeunit.
63638 Request to redesign function
- Details not available.
- Added events in the Deposit schedule policy issuing and also when assigning reservation to a POS journal, and opening related allowance view.
63630 Update Store Inventory #458
- Changes on Store Inventory Journal page. New event OnAfterShowHideFields and global variables moved to protected variables.
63539 Request access to internal functions/objects
- Details not available.
63286 Error: The length of the string is 11, but it must be less than or equal to 10 characters
- Field Offer No. extended from code[10] to code[20] through new field Offer Number.
63278 Refactoring of the Comment Insert function in Bookings for performance improvements
- Refactored the comment insert/update process during API inserts of comments and generally in the Booking solution for better performance.
62982 Add new Printer Type called Custom-Printer to use for Customized printing using Print Event Subscribers
- A new printer type has been added the POS Printer. Custom-Printer. This can be used to do customized printing (Fiscal Printing and so on) using Print Event Subscribers.
This new Printer type is not loaded to the POS, but serves as a real printer for the POS, but instead of actually printing, it only fills the Print Buffer and fires events and so on.
- An OnCustomPrint event is added to the "LSC POS Print Utility" codeunit for this Printer Type. It needs to be subscribed to handle the printing.
62739 IsHandled parameter for OnBeforeOpenNumericKeyboardOnTenderKey event #444
- Details not available.

63468 KDS modifer quantity not correct
- Modifier quantity in KDS fixed.
63434 SC-962-GetInputPrompt in LSC POS transaction
- New procedure GetInputPrompt added to "LSC POS Transaction" codeunit.
63418 Mix & Match gets stuck in a loop to select shipping location when editing a CO
- Fix for Customer Order Edit when adding a Mix & Match to the order could cause lookup loop.
63403 Make event OnAfterSelectCustomer accessible
- Removed the "else" and made the event OnAfterSelectCustomer accessible.
63402 Fix Variant No. Table Relation in LSC Google Mapping #454
- Updated Google Item mapping table with correct Variant No table relation.
63378 Safe Management - POS Start Status already exists bug (Staff)
- Fixed an issue where an error occurs in GetPosStartStatus when not using "TS POS Cash Mgt." and statement method Staff.
63374 Distribution location web service is not validating correctly
- Test Web Connection action restored to use older TestConnection web service for testing against older LS Central versions (prior to 25.0). Action renamed to Test Web Connection (old)".
Use action Test Web Connection (new) to test against LS Central version 25.0 or later.
63204 Add integration events for item updates in WI Mgt - PriceOnly #452
- New events OnBeforeUpdateItemDaily and OnLoadChangeBuffersBeforeCopyItemWithDailyUpdates in "WI Mgt - PriceOnly" codeunit.
63203 LSCMemberContactCreateUtils - OnBeforeInsertMemberContact #451
- New event OnBeforeInsertMemberContact in MemberContactCreateUtils codeunit.
62980 Statement is creating GL entries for items that were already sold
- Fix for wrongly created Transaction when Customer Order is created from WEB resulting in wrong CLE/GLE.
62831 Card Refund not finalizing when infocode is used in refund transaction
- Fixed an issue where return transaction does not post after return infocode is triggered and card payment is done.
62756 UnCounted Cash Declaration
- Fix to finish logoff after EOD Tender Declaration is made without printing Z-Report.
62698 SC-881-Event Request: Return preprinted slip
- Details not available.
61557 V25 COModify issue when voiding newly added line
- Fixed an issue where in Customer Order edit voiding single newly added CO line returns an error.

63417 Publisher and subscriber not loading any events
- Fixed an issue on Subscribe Web Services for multi-tenant on-premises environments.
63401 Limit Periodic Discount collection on validating price #453
- New events, OnBeforePeriodicDiscountFiltersPassed and OnAfterPeriodicDiscountFiltersPassed in "POS Price Utility" codeunit.
63040 Web Replication with Azure Storage - Container Name related fix #448
- Web Replication with Azure Storage - Container Name related fixed.
63008 New events in Commission Utility #446
- New events OnBeforeProcessSalesInvoice and OnBeforeProcessSalesCrMemo added to "LSC Commission Utility" codeunit.
62666 Dimensions wrong after Transfer - linked to Issue 53211
- Details not available.
Autotests hotfixes

64970 Deactivate all unprocessabe entries on codeunit 99009012 (UPGR/DOWNGR-MEMBER)
- Details not available.
50595 Validation Period for Offers: The offer is valid from Start Date and Start Time and will end on a End Date and End Time
- New functionality on Periodic offers to allow offers that are not happy-hour using start and end time. New fields added, Offer Starting Time and Offer Ending Time.

64405 CO Reservation entries
- Details not available.

64283 Error prompt out when running code unit 99009012 (UPGR/DOWNGR-MEMBER)
- Member Account Upgrade Entries can now be deactivated from the Member Account Upgrade Entry page. Just created entries can also be deleted on the same day they were created. This might be needed if the Upgrade/Downgrade Management process enters into entries that cannot be processed.

63638 Request to redesign function
- Details not available.
63286 Error: The length of the string is 11, but it must be less than or equal to 10 characters
- Field Offer No. extended from code[10] to code[20] through new field Offer Number.
Hotels hotfixes

65273 Reconciliation Tool Enhancements part 2
- Hotel Deposit Difference was changed to always calculate the Hotel Deposit Collected - Hotel Deposit Consumed. Before, when deposit collected was higher than total charges, it was subtracting consumed amount from total charges, but it was causing other issues. We can still have some false positives when deposit is higher than charges, so it is a work in progress to find a better way of handling these cases.
- Fixed calculation of deposit collected posted in GL when deposit is collected through invoices. The posting date filter was failing in some cases.
- Enhancements on false positives:
- Not marked as issue when reservation got deposit difference wrong because migrated deposit. New field added in the page to enable it again
- Not marked as issue when Hotel Balance Acct is not on balance because missing statement postings.
- Added new check processes related to deposits:
- On DRE level, check if lines were paid in a POS transaction different of Sales Type(regular type). Still investigating how this can affect to postings.
- New check of deposit refunds done through invoices with postings affecting to GL side.
- Added new check processes regarding to Hotel Balance:
- Look for missing posting statements. New issue code to report this: HTL-BAL:STMNT
- New process to look up revenue line postings related to Hotel Balance. New issue code to report this: HTL-BAL:DRE
- It checks that a revenue line paid is reversed and that reverse line is posted in Night Audit.
- Also checks that there are no duplicated postings.
- Note: It can affect performance and make it a bit slower.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements:
- Fixed lookups for property and reservation filters.
- Enabling saving filter values for page and also improved to get the last filters used in job when data comes from it.
- Fixed date filtering from job queue entry. It was not getting the dates correctly. Date format is:
- YYYY-MM-DD: Year-Month-Day.
- Parameter string for job now supports status filtering.
- The parameter string should have following structure: [property],[date_from],[date_to],[source_code(optional)],[internal_status(optional)].
- Examples: H0001,2025-03-18,2025-03-21 or H0001,2025-03-18,2025-03-21,'',Cancelled or '',2025-03-18,2025-03-21,'',In House
64968 Changing hotel rate causes error in string
- Fixed an issue where changing the rate code on a hotel reservation sometimes triggered a length of string error.
64947 Charges Overview report does not print Income/Expense entries
- The Charges Overview report has been fixed with the following changes:
- Corrected amounts when the same item was charged in multiple lines. The transaction compresses item lines so it is also compressed in the report.
- Reservation extras added in a new section of the report.
- Fixed the rounding format. It now applies regional format and two decimals for all amounts.
- Other minor improvements.
64894 Hotel Folio payment refund
- A new POS command was added, HOTELREFUNDDEPOSIT, which allows hotel refunds from POS.
The user is asked to select a "Res. Payment Entry" receipt no. to refund against, then prompted to enter a refund amount. A refund deposit is added to the POS journal and once transaction is posted, a refund line is added to the Res. Payment Entry table.
64868 Deposit Entries with Hotel Account Method Option "Blank" - Double Customer Ledger entries when post statement
- Details not available.
64343 Manage room types and rooms for the reservation stay in a more efficient way
- Improvements to the Room Change Page, which is now opened when the user tries to change the Room No. on a Hotel Reservation (Confirmed or Checked-in):
- It is now possible to change the Room type on specific days.
- Added a new action Allocate Rooms to auto-allocate rooms on the days that have no room assigned.
- New field, Upgrade, to determine if the room charge will be updated or not (True to keep the same price).
- Totals of the price changes are displayed in the bottom of the page.

65086 AppSourceValidation issue on 25.2 - Reconciliation Tool tables
- Fixed AppSourceValidation issues on Hotels.

64807 Cannot pay reservation balance after Posted to Finance Folio Transfer-Change
- Details not available.
64749 Reconciliation tool - performance enhancements and ability to export to Excel
- The Reconciliation tool has been updated with the following changes:
- Performance changes
- Replaced filtering in the Comment field in GL. Use DRE Line No. and Hotel Res No. instead. (BIG IMPACT).
- New query to calculated GL Posted Amount by HotelRes and some filters.
- New queries created to improve finding HotelRes with GLPostings.
- Description message process simplified.
- Skip deposit checks for Inhouse reservations by default
- Skip storing overconsumed GL entries to fix later - that does not always need to be fixed that, the fixing process will find them.
- Structural changes
- Main tables are now physical.
- New fields added: UserID and HasCriticalIssues.
Data is stored by user ID, UserIDd fields created are limited to Code[50] - same as Hotel User.
- Page changes
- Page is now accessible from global search.
- New button to allow deposit checks for reservations in all statuses, by default Inhouse, Draft, and Confirmed are skipped.
- InternalStatus is CheckedOut by default.
- On setting the Res No filter, property and status filter are cleared.
- Enhancements in coloring
Difference fields will always have a bold font, to separate them from other fields that are shown by clicking them.
Difference fields are only marked in red if the value is not 0.
Hotel Balance has no style to avoid indicating something wrong with that.
- Additional changes
- On calculating GL amounts by res, source code was always gotten from res property, has now been removed the calculation. Source code is now only used in the first GL filtering to find res.
- New "LSCHT Reconciliation Tool" codeunit created to work also as a job with parameters. Three first parameters are required: property, date-from, and date-to. The fourth parameter is optional for the source code.
- "Fix DRE NA overconsumed" is temporarily disabled - it needs some adjustments.
- Fixes
- Fixed an issue with check-outs with deposit consumed incorrectly because a balance transfer was done to another reservation (some VAL reservation cases.) It was incorrectly reporting as deposit consumed, but was not true because it was consumed totally.
- Performance changes
64741 Folio payment in foreign currency does not post properly to Hotel Reservation
- Fixed an issue with hotel reservation no. not being populated in income/expense entry.
- Fixed an issue with rounding amount being incorrectly added to reservation payment entry.
64170 Refund Hotel Reservation Prepayment error
- Fixed error messages on refunding prepayment from POS. Also, added a selector menu in case of having deposits for multiple invoice types.

64340 Changing Paying Reservation fails when DRE posted to finance
- Fixed an issue with changing the paying reservation (editing the paying res. no) when DRE record had been posted to finance.
64216 Charge2Room with 100% discount is not posted to Hotel Reservation DREs
- Fixed an issue on charging to room items with 100% discount.
63994 Increase Description length in Invoice and Trans Summary
- Increased the length of the Description field in the Invoice and Trans Summary page, from 80 to 100 characters.
63111 Upgrade function recalculates Sale Tax
- Fixed an issue with upgrading a reservation, it was recalculating Sales Tax in North-America Localization.
63055 Charges Overview report does not print Income/Expense entries
- Fixed Inc/Exp room charge amounts in the Charges Overview Report. Also other minor fixes.

64218 Tips showing as unpaid but payment collected
- Fixed an issue with tips that were added on POS were not added as payment entry.

64004 Hotels using Pay button and selecting No results in doubled charges
- Fixed an issue with accrual accounting and PAY while in-house. Pressing NO when prompted *** Prepayment only *** PAY functionality is enabled once checked out. Continue, and then do a Charge2room.
63916 Accommodation tax issues v25.1
- Fixed accommodation tax issue where the trans income/expense was not created.
63821 Check-in always showing "room not available error" even though rooms are available
- Fixed. Now the check-in button works properly. If the first room is unavailable, the system now checks on next one instead of error out.
63814 Payment with Charge-to-Room but got the wrong price after finish transaction
- Fixed an issue with Trans Sales Entry."Disc. Amount From Std. Price" changed when charge2room and partial payment was made.
63788 Child supplement inconsistent on updating reservation dates
- Fixed an issue about child supplement fee on updating reservation dates.
63518 Using void and copy on transactions finalized with charge2room does not remove charged DRE lines
- Fixed the void and copy for charge to room transactions.

63438 Cancellation No. Series taken from wrong Property
- Fixed. When canceling a Hotel Reservation, we now use the property setup (Hotel Setup) based on the hotel reservation not the hotel user.

63594 When moving a reservation and changing the room type, system also wants availability on the old room type on new date
- Fixed an issue in the Rate Change page where the overbooking check was using wrong room type when changing dates.
63553 Cannot finalize transaction if disc. is added in BackOffice
- Fixed so users can finalize transactions on POS even if you have added discount on activity line in BackOffice.
63069 Unable to change Routing Rule when set as Paying Res
- Fixed an issue where changing the Routing Rule would throw an error when a DRE was being paid by a different reservation on an external reservation.

63411 Rate Change page group res has wrong dates
- Fixed an issue with the Rate Change page and changing dates for hotel reservations.
63328 Automatic room allocation no availability error when there is availability
- Fixed an issue where rooms that are In House would not be assigned for future dates using the automatic room allocation feature.
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to allocate rooms on today's date if they were not Vacant Clean yet.
63327 Removing Hotel Res from Group sets HR Adults to 0
- Fixed so that editing a group reservation number in the Hotel Reservation card does not affect the Adults field.
Localization hotfixes

64076 Pharmacy - Two or more e-prescriptions in one order with insurance - between steps
- Insurance calculation is corrected when doing two prescription order lines at the same time and customer is between steps.
64075 Pharmacy - No insurance calculation until quantity is changed on new prescription orders
- Insurance payment is now visible after download of an e-prescription.

64369 Event required in function UpdateGSTBillNumber of codeunit 10044508 "LSCIN POS Sales Post Utility"
- Added event OnBeforeUpdateGSTBillNumber().

58886 CA Customer taxation not overriding store taxation rules
- Included customer in Tax Area determination.

64392 SAF-T xml.file. Version 25.1
- Details not available.
Pharmacies hotfixes

61612 Missing calcfields in item replacement
- Details not available.

63731 Discount leak between prescription orders
- Cleared the POS Trans. Discounts buffer after calculating a prescription order so that the discount does not leak between orders.