Hotfixes on LS Central version 23.0.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).
LS Central hotfixes

63887 SPG unit issue on V21.5 - Unit missing
- Updated the SPG unit check to comply with the new behavior of the unit data from the API.
- Suggest the license to be refreshed by just pressing the Show License Details action on the License Manager Setup page.

63417 Publisher and subscriber not loading any events
- Fixed an issue on Subscribe Web Services for multi-tenant on-premises environments.

62471 On-premises it is not possible to publish and subscribe the web services list
- Fixed On-premises publish and subscribe web services list.

61266 Subscribing from POS V23.0 to SaaS V25.0 gets error
- Removed obsoleted WS (GetDataEntryBalance, GetVoucherEntries SetTokenEntry) from list.

58690 Hotfix for "Card Slip on confirmation" change
- Details not available.

58464 Field "Retrieved from Suspended Transaction" in Transaction Header is never "True"
- Details not available.

57726 Incorrect dimensions used on transfers orders
- Details not available.

55965 Cash credit amount has not updated in my GL account after posting the statement
- Details not available.

55611 Bookings - Staff Roster not synchronizing today's changes into Resource Capacity
- The synchronization between roster and staff schedule in the Booking Module has been changed. Previously, only future entries were kept in synch when a roster was modified, but now all roster entries are kept in synch, including today's and past entries.

45986 "POS Warmup active" check mark leaves holes in Receipt numbering
- Details not available.

54808 Variance on Posted G/L on refunding transaction with multiple payment including Charge To Account as one of the payment
- Details not available.

52192 Cancellation of Return Reason selection after PI cancellation transaction
- Fixed an issue where a card payment transaction existed without any transaction in LSC when cancelling the return reason infocode.

52192 Cancellation of Return Reason selection after PI cancellation transaction
- Fixed an issue where a card payment transaction existed without any transaction in LS Central when canceling return reason infocode.

52835 Issue with scanning GS1 item barcode with additional product attribute
- Details not available.

53187 Manual Line Discount Amount not applied properly on Activity Products (Pay for Reservation on POS)
- Manual Discount amount can be applied similar to Manual Discount percent.

50791 "Line No." in POS Card Entry empty for intra-day refunds
- Details not available.

52458 Error on Statement Calculation button ls23
- Details not available.
50218 Why no DD-Push process after Z-Report printing for "Statement Method" = POS? - Copy
- Details not available.

51130 Allotment issue in Commerce
- When confirming a group reservation line, there was a possibility that the process that removed the Availability token was executed two times and causing issues if booking the last availability. This only happened when reserving group availability by token using the web API. This has been fixed.

50218 Why no DD-Push process after Z-Report printing for "Statement Method" = POS? - Copy
- Details not available.

50577 LSC-2884 Event request for Infocode subcode filter in Lookup-option
- Event OnAfterInfoSubCodeSetFilter added in POS Transaction.
50470 LS Retail-prevent selling $0 item
- Changes from #40686 (Changing price of non-inventory item in CO is causing an issue with items) added to version 23.0 and 23.1.

50998 Add event to ExchangePressed #257
- Event OnBeforeExchangePressed added in POS Transaction Functions.
50997 Remove internal from procedure CreateItemLines in CO Line table #256
- Internal removed from CreateItemLine procedure from Customer Order Line table.
50749 [LSPR] OnBeforeRunProcessExternalCommand
- Event OnBeforeRunProcessExternalCommand added in POS Transaction.
50748 [LSPR] Change OnBeforeItemLine
- Parameters added to OnBeforeItemLine in POS Transaction.
50746 [LSPR] OnAfterCalculatePaymentAmount
- Event TenderKeyPressedEx_OnAfterCalculatePaymentAmount added in POS Transaction.
50739 [LSPR] OnAfterTestCard
- Event ValidateCard_OnBeforeCheckOverTender added in POS Transaction EFT in version 24.0 and later and in POS Transaction version 23.1 and earlier.
50738 [LSPR] OnBeforeSeekAuthorisation
- Added event OnBeforeSeekAuthorisation in Procedure SeekAuthorisation.
50694 [LSPR] OnBeforeInsertLogEntry
- New event OnBeforeModifyLogEntry added.
50682 [LSPR] OnAfterNotGetInitialized
- New event OnAfterNotGetInitialized added to LSC POS Controller codeunit.
50681 Need to access some inaccessible procedures
- Details not available.
50646 Add Parameter DSTR1 to Event OnBeforePrintTenderInfo #251
- New parameter added to event OnBeforePrintTenderInfo.

50026 Referenced Refund functionality added to POS
- Details not available.
49850 Validate that selected infocode subcode is valid on current date by subscribing to function "TypeSelection"
- Details not available.

50414 New Event added to allow skipping the Customer Order Shipping Charge #249
- New event, OnBeforeOpenNumericKeyboardShippingCharge, added to POS Transaction events.
50408 Event to control Sales Type and Price Group Code on POS Transactions and Lines
- New event, OnAfterLineSalesTypeChange, added to POS Transaction events.
50261 GetNewLine used to be in POS Transaction CU but is now in POS Transaction Impl
- Details not available.

50736 Food & Beverage events week 12
- Details not available.
50229 Customer Order scanning on POS #248
- Event publisher OnBeforeQRCodeProcessCurrInput added in EPOS Controller.
50102 Fill additional fields for Voucher Entries when applying CloseExpiredEntries #246
- Details not available.

50265 Customer Discount not applied in Group Reservations
- Details not available.
50227 Online Payment Processed in POS #247
- Event publisher OnAdditionalInitCustomerOrderPayment added in CO Utility.
50047 Add new event to handle IsIncomeExpenceEntry #244
- New publisher event OnBeforeIsIncomeExpenceEntry in CO eCommerce Mgt codeunit.
49879 Required OnBeforeIsItemComplex Event
- New publisher event OnBeforeIsItemComplex in procedure IsItemComplex, codeunit BO Utils.
48943 eCommerce performance issue
- To activate the changes done to improve the performance, the "Periodic Disc. on Total Pressed" option should be set to true in the POS Functionality Profile set for the Mobile Web Store.
47137 Filter KDS Printer messages by restaurant
- Error messages due to failed kitchen printing are now filtered by restaurant so that POSs in other restaurants do not see the error messages.

50026 Referenced Refund functionality added to POS
- Details not available.
49887 Missing key for Din. Res. History added
- Improvements have been made to the allocation performance by adding a key to the Dining Reserv. History entry table.
49878 Event needed in ValidatePostedTransactionRefund for extra checks
- New event, AfterValidatePostedTransactionRefund, in codeunit POS Refund Mgt. procedure ValidatePostedTransactionRefund.
49850 Validate that selected infocode subcode is valid on current date by subscribing to function "TypeSelection"
- Details not available.
49779 Unable to Post the Statement due to Non-Inventory Items
- Details not available.
49618 Additional Event Subscriber needed to modify Item Description in Cash Payment Receipt
- New publisher event, onbeforeprintreceiptbufferitem, in Pos Print Utility codeunit.
49189 Error when trying to book in the near future
- An issue has been fixed that caused problems when cancelling or no-showing Group bookings in the past. Also could cause issues when confirming bookings.

49850 Validate that selected infocode subcode is valid on current date by subscribing to function "TypeSelection"
- Details not available.
49717 Trigger Web Service on Transaction Panel when scanning barcode
Make sure POS Functionality Profile is loaded before checking if you need to call the web service.
49619 POSPrintUtility - new event #240
- New publisher event in POS Print Utility OnBeforePrintItemDetailLineSalesInfo.
49455 LSC-2697 Adidas Exchanges are blocked by new LS Retail check in Function "Change Quantity"
- Event IsHandled was added in function ChangeQtyPressed in POS Transaction to be able to skip blocking of negative qty in return transaction.
49448 Update POS Transaction #238
- Missing exit added.
49245 Add an event in function "CreateOrderPressed" in codeunit "LSC POS Transaction"
- Details not available.
49244 Event Request for Control Availability of Reason Codes on POS by Dates
- New event, OnAfterSetFiltersInfoSubCode, in Pop-up POS Commands codeunit.
49192 Required OnBeforeProcessCoupon event
- New event, OnProcessCouponBeforeInsertCouponLine, in Pos Transaction codeunit.
49190 Required event OnBeforeCouponUsePOSTransLine
- New event, OnBeforeCouponUsePOSTransLine, in Coupon Management codeunit.
49049 Public access to procedures
- Access made public to 3 procedures in Pos Price Utility and Pop-up Pos Commands codeunits.
49001 Customer Tender not asking amount
- Customer Tender not asking for tender amount has been fixed.
48935 New event in "LSC Inventory Lookup Table"
- New event, OnBeforeUpdateInventory, in Inventory Lookup Table.
48783 Added event OnBeforeSelectPostTransferOption in codeunit "LSC Batch Posting" #228
- New event, OnBeforeSelectPostTransferOption, in codeunit LSC Batch Posting.
45858 POS Data Entry issue - Hybrid environment
- Event OnBeforeProcessDataEntryMask added in POS Functions.

47913 Error in compressing the Allocation Text to FirstTable + Number of other tables used
- Details not available.
37077 Reservation disappears when changing dates on the header IF the reservation list is filtered
- Fixed an issue which could cause the Group Reservation card or the Reservation card to show blank page, if the user opened the cards from filtered view and made changes to the related record and caused the entry to be out of filter scope. Also, an error related to the comments on the reservation cards has been fixed.

48844 POS data entry mgmt #231
- Events added to POS Print Utility:
- OnTabSpecLoopOnPrintExtraItem
- OnBeforeFieldManagement
- OnBeforeInfoTextMgmt
- OnBeforeDoIt_PrintExtraItem
- OnBeforePrintExtraForIncomeExpense
- OnBeforeSkip_PrintExtraIncomeExpense
- OnBeforePrintExtraForPayment
- Event added to POS Trans. Line:
- OnBeforeCreateTSRetryRentry
48785 New publisher for custom CO Pick barcode #230
- Event OnPrintCOPickSlipBarcode added to codeunit LSC POS Print Utility CO.
48669 Event to bypass ShouldCreateSalesOrder call to handle from custom checks
- New event added to bypass ShouldCreateSalesOrder call in Customer Order.

49034 New event publisher OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnAfterUpdatePurchaseLine #232
- New event, OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnAfterUpdatePurchaseLine, added in codeunit LSC Replen. Create Purch Order.
48784 New event publisher OnCustomerOrderCreatedBeforeTotalPressed #229
- New event, OnCustomerOrderBeforeEnterShippingCost, added to POS Transaction codeunit before opening the numeric keyboard for shipping cost.
48782 Fix var parameters for existing event. Change procedure scope. #227
- Fix var parameters for existing event in POS Offer Ext.
- Change procedure scope in Coupon Management.
48779 Safe transfer management #225
- New event in Safe Management.
48569 Adding OnBeforeBarEanBarcodeMaskUse event #223
- New event OnBeforeBarEanBarcodeMaskUse in Barcode Management.
48216 Add events and change procedure scope to manage POS Slip by email #219
- Add events and change procedure scope to manage POS Slip by email.
45858 POS Data Entry issue - Hybrid environment
- Details not available.

48880 POS Data Entry One-Time Redemption does not write-off voucher balance
- Update Write-off amount when using vouchers with one time redemption.
48781 Change AddItem scope to public #226
- Changed AddItem scope to public in POS Dynamic Menu.
48778 Add events to handle Statement Calculation/Posting #224
- New events added to handle Statement Calculation/Posting.

48261 Customer Order Slip no longer prints
- Details not available.
45915 Table Allocation error when upgrading to 22.4
- Time comparison when working with dining reservations in activity has been fixed. Booking Time Flexibility of the Activity User does not have to be set when allocated and seating. An error check was put in if Booking Time Flexibility of the activity user is greater than zero when opening the Reservation Desk or Allocation panel.

48470 New event #222 added
- New event OnBeforeLookUpSourcingLocationInCOSelectSourcingLocation added to codeunit LSC CO Create Panel.
48372 Skip keypad check for tender type voucher
- New event OnBeforeVoucherOpenNumericKeyboard added to codeunit POS Transaction.
48343 Adding OnBeforeUpdateItemUnitsOfMeasures event in LSC Product Ext. #221
- New event OnBeforeUpdateItemUnitsOfMeasures added to codeunit Product Ext.
48313 Need access to procedures SetCurrentPrintID & GetCurrentPrintID
- Functions SetCurrentPrintID and GetCurrentPrintID made public.
48217 Add StoreID property to the json returned from the BC Webservice to the WebKDS
- Details not available.
48198 POS Transaction -> OnBeforeTransactionTendered
- New parameters added to OnBeforeTransactionTendered.
48103 Add SetLastError procedure to POS Print Utility Public #218
- Procedure SetLastError added in POS Print Utility Public.
47986 Ability to Add fields to Info Code Entries
- Event OnBeforeTransInfocodeEntryTEMPInsert added in POS Post Utility.
47940 Modify automatically generated income/expense line when suspending transaction with payments
- Event OnBeforeModifyPrepayIncExpLineOnSuspPOSTrans added in POS Functions.
47904 Offer discount type #216
- Events added to Retail Price Utils and Offer Line Table.
47895 LSC-2604 incorrect error for Pull-Replication with Offline and Azure-DD-Replication Mode
- Details not available.
47433 Refunds - Issue with Voiding Trans/Line on the POS - Locks Original Transaction
- Details not available.
42453 New event for Safe Panel 2
- Details not available.

47919 Remove Internal on TestConnection
- LSCTestConnectionUtils made public.
47856 Add Event Publishers to the TenderKeyPressedEx function for the follo… #214
- New events in PosTransaction codeunit, TenderKeyPressedEx procedure.
47829 Additional events for offer and periodic disc. management #213
- New events added in POS Functions, POS Offer Ext. Utility, POS Price Utility, POS Query Mgt. and Retail Price Utils.
47808 Label Printing: Add events and change procedure scope #211
- Events OnBeforeGetBarcode and OnBeforeFindItemVariantBarcode added in Label Utility and CreateItemLabels made public.
47764 When posting safe statement line, the ability to post to different accounts is needed
- Event OnAfterSafeStatementAccountSelection added in LSC Statement-Post.
47701 Need access to PrintInvoice in LSC POS Print Utility
- Procedure PrintInvoice made public in LSC POS Print Utility.
47700 InsertPage missing in codeunit LSC POS Print Utility
- InsertPage made public in LSC POS Print Utility Public.
47574 Receipt printing for Deals that include item modifers do not listen to printing settings (#33514 recreated)
- Indent for modifiers are now cleaner.

47634 New event in codeunit "LSC POS Transaction Impl" #210
- New event OnValidatePriceCheckBeforeTransPerDiscDelete added to POS transaction codeunit.
47604 Event needed for extending Databar Barcode management (for Krónan) 2
- Details not available.
47545 Event to handle Partial return with qty of 1 to allow decimals with ishandled
- Event OnBeforeMarkSelLine added to codeunit POS Refund Mgt.
47543 Remove Access internal for a few functions #33607 recreated
- Details not available.
47503 Need to access function SetInfoCode in codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility"
- Function SetInfoCode in codeunit LSC POS Infocode Utility made public.
47501 Make function EnableScanner and DisableScanner in codeunit 99008910, LSC POS POPOS Utility, global
- Functions EnableScanner and DisableScanner in codeunit LSC POS POPOS Utility made public.
47424 Add var to DSTR1 on print total events #198
- Created V2 of the events with the VAR added to DSTR1 variable.
47373 Split Bag error
- Details not available.
47273 Make PrintTransTaxInfo public #206
- Procedure PrintTransTaxInfo made available through POS Print Utility Public.
47228 Add events and change access scope to implement some changes to periodic discount management #205
- Several new events. Some procedures made public. Option changed to Enum.

47224 New event OnBeforeCurrencyKeyExecuted in codeunit 99001574 "LSC POS Transaction Events"
- Event OnBeforeCurrencyKeyPressed added in POS Transaction codeunit.

47003 Upgrading custom apps to version 23 causes an issue with Internal Access changes
- New event added.
46951 Magento sync order to BC (retry)
- Check External ID also in Posted Customer Orders on Order Create.
46950 AL: The table IDs do not match
- Fix 'The table IDs do not match' Error in Shopify-Item scheduler job.
46804 Sourcing Location Priority and stock check not used in OrderCreate
- New event OnBeforeSetSourcingLocation in Customer Order Line Table.
46787 Add event onbefore and onafter tender logoff
- Details not available.
46786 New event publisher for CO Pick Slip header
- Event OnAfterPrintCOPickSlipMemberInfo added in POS Print Utility.
46739 Urgently need an event for extending Databar Barcode management
- Event OnAfterItemLineGetValuesFromDatabar added to POS Transaction codeunit.
46141 OnBefore and OnAfter ItemSalesInforunRequest
- OnBeforeCreateItemDetails and OnAfterCreateItemDetails events added in ItemSalesInfoUtils Codeunit.
46131 Requesting to Add OnBefore and OnAfter events before the POS Logoff for the function of TD_CommandPressedCallback on the Command TD_ENDDAY
- Events OnBeforeTendDeclareLogOff and OnAfterTendDeclareLogOff added in LSC POS Transaction Impl.
46075 Error accessing function due to protection level
- Details not available.
46074 Upgrading custom apps to LS23 causing issue with Internal Access changes
- Details not available.
46022 Member attribute to exclude
- Events added to exclude offers by Member Attribute and Member Attribute Value.
45990 Codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl"
Parameters AmDec and PayAmount added to the event POSTransactionEventsPub.OnAfterAdjustAmount in POS Transaction Impl codeunit.
45902 Statement Posting Events
- Unique OnBeforeGenJnlLineRunWithCheckPostSafeLine event added in Statement-Post codeunit before posting Safe Statement Line.
45901 POS trans offer count new event
- Event OnBeforeFilterTransPeriodDisc added to POS Price Utility codeunit.
45898 POS Post Utility - ProcessTransaction - OnBeforeDeleteRelatedEntries
- Event OnBeforeDeleteRelatedEntries added to POS Post Utility codeunit.
45897 POS Transaction Impl. - TD_TenderDeclEndOfDayPressed
- Event OnBeforeTD_TenderDeclEndOfDayPressed added to POS Transaction codeunit.
45828 Event to Fill additional fields on customer order Header
- Event OnBeforeCreateCustOrderTempFromPOSTransactionCOHeaderInsert added in CO Utility.
45808 Item with linked text reprints in kitchen
- Details not available.
45793 LS GetTransaction Loses Tax Data
- Fixing an issue with text elements in xml ports.
45733 Tender Declaration - SetTransaction & PostTransaction
- Functions SetTransaction and PostTransaction made public in codeunit Tender Declaration.
45732 Request for event with Ishandled. LSC CO Utility, function CreatePOfromCO
- Event OnBeforeRequisitionCOLine added to LSC CO Utility.
45675 Request for event to call custom web service. GetCustomerOrder
- OnBeforeGetCustomerOrder added to GetCustomerOrder in POS Functions.
45557 MemberLineEvent
- Event OnBeforeInsertMemberLine added in procedure InsertMemberLine in codeunit POS Transaction Member.
45531 New event to allow bypass of Global Dimension 1 update during Transfer Posting
- Event OnBeforeChangingShortCutDim1OnTransLine event added to procedure UpdateTransferLine in PickingReceiving - Post codeunit.
45529 Activity EventSubscribers should SkipOnMissingLicense
- Details not available.
45502 Event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode
- New event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCodeV2 added.
- OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode event obsoleted.
45495 Fraud Mgmt Event Handler
- Event OnBeforeInsertEventUpdateTriggerBuffer added in Fraud Mgmt Event Handler.codeunit and InsertEvent made public in Fraud Mgt. Event Handler Public.codeunit.
45460 AL: Shopify - Tax Handling fix
- Shopify: fix order processing with multiple tax lines in order lines like in US market.
45445 LSC-2400 Resolve Breaking Changes for LSC 22.4
- Details not available.
45439 TenderDecl-PostUncounted
- Parameter var Result: Boolean added to event OnBeforePostUnCountedTrans in codeunit 99001577 "LSC Tender Declaration".
45427 Shopify event request CU10034381 - OrderImport
- Details not available.
45371 LSC NA CO Underpaid Scenarios error Message
- Details not available.
45368 LSC NA CO Recalc tax based on Pickup location
- Details not available.
45347 New event OnBeforeGetKdsKotPrintBuffer
- Details not available.
45344 Event Requests: LS Commerce - Create Orders
- Event OnBeforeCustomerOrderCreateDoc added in CustomerOrderCreateDoc in CO Web Service Functions.
- Event OnAfterInsertCustomerOrderHeader added in CustomerOrderCreateV5XML.
45211 Event for InStore Stock Req Mgt - CreatePlannedStockDemand
- The integration event OnCreatePlannedStockDemandBeforeInsertReplenPlannedStockDemand has been added to the LSCInStoreStockReqMgtPublic codeunit, and invoked in the LSC InStore Stock Req Mgt codeunit.
45188 Access to functions
- Procedures added to LSC POS Transaction codeunit.
45183 Event added for Hourly Store Sales
- Event OnBeforeValidateStoreFilter added to Hourly Store Sales page.
45177 Mobile Inventory: receiving at Mobile Inventory not asking for Serial No. input
- Enhance web service SendDocument to receive and process Serial Numbers.
45124 New value for Transaction Type in Trans. Infocode Entry
- New option, Periodic Discount Info added to the Transaction Type field.
45083 OnAfterSetMessageTxt events #163
- Removed events OnAfterSetMessageTxtStatusBlocked(MessageTxt) and OnAfterSetMessageTxtNotValid(MessageTxt);
- Moved OnBeforeValidateCard(MembershipCard, MemberClub, MessageTxt, IsHandled, ReturnValue); to the beginning of the procedure.
44957 Changed events in POS Print Utility
- Added parameter ItemName to event OnAfterAddingUoMCodeToItemDescriptionOnSlip.
44866 New events on InsertLine procedure in table LSC POS Trans. Line
- New events added to InsertLine procedure in the POS Trans. Line table:
- OnBeforeInsertLine
- OnAfterInsertLine.
44752 LSC NA CO Tax Design Changes for Overpaid scenario
- Details not available.
44573 POS Print Utility - VAT calculation
- New event OnAfterCalculateVATForSalesEntry added.
44512 OnOtherRecordInput event needed in 99001570 POS Transaction CU
- New event, OnAfterValidateRecordIDInputBarcodes, added.
44476 DiscAmPressed
- Parameters added to two events (OnAfterAdjustAmount and OnDiscAmtPressed) in PosTrans Events codeunit.
44056 The system prints standard bills and customized bills at the same time
- Fixed with some Print settings, too many copies of the sales slip were printed for each Transaction.
43983 Autologoff After (Min.) - Not woking
- Details not available.
41830 Cannot use variables in publisher after update in POS print Util Codeunit
Added new parameter to the event
- PrintUtilPublic.OnAfterPrintTotal(Transaction, gPrintBufferRef, gPrintBufferIndexRef, gLinesPrintedRef, DSTR1, IsHanlded);
- If isHandlded is set to true, it will replace the global variables on the source.
40691 Difference still too high when its correct in end of day
- Details not available.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.
34093 Void & copy on POS not working well with hotel reservations
- If a reservation is settled with an incorrect payment type (or the rates were wrong), there is a way to void the transaction, prepay, and get room rates back on the reservation to invoice room rates again the right way:
- Open the POS.
- Select Transactions.
- Select the relevant transaction, and press Void and copy.
- The transaction is returned.
- Now you see the room rates in Invoice Management on the reservation as they were before you settled the invoice.
Note: In LS Central for hotels, the Void/Copy command works differently from the normal POS. It creates and posts a return transaction but does not create a copy of the transaction in the POS. The DRE lines are credited and new lines created so the status of the Hotel Reservation is the same as it was before the voided transaction.
31090 POS session issue
- Users now have the possibility to clear data from the POS Terminal in use table when they get the POS message after the POS has been closed abnormally.

47003 Upgrading custom apps to version 23 causes an issue with Internal Access changes
- New event added.
46804 Sourcing Location Priority and stock check not used in OrderCreate
- New event OnBeforeSetSourcingLocation in Customer Order Line Table.
46787 Add event onbefore and onafter tender logoff
- Details not available.
46786 New event publisher for CO Pick Slip header
- Event OnAfterPrintCOPickSlipMemberInfo added in POS Print Utility.
46739 Urgently need an event for extending Databar Barcode management
- Event OnAfterItemLineGetValuesFromDatabar added to POS Transaction codeunit.
46141 OnBefore and OnAfter ItemSalesInforunRequest
- OnBeforeCreateItemDetails and OnAfterCreateItemDetails events added in ItemSalesInfoUtils Codeunit.
46131 Requesting to Add OnBefore and OnAfter events before the POS Logoff for the function of TD_CommandPressedCallback on the Command TD_ENDDAY
- Events OnBeforeTendDeclareLogOff and OnAfterTendDeclareLogOff added in LSC POS Transaction Impl.
46075 Error accessing function due to protection level
- Details not available.
46074 Upgrading custom apps to LS23 causing issue with Internal Access changes
- Details not available.
46022 Member attribute to exclude
- Events added to exclude offers by Member Attribute and Member Attribute Value.
45990 Codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl"
Parameters AmDec and PayAmount added to the event POSTransactionEventsPub.OnAfterAdjustAmount in POS Transaction Impl codeunit.
45902 Statement Posting Events
- Unique OnBeforeGenJnlLineRunWithCheckPostSafeLine event added in Statement-Post codeunit before posting Safe Statement Line.
45901 POS trans offer count new event
- Event OnBeforeFilterTransPeriodDisc added to POS Price Utility codeunit.
45898 POS Post Utility - ProcessTransaction - OnBeforeDeleteRelatedEntries
- Event OnBeforeDeleteRelatedEntries added to POS Post Utility codeunit.
45897 POS Transaction Impl. - TD_TenderDeclEndOfDayPressed
- Event OnBeforeTD_TenderDeclEndOfDayPressed added to POS Transaction codeunit.
45828 Event to Fill additional fields on customer order Header
- Event OnBeforeCreateCustOrderTempFromPOSTransactionCOHeaderInsert added in CO Utility.
45808 Item with linked text reprints in kitchen
- Details not available.
45793 LS GetTransaction Loses Tax Data
- Fixing an issue with text elements in xml ports.
45733 Tender Declaration - SetTransaction & PostTransaction
- Functions SetTransaction and PostTransaction made public in codeunit Tender Declaration.
45732 Request for event with Ishandled. LSC CO Utility, function CreatePOfromCO
- Event OnBeforeRequisitionCOLine added to LSC CO Utility.
45675 Request for event to call custom web service. GetCustomerOrder
- OnBeforeGetCustomerOrder added to GetCustomerOrder in POS Functions.
45557 MemberLineEvent
- Event OnBeforeInsertMemberLine added in procedure InsertMemberLine in codeunit POS Transaction Member.
45531 New event to allow bypass of Global Dimension 1 update during Transfer Posting
- Event OnBeforeChangingShortCutDim1OnTransLine event added to procedure UpdateTransferLine in PickingReceiving - Post codeunit.
45529 Activity EventSubscribers should SkipOnMissingLicense
- Details not available.
45502 Event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode
- New event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCodeV2 added.
- OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode event obsoleted.
45495 Fraud Mgmt Event Handler
- Event OnBeforeInsertEventUpdateTriggerBuffer added in Fraud Mgmt Event Handler.codeunit and InsertEvent made public in Fraud Mgt. Event Handler Public.codeunit.
45460 AL: Shopify - Tax Handling fix
- Shopify: fix order processing with multiple tax lines in order lines like in US market.
45445 LSC-2400 Resolve Breaking Changes for LSC 22.4
- Details not available.
45439 TenderDecl-PostUncounted
- Parameter var Result: Boolean added to event OnBeforePostUnCountedTrans in codeunit 99001577 "LSC Tender Declaration".
45427 Shopify event request CU10034381 - OrderImport
- Details not available.
45371 LSC NA CO Underpaid Scenarios error Message
- Details not available.
45368 LSC NA CO Recalc tax based on Pickup location
- Details not available.
45347 New event OnBeforeGetKdsKotPrintBuffer
- Details not available.
45344 Event Requests: LS Commerce - Create Orders
- Event OnBeforeCustomerOrderCreateDoc added in CustomerOrderCreateDoc in CO Web Service Functions.
- Event OnAfterInsertCustomerOrderHeader added in CustomerOrderCreateV5XML.
45211 Event for InStore Stock Req Mgt - CreatePlannedStockDemand
- The integration event OnCreatePlannedStockDemandBeforeInsertReplenPlannedStockDemand has been added to the LSCInStoreStockReqMgtPublic codeunit, and invoked in the LSC InStore Stock Req Mgt codeunit.
45188 Access to functions
- Procedures added to LSC POS Transaction codeunit.
45183 Event added for Hourly Store Sales
- Event OnBeforeValidateStoreFilter added to Hourly Store Sales page.
45177 Mobile Inventory: receiving at Mobile Inventory not asking for Serial No. input
- Enhance web service SendDocument to receive and process Serial Numbers.
45124 New value for Transaction Type in Trans. Infocode Entry
- New option, Periodic Discount Info added to the Transaction Type field.
45083 OnAfterSetMessageTxt events #163
- Removed events OnAfterSetMessageTxtStatusBlocked(MessageTxt) and OnAfterSetMessageTxtNotValid(MessageTxt);
- Moved OnBeforeValidateCard(MembershipCard, MemberClub, MessageTxt, IsHandled, ReturnValue); to the beginning of the procedure.
44957 Changed events in POS Print Utility
- Added parameter ItemName to event OnAfterAddingUoMCodeToItemDescriptionOnSlip.
44866 New events on InsertLine procedure in table LSC POS Trans. Line
- New events added to InsertLine procedure in the POS Trans. Line table:
- OnBeforeInsertLine
- OnAfterInsertLine.
44752 LSC NA CO Tax Design Changes for Overpaid scenario
- Details not available.
44573 POS Print Utility - VAT calculation
- New event OnAfterCalculateVATForSalesEntry added.
44512 OnOtherRecordInput event needed in 99001570 POS Transaction CU
- New event, OnAfterValidateRecordIDInputBarcodes, added.
44476 DiscAmPressed
- Parameters added to two events (OnAfterAdjustAmount and OnDiscAmtPressed) in PosTrans Events codeunit.
44056 The system prints standard bills and customized bills at the same time
- Fixed with some Print settings, too many copies of the sales slip were printed for each Transaction.
43983 Autologoff After (Min.) - Not woking
- Details not available.
41830 Cannot use variables in publisher after update in POS print Util Codeunit
Added new parameter to the event
- PrintUtilPublic.OnAfterPrintTotal(Transaction, gPrintBufferRef, gPrintBufferIndexRef, gLinesPrintedRef, DSTR1, IsHanlded);
- If isHandlded is set to true, it will replace the global variables on the source.
40691 Difference still too high when its correct in end of day
- Details not available.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.
34093 Void & copy on POS not working well with hotel reservations
- If a reservation is settled with an incorrect payment type (or the rates were wrong), there is a way to void the transaction, prepay, and get room rates back on the reservation to invoice room rates again the right way:
- Open the POS.
- Select Transactions.
- Select the relevant transaction, and press Void and copy.
- The transaction is returned.
- Now you see the room rates in Invoice Management on the reservation as they were before you settled the invoice.
Note: In LS Central for hotels, the Void/Copy command works differently from the normal POS. It creates and posts a return transaction but does not create a copy of the transaction in the POS. The DRE lines are credited and new lines created so the status of the Hotel Reservation is the same as it was before the voided transaction.
31090 POS session issue
- Users now have the possibility to clear data from the POS Terminal in use table when they get the POS message after the POS has been closed abnormally.

46787 Add event onbefore and onafter tender logoff
- Details not available.
46786 New event publisher for CO Pick Slip header
- Event OnAfterPrintCOPickSlipMemberInfo added in POS Print Utility.
46739 Urgently need an event for extending Databar Barcode management
- Event OnAfterItemLineGetValuesFromDatabar added to POS Transaction codeunit.
46141 OnBefore and OnAfter ItemSalesInforunRequest
- OnBeforeCreateItemDetails and OnAfterCreateItemDetails events added in ItemSalesInfoUtils Codeunit.
46131 Requesting to Add OnBefore and OnAfter events before the POS Logoff for the function of TD_CommandPressedCallback on the Command TD_ENDDAY
- Events OnBeforeTendDeclareLogOff and OnAfterTendDeclareLogOff added in LSC POS Transaction Impl.
46075 Error accessing function due to protection level
- Details not available.
46074 Upgrading custom apps to LS23 causing issue with Internal Access changes
- Details not available.
46022 Member attribute to exclude
- Events added to exclude offers by Member Attribute and Member Attribute Value.
45990 Codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl"
Parameters AmDec and PayAmount added to the event POSTransactionEventsPub.OnAfterAdjustAmount in POS Transaction Impl codeunit.
45902 Statement Posting Events
- Unique OnBeforeGenJnlLineRunWithCheckPostSafeLine event added in Statement-Post codeunit before posting Safe Statement Line.
45901 POS trans offer count new event
- Event OnBeforeFilterTransPeriodDisc added to POS Price Utility codeunit.
45898 POS Post Utility - ProcessTransaction - OnBeforeDeleteRelatedEntries
- Event OnBeforeDeleteRelatedEntries added to POS Post Utility codeunit.
45897 POS Transaction Impl. - TD_TenderDeclEndOfDayPressed
- Event OnBeforeTD_TenderDeclEndOfDayPressed added to POS Transaction codeunit.
45828 Event to Fill additional fields on customer order Header
- Event OnBeforeCreateCustOrderTempFromPOSTransactionCOHeaderInsert added in CO Utility.
45808 Item with linked text reprints in kitchen
- Details not available.
45733 Tender Declaration - SetTransaction & PostTransaction
- Functions SetTransaction and PostTransaction made public in codeunit Tender Declaration.
45732 Request for event with Ishandled. LSC CO Utility, function CreatePOfromCO
- Event OnBeforeRequisitionCOLine added to LSC CO Utility.
45675 Request for event to call custom web service. GetCustomerOrder
- OnBeforeGetCustomerOrder added to GetCustomerOrder in POS Functions.
45557 MemberLineEvent
- Event OnBeforeInsertMemberLine added in procedure InsertMemberLine in codeunit POS Transaction Member.
45531 New event to allow bypass of Global Dimension 1 update during Transfer Posting
- Event OnBeforeChangingShortCutDim1OnTransLine event added to procedure UpdateTransferLine in PickingReceiving - Post codeunit.
45529 Activity EventSubscribers should SkipOnMissingLicense
- Details not available.
45502 Event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode
- New event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCodeV2 added.
- OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode event obsoleted.
45495 Fraud Mgmt Event Handler
- Event OnBeforeInsertEventUpdateTriggerBuffer added in Fraud Mgmt Event Handler.codeunit and InsertEvent made public in Fraud Mgt. Event Handler Public.codeunit.
45460 AL: Shopify - Tax Handling fix
- Shopify: fix order processing with multiple tax lines in order lines like in US market.
45445 LSC-2400 Resolve Breaking Changes for LSC 22.4
- Details not available.
45439 TenderDecl-PostUncounted
- Parameter var Result: Boolean added to event OnBeforePostUnCountedTrans in codeunit 99001577 "LSC Tender Declaration".
45427 Shopify event request CU10034381 - OrderImport
- Details not available.
45371 LSC NA CO Underpaid Scenarios error Message
- Details not available.
45368 LSC NA CO Recalc tax based on Pickup location
- Details not available.
45347 New event OnBeforeGetKdsKotPrintBuffer
- Details not available.
45344 Event Requests: LS Commerce - Create Orders
- Event OnBeforeCustomerOrderCreateDoc added in CustomerOrderCreateDoc in CO Web Service Functions.
- Event OnAfterInsertCustomerOrderHeader added in CustomerOrderCreateV5XML.
45211 Event for InStore Stock Req Mgt - CreatePlannedStockDemand
- The integration event OnCreatePlannedStockDemandBeforeInsertReplenPlannedStockDemand has been added to the LSCInStoreStockReqMgtPublic codeunit, and invoked in the LSC InStore Stock Req Mgt codeunit.
45188 Access to functions
- Procedures added to LSC POS Transaction codeunit.
45183 Event added for Hourly Store Sales
- Event OnBeforeValidateStoreFilter added to Hourly Store Sales page.
45124 New value for Transaction Type in Trans. Infocode Entry
- New option, Periodic Discount Info added to the Transaction Type field.
45083 OnAfterSetMessageTxt events #163
- Removed events OnAfterSetMessageTxtStatusBlocked(MessageTxt) and OnAfterSetMessageTxtNotValid(MessageTxt);
- Moved OnBeforeValidateCard(MembershipCard, MemberClub, MessageTxt, IsHandled, ReturnValue); to the beginning of the procedure.
44957 Changed events in POS Print Utility
- Added parameter ItemName to event OnAfterAddingUoMCodeToItemDescriptionOnSlip
44866 New events on InsertLine procedure in table LSC POS Trans. Line
- New events added to InsertLine procedure in the POS Trans. Line table:
- OnBeforeInsertLine
- OnAfterInsertLine.
44752 LSC NA CO Tax Design Changes for Overpaid scenario
- Details not available.
44573 POS Print Utility - VAT calculation
- New event OnAfterCalculateVATForSalesEntry added.
44512 OnOtherRecordInput event needed in 99001570 POS Transaction CU
- New event, OnAfterValidateRecordIDInputBarcodes, added.
44476 DiscAmPressed
- Parameters added to two events (OnAfterAdjustAmount and OnDiscAmtPressed) in PosTrans Events codeunit.
44056 The system prints standard bills and customized bills at the same time
- Fixed with some Print settings, too many copies of the sales slip were printed for each Transaction.
41830 Cannot use variables in publisher after update in POS print Util Codeunit
Added new parameter to the event
- PrintUtilPublic.OnAfterPrintTotal(Transaction, gPrintBufferRef, gPrintBufferIndexRef, gLinesPrintedRef, DSTR1, IsHanlded);
- If isHandlded is set to true, it will replace the global variables on the source.
40691 Difference still too high when its correct in end of day
- Details not available.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.
34093 Void & copy on POS not working well with hotel reservations
- If a reservation is settled with an incorrect payment type (or the rates were wrong), there is a way to void the transaction, prepay, and get room rates back on the reservation to invoice room rates again the right way:
- Open the POS.
- Select Transactions.
- Select the relevant transaction, and press Void and copy.
- The transaction is returned.
- Now you see the room rates in Invoice Management on the reservation as they were before you settled the invoice.
Note: In LS Central for hotels, the Void/Copy command works differently from the normal POS. It creates and posts a return transaction but does not create a copy of the transaction in the POS. The DRE lines are credited and new lines created so the status of the Hotel Reservation is the same as it was before the voided transaction.
31090 POS session issue
- Users now have the possibility to clear data from the POS Terminal in use table when they get the POS message after the POS has been closed abnormally.

45808 Item with linked text reprints in kitchen
- Details not available.
45675 Request for event to call custom web service. GetCustomerOrder
- OnBeforeGetCustomerOrder added to GetCustomerOrder in POS Functions.
45557 MemberLineEvent
- Event OnBeforeInsertMemberLine added in procedure InsertMemberLine in codeunit POS Transaction Member.
45531 New event to allow bypass of Global Dimension 1 update during Transfer Posting
- Event OnBeforeChangingShortCutDim1OnTransLine event added to procedure UpdateTransferLine in PickingReceiving - Post codeunit.
45529 Activity EventSubscribers should SkipOnMissingLicense
- Details not available.
45502 Event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode
- New event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCodeV2 added.
- OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode event obsoleted.
45495 Fraud Mgmt Event Handler
- Event OnBeforeInsertEventUpdateTriggerBuffer added in Fraud Mgmt Event Handler.codeunit and InsertEvent made public in Fraud Mgt. Event Handler Public.codeunit.
45460 AL: Shopify - Tax Handling fix
- Shopify: fix order processing with multiple tax lines in order lines like in US market.
45439 TenderDecl-PostUncounted
- Parameter var Result: Boolean added to event OnBeforePostUnCountedTrans in codeunit 99001577 "LSC Tender Declaration".
45427 Shopify event request CU10034381 - OrderImport
- Details not available.
45371 LSC NA CO Underpaid Scenarios error Message
- Details not available.
45368 LSC NA CO Recalc tax based on Pickup location
- Details not available.
45347 New event OnBeforeGetKdsKotPrintBuffer
- Details not available.
45344 Event Requests: LS Commerce - Create Orders
- Event OnBeforeCustomerOrderCreateDoc added in CustomerOrderCreateDoc in CO Web Service Functions.
- Event OnAfterInsertCustomerOrderHeader added in CustomerOrderCreateV5XML.
45211 Event for InStore Stock Req Mgt - CreatePlannedStockDemand
- The integration event OnCreatePlannedStockDemandBeforeInsertReplenPlannedStockDemand has been added to the LSCInStoreStockReqMgtPublic codeunit, and invoked in the LSC InStore Stock Req Mgt codeunit.
45188 Access to functions
- Procedures added to LSC POS Transaction codeunit.
45183 Event added for Hourly Store Sales
- Event OnBeforeValidateStoreFilter added to Hourly Store Sales page.
45124 New value for Transaction Type in Trans. Infocode Entry
- New option, Periodic Discount Info added to the Transaction Type field.
45083 OnAfterSetMessageTxt events #163
- Removed events OnAfterSetMessageTxtStatusBlocked(MessageTxt) and OnAfterSetMessageTxtNotValid(MessageTxt);
- Moved OnBeforeValidateCard(MembershipCard, MemberClub, MessageTxt, IsHandled, ReturnValue); to the beginning of the procedure.
44957 Changed events in POS Print Utility
- Added parameter ItemName to event OnAfterAddingUoMCodeToItemDescriptionOnSlip
44866 New events on InsertLine procedure in table LSC POS Trans. Line
- New events added to InsertLine procedure in the POS Trans. Line table:
- OnBeforeInsertLine
- OnAfterInsertLine.
44752 LSC NA CO Tax Design Changes for Overpaid scenario
- Details not available.
44573 POS Print Utility - VAT calculation
- New event OnAfterCalculateVATForSalesEntry added.
44512 OnOtherRecordInput event needed in 99001570 POS Transaction CU
- New event, OnAfterValidateRecordIDInputBarcodes, added.
44476 DiscAmPressed
- Parameters added to two events (OnAfterAdjustAmount and OnDiscAmtPressed) in PosTrans Events codeunit.
44056 The system prints standard bills and customized bills at the same time
- Fixed with some Print settings, too many copies of the sales slip were printed for each Transaction.
41830 Cannot use variables in publisher after update in POS print Util Codeunit
Added new parameter to the event
- PrintUtilPublic.OnAfterPrintTotal(Transaction, gPrintBufferRef, gPrintBufferIndexRef, gLinesPrintedRef, DSTR1, IsHanlded);
- If isHandlded is set to true, it will replace the global variables on the source.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.
34093 Void & copy on POS not working well with hotel reservations
- If a reservation is settled with an incorrect payment type (or the rates were wrong), there is a way to void the transaction, prepay, and get room rates back on the reservation to invoice room rates again the right way:
- Open the POS.
- Select Transactions.
- Select the relevant transaction, and press Void and copy.
- The transaction is returned.
- Now you see the room rates in Invoice Management on the reservation as they were before you settled the invoice.
Note: In LS Central for hotels, the Void/Copy command works differently from the normal POS. It creates and posts a return transaction but does not create a copy of the transaction in the POS. The DRE lines are credited and new lines created so the status of the Hotel Reservation is the same as it was before the voided transaction.
31090 POS session issue
- Users now have the possibility to clear data from the POS Terminal in use table when they get the POS message after the POS has been closed abnormally.

45808 Item with linked text reprints in kitchen
- Details not available.
45675 Request for event to call custom web service. GetCustomerOrder
- OnBeforeGetCustomerOrder added to GetCustomerOrder in POS Functions.
45557 MemberLineEvent
- Event OnBeforeInsertMemberLine added in procedure InsertMemberLine in codeunit POS Transaction Member.
45529 Activity EventSubscribers should SkipOnMissingLicense
- Details not available.
45502 Event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode
- New event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCodeV2 added.
- OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode event obsoleted.
45495 Fraud Mgmt Event Handler
- Event OnBeforeInsertEventUpdateTriggerBuffer added in Fraud Mgmt Event Handler.codeunit and InsertEvent made public in Fraud Mgt. Event Handler Public.codeunit.
45427 Shopify event request CU10034381 - OrderImport
- Details not available.
45371 LSC NA CO Underpaid Scenarios error Message
- Details not available.
45347 New event OnBeforeGetKdsKotPrintBuffer
- Details not available.
45344 Event Requests: LS Commerce - Create Orders
- Event OnBeforeCustomerOrderCreateDoc added in CustomerOrderCreateDoc in CO Web Service Functions.
- Event OnAfterInsertCustomerOrderHeader added in CustomerOrderCreateV5XML.
45211 Event for InStore Stock Req Mgt - CreatePlannedStockDemand
- The integration event OnCreatePlannedStockDemandBeforeInsertReplenPlannedStockDemand has been added to the LSCInStoreStockReqMgtPublic codeunit, and invoked in the LSC InStore Stock Req Mgt codeunit.
45188 Access to functions
- Procedures added to LSC POS Transaction codeunit.
45183 Event added for Hourly Store Sales
- Event OnBeforeValidateStoreFilter added to Hourly Store Sales page.
45124 New value for Transaction Type in Trans. Infocode Entry
- New option, Periodic Discount Info added to the Transaction Type field.
45083 OnAfterSetMessageTxt events #163
- Removed events OnAfterSetMessageTxtStatusBlocked(MessageTxt) and OnAfterSetMessageTxtNotValid(MessageTxt);
- Moved OnBeforeValidateCard(MembershipCard, MemberClub, MessageTxt, IsHandled, ReturnValue); to the beginning of the procedure.
44957 Changed events in POS Print Utility
- Added parameter ItemName to event OnAfterAddingUoMCodeToItemDescriptionOnSlip
44866 New events on InsertLine procedure in table LSC POS Trans. Line
- New events added to InsertLine procedure in the POS Trans. Line table:
- OnBeforeInsertLine
- OnAfterInsertLine.
44752 LSC NA CO Tax Design Changes for Overpaid scenario
- Details not available.
44573 POS Print Utility - VAT calculation
- New event OnAfterCalculateVATForSalesEntry added.
44512 OnOtherRecordInput event needed in 99001570 POS Transaction CU
- New event, OnAfterValidateRecordIDInputBarcodes, added.
44476 DiscAmPressed
- Parameters added to two events (OnAfterAdjustAmount and OnDiscAmtPressed) in PosTrans Events codeunit.
44056 The system prints standard bills and customized bills at the same time
- Fixed with some Print settings, too many copies of the sales slip were printed for each Transaction.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.
34093 Void & copy on POS not working well with hotel reservations
- If a reservation is settled with an incorrect payment type (or the rates were wrong), there is a way to void the transaction, prepay, and get room rates back on the reservation to invoice room rates again the right way:
- Open the POS.
- Select Transactions.
- Select the relevant transaction, and press Void and copy.
- The transaction is returned.
- Now you see the room rates in Invoice Management on the reservation as they were before you settled the invoice.
Note: In LS Central for hotels, the Void/Copy command works differently from the normal POS. It creates and posts a return transaction but does not create a copy of the transaction in the POS. The DRE lines are credited and new lines created so the status of the Hotel Reservation is the same as it was before the voided transaction.

45529 Activity EventSubscribers should SkipOnMissingLicense
- Details not available.
45502 Event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode
- New event OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCodeV2 added.
- OnBeforeGetDataEntryProcessInfoCode event obsoleted.
45427 Shopify event request CU10034381 - OrderImport
- Details not available.
45211 Event for InStore Stock Req Mgt - CreatePlannedStockDemand
- The integration event OnCreatePlannedStockDemandBeforeInsertReplenPlannedStockDemand has been added to the LSCInStoreStockReqMgtPublic codeunit, and invoked in the LSC InStore Stock Req Mgt codeunit.
45188 Access to functions
- Procedures added to LSC POS Transaction codeunit.
45183 Event added for Hourly Store Sales
- Event OnBeforeValidateStoreFilter added to Hourly Store Sales page.
45124 New value for Transaction Type in Trans. Infocode Entry
- New option, Periodic Discount Info added to the Transaction Type field.
45083 OnAfterSetMessageTxt events #163
- Removed events OnAfterSetMessageTxtStatusBlocked(MessageTxt) and OnAfterSetMessageTxtNotValid(MessageTxt);
- Moved OnBeforeValidateCard(MembershipCard, MemberClub, MessageTxt, IsHandled, ReturnValue); to the beginning of the procedure.
44957 Changed events in POS Print Utility
- Added parameter ItemName to event OnAfterAddingUoMCodeToItemDescriptionOnSlip
44866 New events on InsertLine procedure in table LSC POS Trans. Line
- New events added to InsertLine procedure in the POS Trans. Line table:
- OnBeforeInsertLine
- OnAfterInsertLine.
44573 POS Print Utility - VAT calculation
- New event OnAfterCalculateVATForSalesEntry added.
44512 OnOtherRecordInput event needed in 99001570 POS Transaction CU
- New event, OnAfterValidateRecordIDInputBarcodes, added.
44056 The system prints standard bills and customized bills at the same time
- Fixed with some Print settings, too many copies of the sales slip were printed for each Transaction.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.
34093 Void & copy on POS not working well with hotel reservations
- If a reservation is settled with an incorrect payment type (or the rates were wrong), there is a way to void the transaction, prepay, and get room rates back on the reservation to invoice room rates again the right way:
- Open the POS.
- Select Transactions.
- Select the relevant transaction, and press Void and copy.
- The transaction is returned.
- Now you see the room rates in Invoice Management on the reservation as they were before you settled the invoice.
Note: In LS Central for hotels, the Void/Copy command works differently from the normal POS. It creates and posts a return transaction but does not create a copy of the transaction in the POS. The DRE lines are credited and new lines created so the status of the Hotel Reservation is the same as it was before the voided transaction.

45427 Shopify event request CU10034381 - OrderImport
- Details not available.
45211 Event for InStore Stock Req Mgt - CreatePlannedStockDemand
- The integration event OnCreatePlannedStockDemandBeforeInsertReplenPlannedStockDemand has been added to the LSCInStoreStockReqMgtPublic codeunit, and invoked in the LSC InStore Stock Req Mgt codeunit.
45188 Access to functions
- Procedures added to LSC POS Transaction codeunit.
45183 Event added for Hourly Store Sales
- Event OnBeforeValidateStoreFilter added to Hourly Store Sales page.
45124 New value for Transaction Type in Trans. Infocode Entry
- New option, Periodic Discount Info added to the Transaction Type field.
45083 OnAfterSetMessageTxt events #163
- Removed events OnAfterSetMessageTxtStatusBlocked(MessageTxt) and OnAfterSetMessageTxtNotValid(MessageTxt);
- Moved OnBeforeValidateCard(MembershipCard, MemberClub, MessageTxt, IsHandled, ReturnValue); to the beginning of the procedure.
44957 Changed events in POS Print Utility
- Added parameter ItemName to event OnAfterAddingUoMCodeToItemDescriptionOnSlip.
44866 New events on InsertLine procedure in table LSC POS Trans. Line
- New events added to InsertLine procedure in the POS Trans. Line table:
- OnBeforeInsertLine
- OnAfterInsertLine.
44573 POS Print Utility - VAT calculation
- New event OnAfterCalculateVATForSalesEntry added.
44512 OnOtherRecordInput event needed in 99001570 POS Transaction CU
- New event, OnAfterValidateRecordIDInputBarcodes, added.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.

45085 New events in POS Print Utility #166
Header parameter added to OnBeforeAddFieldValueToTmpStr
45084 New events POS Refund Mgt. #168
- New call to OnAfterSetLineNoFilter event.
45083 OnAfterSetMessageTxt events #163
- Removed events OnAfterSetMessageTxtStatusBlocked(MessageTxt) and OnAfterSetMessageTxtNotValid(MessageTxt);
- Moved OnBeforeValidateCard(MembershipCard, MemberClub, MessageTxt, IsHandled, ReturnValue); to the beginning of the procedure.
44959 Fix variable on publisher OnBeforeRunBatchJob
- Move variable assignment to before the event.
44958 New event in POS Post Utility
- Add new event OnAfterInsertTransDiscountEntryLoc.
44957 Changed events in POS Print Utility
- Added parameter ItemName to event OnAfterAddingUoMCodeToItemDescriptionOnSlip.
44956 Additional events in POS Transaction
- New event OnAfterGetMemberDescription.
- Additional parameter added to OnAfterCheckInfoCode event.
44902 Event in Tender Declaration for setting the Fixed Float Amount in the table "LSC POS Cash Declaration"
- New event OnAfterTmpFixedFloatTransaction.
44900 Fix warnings on Next Major build pipeline
- Fixed warnings on Next Major.
44879 OnPrem Proc. in table 10012358 "LSC Item Import Jrnl Templ."
Made these procedures public:
- SetTemplate
- CheckTemplateExists
- LookupTemplate
44697 Replication of Greek characters does not work in SaaS
- Replication data encoding has been fixed for public cluster.
44288 Loss prevention
- New event, OnbeforeCashRefundGreater100, added to Fraud Mgmt Event Handler codeunit.
41954 Loyalty Discount Issue on Kiosk
- The cart is recalculated when a member is scanned at the Self-Service Kiosk after adding items to the cart.
39219 Exchange with top-up with the mode of payment cannot process
- Details not available.

44732 Breaking changes on CalculateResourceSummary
- Access added for partners to CalculateResourceSummary.
44703 Include sender in OnAfterPrintCOLinesItemDescription
- Include sender in OnAfterPrintCOLinesItemDescription added.
44685 Event to overwrite ReturnActivityPriceDiscounts function
- New OnBeforeReturnActivityPriceDiscounts event.
44574 Data Director WS Utils - AddfieldsGeneric, AddValuesGeneric
- Procedures AddValuesGeneric and AddFieldsGeneric in "Data Director POS Client Util" codeunit made public.
44567 MixMatchOK variable needed in OnAfterCalcMixMatchNew entry point
- MixMatchOK variable added to event OnAfterCalcMixMatchNew in POS Price Utility codeunit.
44566 POS Transaction -> CommitPaymentLine
- Procedure CommitPaymentLine in POS Transaction Codeunit made public.
44494 Process Triggers
- Two new events added to Fraud Mgmt Event Handler.
44397 Point redemption as inc exp
- Removed internal on AddMemberPointEntryPOS
- Added OnAfterPointsTender and OnAfterInsertTransPointEntry events.
44288 Loss prevention
- New event, OnbeforeCashRefundGreater100, added to Fraud Mgmt Event Handler codeunit.
44251 TenderDeclaration->OnInsert function
- New event OnBeforeInsertTransaction_TransHeaderInsert added to Tender Declaration codeunit.
43823 New Params for Event OnBeforeLoadItem
- Added for event OnBeforeLoadItem, new parameters IsHandled, ReturnValue.
43502 Adding var to events
- Var property was missing on event OnBeforeOnBeforeTestPurchLine in Retail Purchase Order Ext. Was replaced by OnBeforeOnBeforeTestPurchLineV2.

44725 Production time missing in web KDS
- Details not available.
44311 InsertEvent in User defined trigger Mgmt
- New event, OnBeforeInsertEvent, added to User Defined Trigger Mgmt codeunit.
44211 BeforeTenderOpatFloatPressed
- Details not available.
44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService
44137 Before Extra Print Required
- New event added - OnBeforeExtraPrintRequired in POS Transaction Functions.
44051 TenderDecl-PostUncounted
- New event, OnBeforePostUnCountedTrans, added to Tender Declaration codeunit.
43978 Deal with zero priced items - wrong amount
- Details not available.
43763 Final batch of procedures for Blue Lagoon upgrade
- Created Activity Hotel procedures:
- CheckTime
- UpdateLineAdditionals
- CheckIfChangeValid
- UpdateGroupPaymentStatus
- CalculateTotalPrice
- RemoveToken

44437 Member camping additional events
- Added events OnAfterSetFilters and OnBeforeSetCampaignLineFilters.
44399 Birthday management enhanced
- Added events to manage birthday.
44356 Expose variables in Transfer Replenishment Journal page
- The CurrentTemplateCode and CurrentBatchNo variables have been made public in the Transfer Replenishment Journal page.
44279 Extend inc exp amount management
- Inc/Exp amount management extended.
44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService
44170 Request for 'Internal' procedures
- SetPOSState from POS Transaction Public used with state payment instead of setPayment.
44153 Event for Member Load Failed
- Event OnGetMemberInfoForPOSFailed added to Member Management.
44152 New and modified Events in POS Transaction CU
- New events:
- OnBeforeTotalGetRecommendation
- OnGetOutstandingBalance
- OnBeforeZReportSuspendProcess
- OnBeforeCheckMemberCard
- OnAfterKeyboardTriggerToProcess
44151 New Events POs Refund Mgt.
- New events:
- OnBeforePosConfirmIsOnPromotion
- OnBeforeInsertSelectionBuffer
- OnAfterSetLineNoFilter
44150 New Events in POS Print Utility
- Added events:
- OnBeforeVerboseAmount
- OnBeforeNextPeriodicDiscountInfoTEMP
- OnBeforeAddFieldValueToTmpStr
- OnBeforePrintItemNoOnPOSSlip
- OnBeforeInsertItemCategoryTemp
43822 OnAfterSetMessageTxt Events
- Added events:
- OnAfterSetMessageTxtStatusBlocked
- OnAfterSetMessageTxtNotValid
43821 Add event
43735 Blue Lagoon Upgrade 22.3 - Locked procedures
- Access provided to "LSC Store Inventory Management": GetNextLineNoInWorksheet() and codeunit "LSC POS Functions": SetPaymentState()
43575 The z-report no longer shows detailed staff sales on report
- Details not available.
43393 Hitting the ExeIDIndex limit
- The ExeIDIndex limit error has been fixed.
43064 InStore ICT posting fails
- InStore ICT posting has been enhanced to skip obsoleted fields.
43011 Preaction Primary Key Fix
- Preaction primary value separator has been changed from ± to ÷.
41954 Loyalty Discount Issue on Kiosk
- The cart is recalculated when a member is scanned at the Self-Service Kiosk after adding items to the cart.

44158 AL: Shopify - fulfillment not working
- Fixed fulfillment webhook that could fail if CO was already posted at the time of a webhook call.
44157 Events added to handle POS Member Management
- Three new events added to POS Member Management:
- OnBeforeContactCreate
- OnBeforeContactUpdate
- OnBeforeCreateNewCardForContact.
44156 POS View - procedure ChangeQtyPressedEx added
- Procedure ChangeQtyPressedEx exposed in POS Transaction public codeunit.
44155 Add event and code to set additional filters for selecting member club
- New IntegrationEvent OnAfterInsertFilterBufferSetAddFilter in POS Member Contact Popup codeunit.
44154 New event OnBeforeCheckForPutBack
- New IntegrationEvent OnBeforeCheckForPutBack added to CO Web Service Functions codeunit.
44146 Increase DSTR1 as "Document ID" is Code[20]
- Allow the printing of Customer Order numbers with up to 20 characters.
43986 AL: Shopify - Extra VAT on Customer Order lines
- Fixed Tax handling for products and shipping in Shopify Order import.
43865 Event for procedure InsertWorksheetDetail
- Details not available.
43760 Event for codeunit LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys
- Details not available.
43756 Events for Replenishment Planned Stock Demand
- Details not available.
43755 Events released for Replenishment on version 23.0 - W42
- 43756 Events for Replenishment Planned Stock Demand
- The integration event OnUpdatePlannedStockDemandOnBeforeModify has been added to the LSC Replen. Calculation codeunit.
- The integration event OnCreatePOFromPlannedStockDemandOnBeforeModifyPlannedStockDemand has been added to the LSC Replen. Create Purch Order codeunit.
- The integration event OnCreateTOFromPlannedStockDemandOnBeforeModifyPlannedStockDemand has been added to the LSC Replen. Create Transf. Ord codeunit.
- 43760 Event for codeunit LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys
- The integration event OnBeforeCalculateReplenishmentQuantiesForLinkedJobs has been added to the LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys codeunit.
- 43865 Event for codeunit LSC Replen. Calculation
- The integration event OnBeforeInsertWorksheetDetail has been added to the LSC Replen. Calculation codeunit.
43650 POSTransactionEvents.OnAfterMultiplyQty
- New event, OnMultiplyQtyAfterMultiplyWithCalc, added to POS Transaction.
43649 Shelf Label Printing
- New event, OnPrintReleasedSpoolsAfterCreatePrintBuffer, added to page Shelf Label Printing.
43613 Posting Event issue
- Merged three event subscribers into one.
43368 Change exposure of InStore Stock Req codeunit
- Details not available.
42138 AL: Shopify - FlowField bugfix
- Support for Central Flow fields in Shopify Meta Data.
41644 AL: Shopify - Ability to calculate inventory sent to Shopify (OnBefore Event)
- Event added OnBeforeCheckShopifyInventoryStatus.
40433 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSGFATWL
- Details not available.

44113 BuildError-RequestByDevops
- Internal fix.
44055 Request for 'Internal' procedures
- Details not available.
44053 Make Forecourt and Self-Checkout AppSource ready
- Details not available.
44008 Request for 'Internal' procedures : Miscui upgrade
- Request access to:
xmlport - 10015805 LSC ACT Upload Reservations - Populate
Used by our online booking system in order to retrieve the reservations both by activity number and Reservation Number, the base implementation was filtering only the activity No. so we need to populate the resulting object also with the data based on reservation No. filter
Part of [LSTS-28869] Hotfix request for 'Internal' procedures - Jira (
43518 Event After Start Sales Transaction
- Details not available.
43501 Events added to Picking/Receiving - Post
- Details not available.
43500 Publishers added to Retail Price Utils codeunit
- Details not available.
43499 New event to print variant description
- New event, OnAfterPrintCOItemLine, added. Used in PrintCustomerOrderLines procedure in POS Print Utility.
43467 BOM sent to kitchen again
- Details not available.
43353 BlueLagoon Upgrade Ticket
- Details not available.
43350 Make procedure UpdateCoverTo public
- Details not available.
43120 Creating Group Reservation from POS not working for products having allowance items as additional charges
- An error was fixed which caused process failure when creating Group Reservations from the POS (NEWGROUPRES) and the related activity product had additional items with allowances.
43110 Member points not rounded correctly
- Details not available.

42616 Missing events on version V22.3 released
- #41974 - New Event to allow bypass of Global Dimension 1 update during Transfer Posting
- #41975 - Inaccessible procedures. Doing an Upgrade to 22.3 for Blue Lagoon
- #42032 - OnBeforeProcessExternalCommand in ProcessExternalCommand of "LSC POS Transaction Impl"
- #42109 - Procedure ConvertItemPrice not internal in codeunit Retail Price Utilis (GH PR #137)
- #41871 - New event for Safe Panel
- #41882 - Change for event "OnBeforeFinalizePaymentForCO"
- #41901 - Client RediMart - Missing LS function in BC22 app
- #42110 - Added IntegrationEvent in table 10001323 "LSC P/R Counting Posting Setup"
- #42157 - New event Onvalidate Quantity in (picking / receiving line table)
- #42212 - Need Access to GetKdsKotPrintBuffer function in POS Print Utility
- #42214 - We required event "OnAfterSalePressedStartNewTrans" for IN Business Central 22.2
- #42373 - Make function PrintSlipCopy accessible
- #42419 - Event Request on Retail Receiving table "OnValidate UOM"
- #42420 - Event "OnAfterInputMemberCard() " for IN Business Central 22.2
- #42421 - Event "OnAfterAskForLotNo(Rec)" for IN Business Central 22.2
- #42495 - New Event in "LSC CO Web Service Functions"

43476 RefundLookup - Add ID to OnBeforeEvent
- Added a LookupID variable to the event publisher, allowing the partner to use a different POS Lookup record on the Refund command.
43385 Fix event in develop/master
- Event handler change.
43210 Member posting utils
- Details not available.
43208 CU POS Functions: set AddPosTransLineOffers external
- Details not available.
43194 Add parameter "TempDimBufPost" to existing event (OnBeforeUpdPostingBufferInPostIncomeExpLine2V2)
- Details not available.
43174 Changes to "LSC POS Print Utility" codeunit
- Details not available.
43170 LSCGetReserveSerialCpnUtils
- Details not available.
43135 Procedure ClearForm should be public
- Details not available.
43042 Change scope for PrintCustomerOrder and COCancellationAllowed procedures
- Details not available.
43030 Statement-Calculate and Tender Declaration new events
- Details not available.
42965 Internal procedures
- Details not available.
42864 Modified parameter on event OnBeforeInsertPointEntry
- Details not available.
42735 Entry point in procedure Code_Scanning in codeunit 10001315 "LSC Picking/Receiving - Post"
- Details not available.
42616 Missing events on version V22.3 released
- #41974 - New Event to allow bypass of Global Dimension 1 update during Transfer Posting
- #41975 - Inaccessible procedures. Doing an Upgrade to 22.3 for Blue Lagoon
- #42032 - OnBeforeProcessExternalCommand in ProcessExternalCommand of "LSC POS Transaction Impl"
- #42109 - Procedure ConvertItemPrice not internal in codeunit Retail Price Utilis (GH PR #137)
- #41871 - New event for Safe Panel
- #41882 - Change for event "OnBeforeFinalizePaymentForCO"
- #41901 - Client RediMart - Missing LS function in BC22 app
- #42110 - Added IntegrationEvent in table 10001323 "LSC P/R Counting Posting Setup"
- #42157 - New event Onvalidate Quantity in (picking / receiving line table)
- #42212 - Need Access to GetKdsKotPrintBuffer function in POS Print Utility
- #42214 - We required event "OnAfterSalePressedStartNewTrans" for IN Business Central 22.2
- #42373 - Make function PrintSlipCopy accessible
- #42419 - Event Request on Retail Receiving table "OnValidate UOM"
- #42420 - Event "OnAfterInputMemberCard() " for IN Business Central 22.2
- #42421 - Event "OnAfterAskForLotNo(Rec)" for IN Business Central 22.2
- #42495 - New Event in "LSC CO Web Service Functions"
42522 Replen. Item Quantity Calculation Performance Improvement when Calc. Qty. Sold not Posted is Enabled
- A SetLoadFields command has been added to improve the performance of the Replen. Item Quantity calculation when the Calc. Qty. Sold not Posted option is enabled in Replen. Setup.
42520 Unable to retrieve suspended transaction from SaaS via Web service
- Details not available.
42423 Transfer Line Insertion Error in Adjust Cross Docking Page
- When redistributing the Quantity in Retail Purchase Order's Adjust Cross Docking page, a Transfer Line insertion error has been fixed.
42395 Discount line to CustomerOrder
- Details not available.
41335 Change the procedure scope in codeunit 10016661 "LSC CO Web Service Functions"
- Details not available.

43178 Add ajaxSetup to Content.js
- Details not available.
43136 Period field is blanked when all Activities are canceled - corrupt the integration interface
- We have changed that the reservation dates do not get blanked when a reservation line has a status change and there are not confirmed activities. Canceling activities could lead to reservation header dates becoming blank, but now if there are no activities confirmed, the original dates in the reservation header are left intact.
43036 Added event OnBeforeGetFilteredCustomerOrderList
- Details not available.
Hotels hotfixes

49535 Room type field error if user does not close room type card in between toggling the disable button
- User can now disable and change the Room Type without exiting the page.
48754 Not possible to make changes to room type fields
- Changed validation when modifying Room Type fields. If the Room Type is disabled, the system will allow to change every field except Room Type and Property, without checking if related records such as Hotel Reservations and Detailed Revenue Entries exist.

48962 Not possible to change the deposit assignment when you assign it during the deposit creation
- After making a deposit with a folio assigned, it was not possible to create an assignment to a different folio. In this case, the correct way is to change the folio number in the payment entry. This has now been fixed, and Folio No. is now editable so it is possible to change it to another folio, or, remove it and assign it from the Deposit Assignment page.
Note: A deposit assigned to a folio in Res. Payment Entries is not included as Total Collected Deposit in assignments, because the assignment feature is designed to manage deposits without folio at the collection moment or as a way to split them.
48950 Paymaster and guest folio both auto no 1 confused the system
- Fixed invoices that used folio no. 1 in both paymaster and guest.
48925 When Accommodation Tax is on and you create an invoice to a customer - amount wrong
- Fixed accommodation tax when empty hotelsetup.“Balance Transfer Item No.” and for customer discount.
47704 Hotel Reservation max Availability being calculated incorrectly when creating hotel reservation
- Fixed to use correct activity availability.

48755 An error occurs when trying to create an invoice on SGL res when it is part of a group RES
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to invoice a reservation to a company, if that reservation belonged to a Group that had a Guest Pays All Routing Rule.
48643 Hotel Reservation List / Infobox - "Hotel property not found in setup table"
- Fixed an issue where the statistics Factbox on the Hotel Reservation List would break after a filter returned no records.

48731 Accommodation tax giving error when invoicing customers
- Fixed error in invoice when room price has line discount %.
48645 Not possible to void a hotel transaction line on POS
- Fixed a voiding line in POS with these considerations:
- Voiding a DRE line in a POS transaction means removing that line just in the transaction, not from revenue lines.
- Voiding an included in rate line will void all the included in rate lines as well.
48495 Hotel Hotfix 2024-01-31
- Fixed occupancy based rates, tape chart slowness, tape chart guest list, folio no. in page now accessible from app extensions.
47608 Back Button on POS not working
- Fixed the back button in the POS so it does not return back to the same panel, when a row is selected in the hotel search grid.

47896 DRE Error on POS when charging to reservation
- Fixed the HOTELPOST command, which is run at end of hotel transactions, so it no longer returns “The Detailed Revenue Entry does not exist. Reservation No.='xxx', Line No.=0” error when updating a DRE line.
47871 ReservationExtraSave web method discounts not working
- ReservationExtraSave web method line discount fixed.
47705 Error when adjusting rate code Hotels
- Allow to change Rate Code offset, offset type, name, and description.
38170 Deposit payment on POS does not mark all deposit due lines as paid
- Fixed paying full deposit on POS by selecting deposit due lines individually, now it marks the deposit due lines selected as paid.

47641 Cannot use "old" deposits after upgrade (22.4)
- Entry Type upgrade process fixed for old deposit entries created with the deprecated Prepayment field.
46979 Customer default routing rule not working in Reservation Builder in v23
- The Default Routing Rule for customer in Reservation Builder was not working. Has been fixed.

46947 Not able to pay on POS after posting a Credit Memo
- Paying on POS after posting a Credit Memo bug was fixed.
46992 Balance incorrect in group reservation when paying after creating a Credit Memo
- If an invoice was done for a group reservation, PAYMASTER PAYS ALL, after having done a Credit Memo for the first invoice, the balance was a negative amount instead of zero.

46907 Customer discount not working correctly
- Customer discounts were not working when a new reservation was created nor when the routing rule changed.
46893 Back button in group WT not working
- The POS command on the Back button should be HTL-FRONTDESK with parameter CANCEL. The command was not working but is fixed now.

46744 Accommodation tax upgrade page
- New Accommodation tax upgrade page added for hotels that need to create accommodation tax lines.
46188 Accommodation tax incl. in room price fixes
- Accommodation tax incl. in room price fixed issues with discounted revenue lines and VAT % calculation.
46112 Hotel Res. PrePayment Amount is incorrect after Sales Invoice created from Hotel and posted
- Fixed incorrect balance for posted invoices where currency factor is not 1.

42932 Exit ActivitySave in Hotels when modifying irrelevant fields in ActivityReservation table
- Checks have been added to the ActivitySave function, so that when fields in the Activity Reservation table that are not relevant to the Hotel are changed, the user exits.
Also, if the HotelReservation.paymaster = true, the user also exits.

- Update app.json to 23.0 and LS Central dependency.

- Internal use only.

34093 Void & copy on POS not working well with hotel reservations
- If a reservation is settled with an incorrect payment type (or the rates were wrong), there is a way to void the transaction, prepay, and get room rates back on the reservation to invoice room rates again the right way:
- Open the POS.
- Select Transactions.
- Select the relevant transaction, and press Void and copy.
- The transaction is returned.
- Now you see the room rates in Invoice Management on the reservation as they were before you settled the invoice.
Note: In LS Central for hotels, the Void/Copy command works differently from the normal POS. It creates and posts a return transaction but does not create a copy of the transaction in the POS. The DRE lines are credited and new lines created so the status of the Hotel Reservation is the same as it was before the voided transaction.

45558 Fix latest hotfix
- Fixed event subscriber for Sales Warehouse Mgt.
45457 Credit Memo Header No overwrites Sales Invoice No in DRE
- Credit Memo Header No overwriting Sales Invoice No in DRE has been fixed.
45436 Update WT in Git v23 with WT from config package
- Updated web template files HTL-RESERVATION.WT.txt and HTL-GROUP.WT.txt.
45257 Credit Memo reverse paid DRE lines not working
- Details not available.
44482 Customer on Hotel reservation - Folios not working on POS
- Now the POS only looks at the payer no field in the reservation folio table when assigning a customer on a POS transaction.

45122 New event in Revenue Entry Management codeunit
- Details not available.
44912 POS Line discount not in DRE line discount
- Fixed a bug where POS Trans Line discount was not set in the Detailed Revenue Entry line.
44901 Cannot do a sales invoice - missing item no on tax accommodation line
- Details not available.
44510 Not able to pay folio on POS
- Details not available.

44635 Events in New Reservation page
- Added OnAfterConfirmReservationBeforeCommit(IsExternal, Rec."Reservation No.");before Commit();
Added OnAfterConfirmReservation(IsExternal, Rec."Reservation No."); after Commit();
Note: New processes under the name Reservation Builder are replacing this page in version 24, so these events will be obsoleted in v 24.0.
44509 NA Deposit application posting sets the Tax Calculation Type to "Normal VAT"
- Changed the tax calc tax to "Sales Tax" for NA BC setup.
44453 Show Details crashes client session
- Not only related to routing rule table, Show Details did not work for the tables that did not have the properties LookupPageID and DrillDownPageID set (new feature coming from BC23 Wave 2).
- Fixed for Rate code table, Routing Rule table, Housekeeping Rule table, Hotel Group Reservation table, Market Segment PMS table, Room Type table and Hotel Setup table.
44365 Accommodation tax - stop using tax item no
- Details not available.
43853 Public ReservationSummary Does Not Allow Setting Tax Flag
- Function SetAmountInlVat(UseAmountInclVat: Boolean) added to Hotel Integration codeunit.

42243 Accommodation tax not delivering the tax to Tax posting income account
- A Detailed Revenue Entry line is always created when the tax is calculated.
Also new in Hotel Setup is a Night Audit Customer No. for each entry in the Customer Posting Group table to prevent a wrong booking to the Receivables Account.

43764 More parameters needed for events
- See LSTS-28561, extra parameters added.

43586 When using COMPANY PAYS ROOM routing rule, it is not possible to pay other folios on the POS
- If you had an unposted invoice and tried to pay guest folios in the POS, an error message warning about unposted invoice was displayed. This has been fixed, and now the message only appears for folios with unposted invoices.
43204 Events added
- Details not available.
System hotfixes

63887 SPG unit issue on V21.5 - Unit missing
- Updated the SPG unit check to comply with the new behavior of the unit data from the API.
- Suggest the license to be refreshed by just pressing the Show License Details action on the License Manager Setup page.

51326 Trigger system app hotfix
- Details not available.