Hotfixes on LS Central version 22.2.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).
LS Central hotfixes

63887 SPG unit issue on V21.5 - Unit missing
- Updated the SPG unit check to comply with the new behavior of the unit data from the API.
- Suggest the license to be refreshed by just pressing the Show License Details action on the License Manager Setup page.

58464 Field "Retrieved from Suspended Transaction" in Transaction Header is never "True"
- Details not available.

55965 Cash credit amount has not updated in my GL account after posting the statement
- Details not available.

45986 "POS Warmup active" check mark leaves holes in Receipt numbering
- Details not available.

52192 Cancellation of Return Reason selection after PI cancellation transaction
- Fixed an issue where a card payment transaction existed without any transaction in LS Central when canceling return reason infocode.

52192 Cancellation of Return Reason selection after PI cancellation transaction
- Fixed an issue where a card payment transaction existed without any transaction in LSC when cancelling the return reason infocode.

50791 "Line No." in POS Card Entry empty for intra-day refunds
- Details not available.

50218 Why no DD-Push process after Z-Report printing for "Statement Method" = POS? - Copy
- Details not available.

51891 Hotfix down to 21.5 to fix build error with CalcSums on a flow field
- Changed incorrect calcsums to calcfields.
50646 Add Parameter DSTR1 to Event OnBeforePrintTenderInfo #251
- New parameter added to event OnBeforePrintTenderInfo.
50577 LSC-2884 Event request for Infocode subcode filter in Lookup-option
- Event OnAfterInfoSubCodeSetFilter added in POS Transaction.
50218 Why no DD-Push process after Z-Report printing for "Statement Method" = POS? - Copy
- Details not available.

50026 Referenced Refund functionality added to POS
- Details not available.
49850 Validate that selected infocode subcode is valid on current date by subscribing to function "TypeSelection"
- Details not available.

49850 Validate that selected infocode subcode is valid on current date by subscribing to function "TypeSelection"
- Details not available.
49455 LSC-2697 Adidas Exchanges are blocked by new LS Retail check in Function "Change Quantity"
- Event IsHandled was added in function ChangeQtyPressed in POS Transaction to be able to skip blocking of negative qty in return transaction.
49244 Event Request for Control Availability of Reason Codes on POS by Dates
- New event, OnAfterSetFiltersInfoSubCode, in Pop-up POS Commands codeunit.
49001 Customer Tender not asking amount
- Customer Tender not asking for tender amount has been fixed.
45858 POS Data Entry issue - Hybrid environment
- Event OnBeforeProcessDataEntryMask added in POS Functions.

48880 POS Data Entry One-Time Redemption does not write-off voucher balance
- Update Write-off amount when using vouchers with one time redemption.
45858 POS Data Entry issue - Hybrid environment
- Details not available.

48261 Customer Order Slip no longer prints
- Details not available.
47895 LSC-2604 incorrect error for Pull-Replication with Offline and Azure-DD-Replication Mode
- Details not available.

47701 Need access to PrintInvoice in LSC POS Print Utility
- Procedure PrintInvoice made public in LSC POS Print Utility.
47700 InsertPage missing in codeunit LSC POS Print Utility
- InsertPage made public in LSC POS Print Utility Public.
47574 Receipt printing for Deals that include item modifers do not listen to printing settings (#33514 recreated)
- Indent for modifiers are now cleaner.

47574 Receipt printing for Deals that include item modifers do not listen to printing settings (#33514 recreated)
- Indent for modifiers are now cleaner.
47543 Remove Access internal for a few functions #33607 recreated
- Details not available.
41674 Error when paying for a transaction including a voided deal with modifiers
- Details not available.

44344 Bug identified in Data Entry
- Details not available.
44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService
44157 Events added to handle POS Member Management
- Three new events added to POS Member Management:
- OnBeforeContactCreate
- OnBeforeContactUpdate
- OnBeforeCreateNewCardForContact.
44156 POS View - procedure ChangeQtyPressedEx added
- Procedure ChangeQtyPressedEx exposed in POS Transaction public codeunit.
44155 Add event and code to set additional filters for selecting member club
- New IntegrationEvent OnAfterInsertFilterBufferSetAddFilter in POS Member Contact Popup codeunit.
44154 New event OnBeforeCheckForPutBack
- New IntegrationEvent OnBeforeCheckForPutBack added to CO Web Service Functions codeunit.
44146 Increase DSTR1 as "Document ID" is Code[20]
- Allow the printing of Customer Order numbers with up to 20 characters.
44056 The system prints standard bills and customized bills at the same time
- Fixed with some Print settings, too many copies of the sales slip were printed for each Transaction.
43821 Add event
43575 The z-report no longer shows detailed staff sales on report
- Details not available.
43476 RefundLookup - Add ID to OnBeforeEvent
- Added a LookupID variable to the event publisher, allowing the partner to use a different POS Lookup record on the Refund command.
42619 Change Print Card Slips to use Receipt No. from EFT Print Lines
- Details not available.
42582 POSTransPostingStateTmp and POSTransSuspensionStateTmp Event
- Details not available.
42577 Fix on name check on Activity Product No and Resource No. is causing a breaking change for activity
- Details not available.
42520 Unable to retrieve suspended transaction from SaaS via Web service
- Details not available.
42405 Balance Checking Return Error Event Publisher
- Event added in BalanceCheckingReturnsError called OnBeforeBalanceCheckingReturnsError.
42104 Hotfix for correct finish status
- Hotfix to finish KOT correctly when Restaurant setting Kitchen Prod. System in Use is set to Retail POS - Printed on Posting.
41958 Transfer Order Posting Error
- Fixed an issue where Dimensions were being removed from the Transfer Order before Receiving.
41674 Error when paying for a transaction including a voided deal with modifiers
- Details not available.
41663 Cannot activate ScanPayGo license
- Updated license manager API URL.
41659 Statement-Post: Handle Non-Inventory Items
- Code added to only validate the Entry Type, if the Item is an Inventory item.
41589 AL: Shopify Handle Tax in Order Pull
- Details not available.
41559 Hotfix Missing events
- 39890 Request for "LSC STAFF Functions" procedures to remain public
- 39939 Object Accessibility
- 40173 New Event on "HandleSalesPersonMode"
41322 Change Protection Levels for Replication functions
- Details not available.
41312 Overflow error in Buyer's Workbench page
- An overflow error occurs when the Buyer's Workbench page is opened with a Buyer ID that exceeds 30 characters. This issue has now been fixed.
41260 OnAfterPrintReturnText passing PrintBuffer with empty Primary keys
- Fixed an issue that caused the temporary records on Print Buffer to not be sent as a parameter.
41072 New Event Request
- Details not available.
41054 Codeunit 99001599 “LSC POS Transaction Impl” Event Requests Document: 1
- Details not available.
41051 New event “OnBeforeThrowErrorAfterValidateSerialNo”
- Details not available.
40958 Change procedures/object scope in codeunit 10037985
- Details not available.
40953 Change object scope in codeunit 10016630 "LSC Label Spool Utility"
- Details not available.
40949 Change procedure scope in table 10015899 "LSC Activity Allotment"
- Details not available.
40945 Change procedure Scopes
- The following methods and objects have been unlocked:
- 'Codeunit "LSC RC Add Selected Activity"'
- 'Codeunit "LSC ACT Label Functions"'
- 'LocationOpeningTimes(Code[20], Date, var Time, var Time)'
- 'ScheduleTime(Code[20], Code[20], Date, var Time, var Time, Boolean)'
- 'RescheduleActivity(Code[20], Date, Time, Code[20], Code[20], Record "LSC POS Transaction", var Record "LSC POS Menu Line", Boolean, var Code[20])'
- 'CheckIfResourceOpen(Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, var Text, Record "LSC Activity Resource Group", Code[20])'
- 'CheckResourceAvailability(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, var Text, var Integer)'
- 'isProductOverBookingAllowed(Code[20])'
- 'IsResourceCapable(Code[20], Code[20], Boolean)'
- 'CheckUserRestrictions(Date, Time, Code[20], Boolean)'
- 'CheckProductAvailability(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, Code[20], Option, Integer, Code[20], Code[20], Code[20], Code[20], Code[20])'
- 'CalculateDuration(Code[20], Date, Time, Integer, var Date, var Time, Code[20], Integer, Code[20])'
- 'NewSearchClient(var Code[20], var Code[20])'
- 'SetAttributeFilters(var Record "LSC Activity Resource", Code[20])'
- 'CalculateResourceScheduleHours(Code[20], Code[20], Date)'
40938 Event request in codeunit 99008906 "LSC POS Price Utility"
- Details not available.
40924 Change procedure scope in codeunit 10036996 "LSC Retail Transfer Order Ext."
- Details not available.
40922 Make four functions external to allow use of DD Send
- Details not available.
40833 List of POS Transaction functions to be made public
- Details not available.
40803 Humanity extension development BC22 - “LSC Staff functions“
- Details not available.
40797 LSC Retail PO Subpage"(Page 10000816).OnAfterGetRecord(Trigger) line 5
- Only populate the Barcode column, if the Item Reference No. value length is less or equal to 22.
40749 Able to refund more quantity than sold quantity using REFUND_ITEM command
- Added code to handle scanning barcode for returning items with decimal quantities. Scanning the barcode will trigger a full refund of the line.
40695 New Product Ext event
- Details not available.
40681 Add parameter StatementLine to Publisher in LSC Statement Calculation codeunit
- Details not available.
40601 Getting Error inaccessible due to its protection level
- Details not available.
40561 Events added to Product Ext
- Details not available.
40558 Only set Variant filter if Variant_g <> ''
- Details not available.
40552 Release events on version 22.2 W 34
- #39889
- #39891
- #40958
- #41322
40535 Error to publish customizations, post migration LS 20.5 to LS 22.2
- Details not available.
40532 Codeunit 10033206 LSCCustomerOrderGetV3Utils removal of internal access
- Details not available.
40481 LSC Basic Search
- Details not available.
40480 OnSkipValidateItemPriceProfitCalc
- Details not available.
40433 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSGFATWL
- Details not available.
40432 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSDL
- Details not available.
40431 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSGF
- Details not available.
40329 Decimal number input in "Allocated time (min)" generates an error, Seating walk-in from reservation grid does not update correctly
- A decimal input in the Reserved For (Min.) field (also called Allocated For (Min.)) in Dining Reservation Entry is now rounded down to an integer value. The data update in the Allocation has been fixed when you seat an un-allocated walk-in entry directly.
40245 Request to remove the internal access on the attached functions
- Details not available.
40173 New Event on "HandleSalesPersonMode"
- Details not available.
40143 Customer Orders - C4 Ship Items - No transaction Header
- Details not available.
40020 New entry point in ValidateInfocode procedure in POS transaction codeunit
- Details not available.
39939 Object Accessibility
- Details not available.
39891 Need ability to hide a confirm in the CO Utility
- Details not available.
39890 Request for "LSC STAFF Functions" procedures to remain public
- Details not available.
39889 Need to filter out Sourcing Locations before they are shown in POS
- Details not available.
39730 Cannot enter integer, decimal, or time in zoom control
- An issue that was causing field no. 0 to be assigned has been fixed.
38962 Email sending from POS
- Email sending from POS
38708 Joining arrows disappear when menu is loaded without loading the joined buttons
- An issue causing the joining arrows to disappear when the menu was redrawn has been fixed.
38487 Member points negative
- Process updated to only consider the Member Points balance if users are trying to use points for payment.
38367 Replication: Error Message
- Updated the ErrorHandler procedure to allow more than 250 characters.
- Applied CopyStr when populating global variable LastError to truncate to 250 chars.
38321 Display on Kiosk cannot show all Sales Types
- The Self-Service Kiosk can now show 15 sales types in portrait mode and 12 sales types in landscape mode without overlapping anything.
35741 An item that is scanned into the Self-Service Kiosk can be edited but page is blank
- Items that have been scanned into the Self-Service Kiosk can no longer be edited from the basket.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.

44344 Bug identified in Data Entry
- Details not available.
44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService
44157 Events added to handle POS Member Management
- Three new events added to POS Member Management:
- OnBeforeContactCreate
- OnBeforeContactUpdate
- OnBeforeCreateNewCardForContact.
44156 POS View - procedure ChangeQtyPressedEx added
- Procedure ChangeQtyPressedEx exposed in POS Transaction public codeunit.
44155 Add event and code to set additional filters for selecting member club
- New IntegrationEvent OnAfterInsertFilterBufferSetAddFilter in POS Member Contact Popup codeunit.
44154 New event OnBeforeCheckForPutBack
- New IntegrationEvent OnBeforeCheckForPutBack added to CO Web Service Functions codeunit.
44146 Increase DSTR1 as "Document ID" is Code[20]
- Allow the printing of Customer Order numbers with up to 20 characters.
44056 The system prints standard bills and customized bills at the same time
- Fixed with some Print settings, too many copies of the sales slip were printed for each Transaction.
43821 Add event
43476 RefundLookup - Add ID to OnBeforeEvent
- Added a LookupID variable to the event publisher, allowing the partner to use a different POS Lookup record on the Refund command.
42619 Change Print Card Slips to use Receipt No. from EFT Print Lines
- Details not available.
42582 POSTransPostingStateTmp and POSTransSuspensionStateTmp Event
- Details not available.
42577 Fix on name check on Activity Product No and Resource No. is causing a breaking change for activity
- Details not available.
42520 Unable to retrieve suspended transaction from SaaS via Web service
- Details not available.
42405 Balance Checking Return Error Event Publisher
- Event added in BalanceCheckingReturnsError called OnBeforeBalanceCheckingReturnsError.
42104 Hotfix for correct finish status
- Hotfix to finish KOT correctly when Restaurant setting Kitchen Prod. System in Use is set to Retail POS - Printed on Posting.
41958 Transfer Order Posting Error
- Fixed an issue where Dimensions were being removed from the Transfer Order before Receiving.
41674 Error when paying for a transaction including a voided deal with modifiers
- Details not available.
41663 Cannot activate ScanPayGo license
- Updated license manager API URL.
41659 Statement-Post: Handle Non-Inventory Items
- Code added to only validate the Entry Type, if the Item is an Inventory item.
41589 AL: Shopify Handle Tax in Order Pull
- Details not available.
41559 Hotfix Missing events
- 39890 Request for "LSC STAFF Functions" procedures to remain public
- 39939 Object Accessibility
- 40173 New Event on "HandleSalesPersonMode"
41322 Change Protection Levels for Replication functions
- Details not available.
41312 Overflow error in Buyer's Workbench page
- An overflow error occurs when the Buyer's Workbench page is opened with a Buyer ID that exceeds 30 characters. This issue has now been fixed.
41260 OnAfterPrintReturnText passing PrintBuffer with empty Primary keys
- Fixed an issue that caused the temporary records on Print Buffer to not be sent as a parameter.
41072 New Event Request
- Details not available.
41054 Codeunit 99001599 “LSC POS Transaction Impl” Event Requests Document: 1
- Details not available.
41051 New event “OnBeforeThrowErrorAfterValidateSerialNo”
- Details not available.
40958 Change procedures/object scope in codeunit 10037985
- Details not available.
40953 Change object scope in codeunit 10016630 "LSC Label Spool Utility"
- Details not available.
40949 Change procedure scope in table 10015899 "LSC Activity Allotment"
- Details not available.
40945 Change procedure Scopes
- The following methods and objects have been unlocked:
- 'Codeunit "LSC RC Add Selected Activity"'
- 'Codeunit "LSC ACT Label Functions"'
- 'LocationOpeningTimes(Code[20], Date, var Time, var Time)'
- 'ScheduleTime(Code[20], Code[20], Date, var Time, var Time, Boolean)'
- 'RescheduleActivity(Code[20], Date, Time, Code[20], Code[20], Record "LSC POS Transaction", var Record "LSC POS Menu Line", Boolean, var Code[20])'
- 'CheckIfResourceOpen(Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, var Text, Record "LSC Activity Resource Group", Code[20])'
- 'CheckResourceAvailability(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, var Text, var Integer)'
- 'isProductOverBookingAllowed(Code[20])'
- 'IsResourceCapable(Code[20], Code[20], Boolean)'
- 'CheckUserRestrictions(Date, Time, Code[20], Boolean)'
- 'CheckProductAvailability(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, Code[20], Option, Integer, Code[20], Code[20], Code[20], Code[20], Code[20])'
- 'CalculateDuration(Code[20], Date, Time, Integer, var Date, var Time, Code[20], Integer, Code[20])'
- 'NewSearchClient(var Code[20], var Code[20])'
- 'SetAttributeFilters(var Record "LSC Activity Resource", Code[20])'
- 'CalculateResourceScheduleHours(Code[20], Code[20], Date)'
40938 Event request in codeunit 99008906 "LSC POS Price Utility"
- Details not available.
40924 Change procedure scope in codeunit 10036996 "LSC Retail Transfer Order Ext."
- Details not available.
40922 Make four functions external to allow use of DD Send
- Details not available.
40833 List of POS Transaction functions to be made public
- Details not available.
40803 Humanity extension development BC22 - “LSC Staff functions“
- Details not available.
40797 LSC Retail PO Subpage"(Page 10000816).OnAfterGetRecord(Trigger) line 5
- Only populate the Barcode column, if the Item Reference No. value length is less or equal to 22.
40749 Able to refund more quantity than sold quantity using REFUND_ITEM command
- Added code to handle scanning barcode for returning items with decimal quantities. Scanning the barcode will trigger a full refund of the line.
40695 New Product Ext event
- Details not available.
40681 Add parameter StatementLine to Publisher in LSC Statement Calculation codeunit
- Details not available.
40601 Getting Error inaccessible due to its protection level
- Details not available.
40561 Events added to Product Ext
- Details not available.
40558 Only set Variant filter if Variant_g <> ''
- Details not available.
40552 Release events on version 22.2 W 34
- #39889
- #39891
- #40958
- #41322
40535 Error to publish customizations, post migration LS 20.5 to LS 22.2
- Details not available.
40532 Codeunit 10033206 LSCCustomerOrderGetV3Utils removal of internal access
- Details not available.
40481 LSC Basic Search
- Details not available.
40480 OnSkipValidateItemPriceProfitCalc
- Details not available.
40433 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSGFATWL
- Details not available.
40432 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSDL
- Details not available.
40431 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSGF
- Details not available.
40329 Decimal number input in "Allocated time (min)" generates an error, Seating walk-in from reservation grid does not update correctly
- A decimal input in the Reserved For (Min.) field (also called Allocated For (Min.)) in Dining Reservation Entry is now rounded down to an integer value. The data update in the Allocation has been fixed when you seat an un-allocated walk-in entry directly.
40245 Request to remove the internal access on the attached functions
- Details not available.
40173 New Event on "HandleSalesPersonMode"
- Details not available.
40143 Customer Orders - C4 Ship Items - No transaction Header
- Details not available.
40020 New entry point in ValidateInfocode procedure in POS transaction codeunit
- Details not available.
39939 Object Accessibility
- Details not available.
39891 Need ability to hide a confirm in the CO Utility
- Details not available.
39890 Request for "LSC STAFF Functions" procedures to remain public
- Details not available.
39889 Need to filter out Sourcing Locations before they are shown in POS
- Details not available.
39730 Cannot enter integer, decimal, or time in zoom control
- An issue that was causing field no. 0 to be assigned has been fixed.
39219 Exchange with top-up with the mode of payment cannot process
- Details not available.
38962 Email sending from POS
- Email sending from POS
38708 Joining arrows disappear when menu is loaded without loading the joined buttons
- An issue causing the joining arrows to disappear when the menu was redrawn has been fixed.
38487 Member points negative
- Process updated to only consider the Member Points balance if users are trying to use points for payment.
38367 Replication: Error Message
- Updated the ErrorHandler procedure to allow more than 250 characters.
- Applied CopyStr when populating global variable LastError to truncate to 250 chars.
38321 Display on Kiosk cannot show all Sales Types
- The Self-Service Kiosk can now show 15 sales types in portrait mode and 12 sales types in landscape mode without overlapping anything.
35741 An item that is scanned into the Self-Service Kiosk can be edited but page is blank
- Items that have been scanned into the Self-Service Kiosk can no longer be edited from the basket.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.

39219 Exchange with top-up with the mode of payment cannot process
- Details not available.

44344 Bug identified in Data Entry
- Details not available.
44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService
43821 Add event

44157 Events added to handle POS Member Management
- Three new events added to POS Member Management:
- OnBeforeContactCreate
- OnBeforeContactUpdate
- OnBeforeCreateNewCardForContact.
44156 POS View - procedure ChangeQtyPressedEx added
- Procedure ChangeQtyPressedEx exposed in POS Transaction public codeunit.
44155 Add event and code to set additional filters for selecting member club
- New IntegrationEvent OnAfterInsertFilterBufferSetAddFilter in POS Member Contact Popup codeunit.
44154 New event OnBeforeCheckForPutBack
- New IntegrationEvent OnBeforeCheckForPutBack added to CO Web Service Functions codeunit.
44146 Increase DSTR1 as "Document ID" is Code[20]
- Allow the printing of Customer Order numbers with up to 20 characters.

40433 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSGFATWL
- Details not available.

43476 RefundLookup - Add ID to OnBeforeEvent
- Added a LookupID variable to the event publisher, allowing the partner to use a different POS Lookup record on the Refund command.

42582 POSTransPostingStateTmp and POSTransSuspensionStateTmp Event
- Details not available.
42520 Unable to retrieve suspended transaction from SaaS via Web service
- Details not available.
41958 Transfer Order Posting Error
- Fixed an issue where Dimensions were being removed from the Transfer Order before Receiving.

42405 Balance Checking Return Error Event Publisher
- Event added in BalanceCheckingReturnsError called OnBeforeBalanceCheckingReturnsError.

42582 POSTransPostingStateTmp and POSTransSuspensionStateTmp Event
- Details not available.
42104 Hotfix for correct finish status
- Hotfix to finish KOT correctly when Restaurant setting Kitchen Prod. System in Use is set to Retail POS - Printed on Posting.

42619 Change Print Card Slips to use Receipt No. from EFT Print Lines
- Details not available.
42577 Fix on name check on Activity Product No and Resource No. is causing a breaking change for activity
- Details not available.

42405 Balance Checking Return Error Event Publisher
- Event added in BalanceCheckingReturnsError called OnBeforeBalanceCheckingReturnsError.
41659 Statement-Post: Handle Non-Inventory Items
- Code added to only validate the Entry Type, if the Item is an Inventory item.

38487 Member points negative
- Process updated to only consider the Member Points balance if users are trying to use points for payment.

40949 Change procedure scope in table 10015899 "LSC Activity Allotment"
- Details not available.

41674 Error when paying for a transaction including a voided deal with modifiers
- Details not available.

41674 Error when paying for a transaction including a voided deal with modifiers
- Details not available.
41589 AL: Shopify Handle Tax in Order Pull
- Details not available.
40797 LSC Retail PO Subpage"(Page 10000816).OnAfterGetRecord(Trigger) line 5
- Only populate the Barcode column, if the Item Reference No. value length is less or equal to 22.
40749 Able to refund more quantity than sold quantity using REFUND_ITEM command
- Added code to handle scanning barcode for returning items with decimal quantities. Scanning the barcode will trigger a full refund of the line.
38367 Replication: Error Message
- Updated the ErrorHandler procedure to allow more than 250 characters.
- Applied CopyStr when populating global variable LastError to truncate to 250 chars.

41663 Cannot activate ScanPayGo license
- Updated license manager API URL.
41559 Hotfix Missing events
- 39890 Request for "LSC STAFF Functions" procedures to remain public
- 39939 Object Accessibility
- 40173 New Event on "HandleSalesPersonMode"
41322 Change Protection Levels for Replication functions
- Details not available.
41312 Overflow error in Buyer's Workbench page
- An overflow error occurs when the Buyer's Workbench page is opened with a Buyer ID that exceeds 30 characters. This issue has now been fixed.
41072 New Event Request
- Details not available.
41054 Codeunit 99001599 “LSC POS Transaction Impl” Event Requests Document: 1
- Details not available.
41051 New event “OnBeforeThrowErrorAfterValidateSerialNo”
- Details not available.
40958 Change procedures/object scope in codeunit 10037985
- Details not available.
40953 Change object scope in codeunit 10016630 "LSC Label Spool Utility"
- Details not available.
40924 Change procedure scope in codeunit 10036996 "LSC Retail Transfer Order Ext."
- Details not available.
40922 Make four functions external to allow use of DD Send
- Details not available.
40833 List of POS Transaction functions to be made public
- Details not available.
40803 Humanity extension development BC22 - “LSC Staff functions“
- Details not available.
40695 New Product Ext event
- Details not available.
40681 Add parameter StatementLine to Publisher in LSC Statement Calculation codeunit
- Details not available.
40601 Getting Error inaccessible due to its protection level
- Details not available.
40561 Events added to Product Ext
- Details not available.
40558 Only set Variant filter if Variant_g <> ''
- Details not available.
40552 Release events on version 22.2 W 34
- #39889
- #39891
- #40958
- #41322
40535 Error to publish customizations, post migration LSC 20.5 to LSC 22.2
- Details not available.
40532 Codeunit 10033206 LSCCustomerOrderGetV3Utils removal of internal access
- Details not available.
40481 LSC Basic Search
- Details not available.
40480 OnSkipValidateItemPriceProfitCalc
- Details not available.
40433 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSGFATWL
- Details not available.
40432 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSDL
- Details not available.
40431 Request accessibility for objects/procedures LSGF
- Details not available.
40245 Request to remove the internal access on the attached functions
- Details not available.
40173 New Event on "HandleSalesPersonMode"
- Details not available.
40020 New entry point in ValidateInfocode procedure in POS transaction codeunit
- Details not available.
39939 Object Accessibility
- Details not available.
39891 Need ability to hide a confirm in the CO Utility
- Details not available.
39890 Request for "LSC STAFF Functions" procedures to remain public
- Details not available.
39889 Need to filter out Sourcing Locations before they are shown in POS
- Details not available.
39730 Cannot enter integer, decimal, or time in zoom control
- An issue that was causing field no. 0 to be assigned has been fixed.
38962 Email sending from POS
- Email sending from POS

40143 Customer Orders - C4 Ship Items - No transaction Header
- Details not available.
41260 OnAfterPrintReturnText passing PrintBuffer with empty Primary keys
- Fixed an issue that caused the temporary records on Print Buffer to not be sent as a parameter.
40945 Change procedure Scopes
- The following methods and objects have been unlocked:
- 'Codeunit "LSC RC Add Selected Activity"'
- 'Codeunit "LSC ACT Label Functions"'
- 'LocationOpeningTimes(Code[20], Date, var Time, var Time)'
- 'ScheduleTime(Code[20], Code[20], Date, var Time, var Time, Boolean)'
- 'RescheduleActivity(Code[20], Date, Time, Code[20], Code[20], Record "LSC POS Transaction", var Record "LSC POS Menu Line", Boolean, var Code[20])'
- 'CheckIfResourceOpen(Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, var Text, Record "LSC Activity Resource Group", Code[20])'
- 'CheckResourceAvailability(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, var Text, var Integer)'
- 'isProductOverBookingAllowed(Code[20])'
- 'IsResourceCapable(Code[20], Code[20], Boolean)'
- 'CheckUserRestrictions(Date, Time, Code[20], Boolean)'
- 'CheckProductAvailability(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, Code[20], Option, Integer, Code[20], Code[20], Code[20], Code[20], Code[20])'
- 'CalculateDuration(Code[20], Date, Time, Integer, var Date, var Time, Code[20], Integer, Code[20])'
- 'NewSearchClient(var Code[20], var Code[20])'
- 'SetAttributeFilters(var Record "LSC Activity Resource", Code[20])'
- 'CalculateResourceScheduleHours(Code[20], Code[20], Date)'
40938 Event request in codeunit 99008906 "LSC POS Price Utility"
- Details not available.
40868 Events released on version 22.2 - W32
- Codeunit LSC Pop-up POS Commands - BomPrintMenuTypePart2 - already in Pop-up POS Commands Public
- Codeunit LSC Dining Reservation Util. - already in Din. Reserv. Util. Public
- CancelTableAllocationFromStartupView
- CreateWalkinReservationEntryFromTable
- Codeunit LSC Dining Area Utilities - already in Dining Area Util. Public
- ChangeTableCoordinatesToDesignLoc
- CheckDayPlanAndInsertIfMissing
- Codeunit LSC Hospitality POS Commands - already in Hosp. POS Commands Public
- CheckIfOpenTable
- CheckServeManually
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. Transfer Commands - already in Hosp Trans. Commands Pub.
- ClearTransferVariables
- ClearVariables
- Codeunit LSC Dining History Utilities - internal removed
- CreateFreeDiningTblHistoryEntriesWhereMissing
- EditActiveDiningTblHistoryEntryGuestIDOnKeyboardClose
- GetActiveDiningTblHistoryEntryGuestID
- Codeunit HospitalityPOSStartup
- ExecuteCommandsOnClose - already public
- SetMenuAndInterfaceProfilesForHospType - already in Hosp POS Startup Public
- Codeunit LSC Dining Area Utilities
- FindTableToJoin - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetAdjacentDropAction - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetButtonSelected - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetCurrCoordinates - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetDiningTableInfoBuffer - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetLayoutFromPlan - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetMainKeyAndSavePositions - in Dining Area Util Public
- LoadRestaurantTablesFromBuffer - in Dining Area Util Public
- RotateTableCoordinates - in Dining Area Util Public
- SeatReservedGuests - in Dining Area Util Public
- UpdateDiningTableInfoBufferForSelectedTable - in Dining Area Util Public
- Codeunit LSC KDS Functions - ResetDiningTable - already in KDS Functions Interface
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. Transfer Commands - already in Hosp Trans Commands Pub
- TableTransferPreCheck
- TransferAllOrdersJoining
- TransferSeatingToTable
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. Order KOT Status - UpdateKOTStatus - already in HOsp ord KOT Status Public
- Codeunit LSC Delivery POS Commands
- ProcessCancelOrder - already in Deli. POS Commands Public
- SendDeliveryOrder - added to Deli. POS Commands Public
- Codeunit LSC Hospitality Functions - FindProductionTime - already in Hosp Functions Public
- Codeunit LSC Offl. CC Functions - codeunit is not internal
- IsWebServerWithError
- GetOrderStatus
- ResendErrorOrders
- GetOrderStatusFromStore
- ReSendFinalOrdersToCC
- ReSendStatusUpdateToCC
- SendConvOrdersToCC
- CheckIfOnline
- Codeunit LSC POS Transaction Functions
- ProcessKDSCheckInputOnPosting - added to POS Trans. Func. Public
- Codeunit LSC KDS Coursing Functions - already in DS Coursing Func. Public
- CoursingIfSendToKitchen
- CoursingUpdateCommandDescriptions
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. DIN Tbl. Mgt. Func. - already in Hosp Dining Table Mgt. Func. Public
- ChangeDiningTblStatus
- SaveLayout
- CheckOpenTransactions
- SetMenuLineLocation
- SetMenuLineLocationDesign
- GetDiningTblInUseOnPos
- InsertDiningTblInUseOnPos
- GetTableStatus
- TableOpenFor
- ChangeStatusManually
- UnlockTable
- ResetRemoveAlert
- SeatGuestsAtTable
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. Startup Utilities - already in Hosp Startup Util Public
- ChangeCover
- GetRequestedCover
- SetCoverInput
- CheckReservationsOnSeating
- GetRequestedGuestID
- SaveGuestIDInput
- GetGuestIDInUse
- SetDragGridForLayout
- GetOpenNewOrderPickupOldFlag
- SetOpenNewOrderPickupOldFlag
- GetChangeTableInfoCommand
- PopulateRecIDForComments
- ReleaseDesignLock
- SetDiningAreaAndFlowConstants
- DesignOK
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. Transfer Functions - UnlockOrder - already in Hosp Trans. Func Public
- Codeunit LSC Offl. CC Sched. Jobs - PrintOrdersSentFromCallCenter - codeunit is not internal
- Page LSC Hospitality Status Setup - PopulateStatusSetup - procedure not internal
- Table LSC Hospitality Type - CheckHospitalityType - procedure not internal
- Table LSC Dining Table History Entry - EditActiveGuestID - internal removed from function
- Table LSC Comment - GetNoOfCommentsTag - already in Comment Public
40338 - Login needed before pressing function buttons
40646 Manual Discount on Refund Item is removed wrongly in Exchange Transactions
- Details not available.
40519 Functions made accessible in Activity
- The following functions have been made public:
- In codeunit LSC Activity POS Functions WEB
- In codeunit LSC Activity Group
- In codeunit LSC Activity Web Support
40335 VAT Posting setup required for BOM Version Item Lines on Recipe card
- Details not available.
40329 Decimal number input in "Allocated time (min)" generates an error, Seating walk-in from reservation grid does not update correctly
- A decimal input in the Reserved For (Min.) field (also called Allocated For (Min.)) in Dining Reservation Entry is now rounded down to an integer value. The data update in the Allocation has been fixed when you seat an un-allocated walk-in entry directly.
40315 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.
40306 Events released on version 22.2 - W29
- 39889 - Filter out Souring Locations before they are shown in POS
- 39890 - Request for "LSC STAFF Functions" procedures to remain public
- 39891 - Ability to hide a confirm in the CO Utility
- 40173 - New Event on "HandleSalesPersonMode"
- 40020 - New entry point in ValidateInfocode procedure in POS transaction codeunit
- 40127 - Access RetSuspendedPressedEx procedure
- 39939 - Object Accessibility
- 39753 - Set codeunit 99008907 "LSC POS Price Functions" from internal back to external access
- 39738 - Event to handle the “Init” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- 39770 - Event to handle the “InsertPaymentLine” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- 39775 - Event to handle the “VoidTransaction” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- 39778 - Add new parameters to the existing event "OnVoidLine" in codeunit "LSC POS Transaction Event"
- 39863 - Event to handle the “PrintSuspendSlip” function of the "LSC POS Print Utility" CU
- 39942 - Add new parameters for OnAfterPrintSubHeader event of CU 99008903 - LSC POS Print Utility
- 39946 - Event to handle the “SendEmail” function of the "LSC POS Print Utility" CU
- 40019 - Codeunit 99001599 “LSC POS Transaction Impl” Event Requests Document: 2
- 40034 - New entry point in ProcessInfoCode procedure in POS transaction codeunit
- 40061 - Events and Changes for CUs - 99008903, 10012718 - LSC POS Print Utility, LSC POS Controller
- 39765 - Codeunit 99008903 “LSC POS Print Utility” New Event Requests
- 39884 - Event to handle the “InsertTenderDeclTransaction” function of the "LSC POS Post Utility" CU
40174 Remove internal from procedure CreateTransactionForWebCreatedCo
- Details not available.
40143 Customer Orders - C4 Ship Items - No transaction Header
- Details not available.
40100 Removed events on 22.0 for Send to KDS and Coursing Controller need to be added to public codeunits
- Events in Send to KDS and KDS Coursing Controller that were deleted in version 22.0 have been added again through the Send to KDS Interface and KDS Coursing Public codeunits.
39951 Price return error
- Details not available.
39948 Scale Issue with Item Price < 1
- Details not available.
39927 Min. To Reservation not correct in graphical view and tables not showing correct status on allocation
- The Min. To Reservation glyph has been fixed to show minutes to reservation from the time shown in the Allocation panel. Also, the Allocation view is now updated correctly (showing which tables are available) before filtering takes place, when you allocate a reservation or show the tables that are allocated to a reservation.
39911 Events released for Replenishment on version 22.2 - W28
- 39887 LS Retail Event Request - codeunit 10012200 LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys
- The following integration events have been added to the LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys codeunit:
- OnCalcDailySaleOnAfterCalcStockOutDays
- OnCalculateReplenishmentQuantiesOnAfterProcessRecord
- OnCalcReplQtyForItemOnAfterCalcRemainingQuantity
- OnCalcReplQtyForItemOnAfterCalcQuantityOnPurchaseOrder
- The following integration events have been added to the LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys codeunit:
- 39955 LS Retail Event Request - codeunit 10012204 LSC Replen. - Create Purch Order
- The following integration events have been added to the LSC Replen. Create Purch Order codeunit:
- OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnAfterModifyPurchaseHeaderTEMP
- OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnCreateNewPOLineOnAfterModifyPurchaseLine
- The following integration events have been added to the LSC Replen. Create Purch Order codeunit:
39897 Change Sales/Purchase Post Event Subscribers
- Details not available.
39896 Change sales type transaction
- Details not available.
39895 Change scope for procedure ArchivePeriodicDisc
- Details not available.
39894 Change access for codeunit 10000751 "LSC Store Manager Chart Mgmt"
- Details not available.
39892 Cannot view Customer Order Shipments on POS
- An issue where the Shipment panel on POS was unable to open has been fixed.
39888 CopyTransaction Function Access
- Details not available.
39884 Need an Event to handle the “InsertTenderDeclTransaction” function of the "LSC POS Post Utility" CU
- Details not available.
39863 Need an Event to handle the “PrintSuspendSlip” function of the "LSC POS Print Utility" CU
- Details not available.
39765 Codeunit 99008903 “LSC POS Print Utility” New Event Requests Document
- Details not available.
39757 Using codeunits that are internal in BC22
- Details not available.
39753 Set codeunit 99008907 "LSC POS Price Functions" from internal back to external access
- Details not available.
39738 Need an Event to handle the “Init” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- Details not available.
39735 Request to make internal procedures visible
- 40553 Event merged to master W34.
- 40684 Event to skip optional ID input on POS.
39734 Events released on version 22.2 - W28
- #38584
- #39276
- #39277
- #39278
- #39283
- #39328
- #39332
- #39339
- #39412
- #39457
- #39488
- #39489
- #39502
- #39503
- #39504
- #39527
- #39551
- #39552
- #39594
- #39644
- #39667
- #39667
- #39723
- #39724
- #39725
- #39751
- #39757
- #39888
- #39894
- #39895
- #39896
- #39897
39730 Cannot enter integer, decimal, or time in zoom control
- An issue that was causing field no. 0 to be assigned has been fixed.
39725 Need an Event to handle the “PurgePressed” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- Details not available.
39724 Add event to 99001457 "LSC Statement-Post"
- Details not available.
39723 Need an Event to handle the “PrintSalesSlip” function of the " LSC POS Print Utility " CU
- Details not available.
39665 Need an Event to handle the “InsertPaymentLine” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- Details not available.
39662 Add events to LSC Statement-Calculate Codeunit
- Details not available.
39656 Event request list for modifications
- Partner requests public access to the following:
CU "LSC Activity Group Mgmt."
function AssignGroupMembers ******* Hotel integration CUtable "LSC Reservation"
function CalculateBalance ******** Is already public procedureLSC Activities Functions
function ChangeStatusOnActivities **** hotel integration CUCU "LSC Activity POS Functions WEB"
function ErrorBeep ************** already publicCU "LSC Activity POS Functions WEB"
function FinalizeCharge *********** hotel integration CU
function InsertProductLine ****** hotel integration cu
function GetReservationList *** hotel integraiton CU
function RunLookup ****** already public
function PackageAllowanceHandler *** hotel integration CU
function PaymentHandler *** hotel integration CU"ICE Activity POS Functions"
function GroupPaymentHandler **** hotel CUCU "LSC Activity Integrations"
function InsertSalesLine *** hotel CU"LSC Availability Worktable"
function PopulateLocationAvailability **** hotel integrationCU "LSC Activities Functions"
function ReturnMemberAccountNo ****** hotel integration CU
function ReturnProductPrice ******** hotel integration CU"LSC ACT Package Offer Line"
function ReturnCurrentSalesPrice ****** already public
39645 Events released on version 22.2 W27
- #39477
- #39311
- #39312
- #39309
- #39274
- #39275
39644 LSTS-26407 - it has not provided the sender objects
- Details not available.
39606 Safe Management - Break Bag
- When breaking a bag, a safe ledger entry is now created for the uncounted tender in the safe.
39594 Event at the end of init procedure in POS Session
- Details not available.
39554 Store coupons not activating properly
- Details not available.
39552 Need access to functions and codeunits to call outside from the objects
- Details not available.
39551 Need access to functions to call outside from the objects
- Details not available.
39528 Inaccessible functions due to protection level change 2
- The following functions have been made public:
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - CheckRequiredResources
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - ChangeInternalStatusActivity
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - PrePopulatePreferences
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - PrePopulatePackageResources
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - AssignResource
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - CheckResourceAvailability
39504 Event request list for modifications
- Details not available.
39503 Need access to functions to call outside from the objects
- Details not available.
39502 Procedures made public
- Details not available.
39489 Second Event Request to the ' PrePostingChecks’ Function of the “LSC Statement-Post " Codeunit
- Details not available.
39488 Need an Event to handle the ' PrePostingChecks’ Function of the “LSC Statement-Post " Codeunit
- Details not available.
39477 Access PluKeyPressed from POS Transaction Impl
- Details not available.
39467 Events released for Replenishment on version 22.2 - W27
- 39028 Events for Buyer's Push
The following event requests have been implemented for the Buyer's Push functionality:- Two public codeunits: LSC Alloc. Plan Utils Public and LSC Alloc. Rule Calc. Public have been introduced to allow access to the following procedures in their respective internal codeunit:
- Procedure CalcWhseQtyForAllocLine in the LSC Alloc. Plan Utils codeunit.
- Procedure PopulateBuyPushWorkTblFrom in the LSC Alloc. Rule Calc codeunit.
- All the integration events requested for the Buyer's Push functionality have been added to the LSC Alloc. Plan Utils Public codeunit.
- The following procedures have been made public in their respective object:
- Procedure CalcPhysInventory in the LSC Product Ext codeunit.
- Procedure OpenAllocPlanLocationLines in the LSC Stock Recall Subform page.
- Procedure CalculatePercShare in the LSC Alloc. Plan Dim Values table.
- Procedure InsertWhseQuantiesOnDimLines in the LSC Alloc. Plan Lines table.
- Two new integration events: OnBeforeReturnAllocationRuleCode and OnBeforeInsertWhseQuantiesOnDimLines have been added to the LSC Alloc. Plan Lines table.
- Two public codeunits: LSC Alloc. Plan Utils Public and LSC Alloc. Rule Calc. Public have been introduced to allow access to the following procedures in their respective internal codeunit:
- 39466 Event to Override Unavailable Stock
- The integration event OnBeforeGetUnavailableStock has been added to the LSC Replen. Unavailable Stock table.
39466 Event to Override Unavailable Stock
- Details not available.
39457 Keep functions remaining public in codeunit LSC POS Price Utility
- Details not available.
39412 Need event in codeunit LSC POS Post Utility
- Details not available.
39339 Make codeunit 99009000 "LSC POS Calc. Member Points" public
- Details not available.
39332 Need an Event to handle the ' HandleSafTenderPanel’ Function of the “LSC Safe Denom. Panel Commands " CU
- Details not available.
39328 Request for event to check for sourcing already done
- Details not available.
39312 DOCNO Event Signatures in Statement Post
- Details not available.
39311 Added Event to all skipping of 10 Character check
- Details not available.
39309 Add events to handle POS Inventory Lookup
- Details not available.
39295 Missing CustomerOrderSetup.Get
- Details not available.
39283 Event request for ChangeSalesType function in codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction"
- Details not available.
39278 Event request for ProcessTransaction function in 99008902 "LSC POS Post Utility"
- Details not available.
39277 Event request for TypeApplyToEntry function in 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility"
- Details not available.
39276 Event request for RetrieveSusp function in "POS Function" Codeunit
- Details not available.
39274 Event request for InsertPaymentLine function in codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction"
- Details not available.
39264 Item Image Url
- Event added
OnGetPosImageUrl(ImgCode: Code[20]; var Url: Text) on Retail Image Utils Codeunit, where you can subscribe and add a URL to a specific Retail Image.
39258 Staff Management login is trying to compare to encrypted staff password
- If a staff logon password was required in the Staff Management setup for the clock-in/clock-out functionality, it now compares the entered password using encryption.
- Fixed POS commands that were not working. Both commands are only used for Norway:
39224 Incorrect payment amount in Self-Service POS with MixMatch Discount
- Discount updating fixed in the Self-Service Kiosk.
39221 Solution proposal for OnAfterPrintSalesInfo event problem
- Allow to end of the function events to be executed even if the IsHandled is true.
39181 Incorrect date on selecting virtual calendar for matrix
- Details not available.
39165 Exchange: Copy discount with correct types to exchange item
- Updated the SAME ITEM exchange functionality to respect the discount tracking.
Note: If the original discount is no longer active, a manual line discount is applied.
38968 Changed filtered variable for Priority drill-down
- The applied SetRange was not correct because Value1 is an Item Category Code. The code has been changed to compare Value1 with Value2 directly.
38869 Why no DD-Push process after Z-Report printing for "Statement Method" = POS?
- A new field, which is a fixed value added to a transaction that should not be included in Z/Y Reports, was added to retail setup.
38868 CO Discount change in POS is not registered in BO
- Fixed an issue with Customer Orders where a discount that was added/adjusted after selecting the Sourcing Location was not reflected in the Customer Order Header, Customer Order Lines, and Customer Order Discount Lines.
38708 Joining arrows disappear when menu is loaded without loading the joined buttons
- An issue causing the joining arrows to disappear when the menu was redrawn has been fixed.
38662 Locking issue when running Replenishment Item Quantity Calculation in parallel
- A locking issue that occurred on the Scheduler Job Header table when running the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) calculation in parallel has now been fixed. Additionally, the performance of the master job when assigning the item range to the linked Scheduler jobs has been improved.
38628 Release FAB events on 22.1 w23
- 36450 The following procedures have been made public:
- table 99008928 "LSC POS Startup Controller" - procedure RegisterStartupController
- page 10001218 "LSC Hospitality Status Setup" - procedure PopulateStatusSetup
- codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction"
- procedure UseTransaction
- procedure GetSelectLineNoBeforePLUKEYPressed
- codeunit 99008903 "LSC POS Print Utility"
- procedure PrintHOSPSlip
- procedure PrintPOSSlip
- table 10001253 "LSC Dining Table History Entry"
- procedure UpdateNoOfGuestsFromTrans
- procedure SetGuestID
- procedure UpdateDinTblHistoryEntry
- procedure UpdateJoinedDinTblHistoryEntry
- procedure DeleteDiningHistoryTblReceiptEntryOnClearingTransactionInPOS
- procedure GetSeatedAndGuestIDInfoForActiveEntry
- procedure UpdateDiningTableHistoryEntryOnTransStatusChange
- procedure EditActiveGuestID
- procedure GetActiveDiningTblHistoryEntryGuestID
- table 10012126 "LSC KOT Line" - procedure ChangeSeatNo
- codeunit 99008906 "LSC POS Price Utility" - procedure UpdatePrice
- codeunit 99008900 "LSC POS Functions"
- procedure InsertLinkToLastParent
- procedure RoundAmount
- procedure FormatCurrency
- procedure UpdateAmounts
- procedure ShiftLinesDown
- codeunit 99008922 "LSC POS Exch. rate conversion"
- codeunit 99001488 "LSC Cash Management"
- codeunit 99009181 "LSC KDS Coursing Functions"
- codeunit 10001212 "LSC Table List POS Startup" - procedure ExecuteCommandsOnClose
- codeunit 10001219 "LSC Takeout Panel Controller" - procedure OnAfterShowKitchenOrderStatus
- table 10001230 "LSC Hosp. Order KOT Status"
- procedure CoursingKOTReadyToBeServed
- procedure UpdateKOTStatus
- procedure UpdateKitchenStatusFromOtherOrderOnServingPartiallyVoidedKOT
- codeunit 99001571 "LSC POS Trans. Lines" - procedure RefreshLastCount
- codeunit 99009180 "LSC KDS Coursing Controller" -
- codeunit 10012718 "LSC POS Controller" - procedure PostCommandProcessing
- codeunit 10014802 "LSC Offl. CC Functions"
- codeunit 10001307 "LSC Dining Area Utilities"
- procedure CheckNoConflictExistsWithReservationAndSetDiningDurationOnSeatingTable
- procedure DisjoinMasterTableWhenFree
- procedure SeatReservedGuests
- procedure CheckDayPlanAndInsertIfMissing
- procedure GetDiningTableInfoBuffer
- procedure LoadRestaurantTablesFromBuffer
- procedure GetAdjacentDropAction
- procedure FindTableToJoin
- procedure ChangeTableCoordinatesToDesignLoc
- procedure RotateTableCoordinates
- procedure GetMainKeyAndSavePositions
- procedure GetCurrCoordinates
- procedure GetButtonSelected
- codeunit 10001317 "LSC Dining History Utilities"
- procedure UpdateNoOfGuestsActiveEntry
- procedure UpdateDiningTblHistoryOnTransferSeating
- procedure UpdateDiningTblHistoryOnTransferAllToFreeTable
- procedure CreateFreeDiningTblHistoryEntriesWhereMissing
- procedure EditActiveDiningTblHistoryEntryGuestIDOnKeyboardClose
- table 10001253 "LSC Dining Table History Entry" - procedure UpdateNoOfGuestsActiveEntry
- codeunit 10001213 "LSC Del. POS Panel Utilities"
- codeunit 10000786 "LSC Delivery Order Mgt Events"
- procedure OnBeforeExecuteCommand
- procedure OnAfterExecuteCommand
- procedure OnBeforePaymentPressedExecuted
- procedure OnAfterPaymentPressedExecuted
- procedure OnBeforeUpdateOrder
- procedure OnAfterUpdateOrder
- procedure OnBeforeUpdateAddress
- procedure OnAfterUpdateAddress
- procedure OnBeforeGetAddress
- procedure OnAfterGetAddress
- procedure OnBeforeAfterClosingOrderTakeNew
- procedure OnAfterAfterClosingOrderTakeNew
- codeunit 99008900 "LSC POS Functions"
- procedure CopyItemsFromPostTrans
- procedure CopyMarkedLines
- table 10001218 "LSC Delivery Order" - procedure AssignToOpen
- codeunit 99009256 "LSC WebPOS Request"
- codeunit 10001307 "LSC Dining Area Utilities"
- procedure UpdateDiningTableInfoBufferForSelectedTable
- procedure GetLayoutFromPlan
- table 10012160 "LSC HMP DIN Tbl. Main Status"
- procedure GetNotAvailLockedStatus
- procedure GetFreeSeatedCleanStatus
- procedure GetClearOpenBillPaidReadyServedStatus
- table 10001462 "LSC Dining Table Type"
- procedure GetDefaultWidth
- procedure GetDefaultHeight
- table 10012145 "LSC Hospitality Status Setup"
- procedure FindDiningStatus
- procedure ReturnNotAvailStatus
- procedure ReturnLockedStatus
- procedure ReturnFreeStatus
- table 10012148 "LSC Dining Table Status" - procedure DiningTblStatusIsFree
- table 10001468 "LSC Din. Table Grouping Entry" - procedure UpdateJoiningInfoFromTmpTblProp
- codeunit 10001308 "LSC Dining Reservation Util."
- procedure CancelSeating
- procedure CancelTableAllocationFromStartupView
- procedure CreateWalkinReservationEntryFromTable
- codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" - procedure SendTableTransaction
- codeunit 99001490 "LSC Loading Card Management"
- table 99008925 "LSC POS Data Table" - procedure GetCommandAndPOSMenuInColumn
- table 10001255 "LSC Attribute POS Trans. Entry"
- procedure CloseAttributesEntriesForPOSTransaction
- procedure AttributeEntrySetTagsForDiningTable
- procedure GetTblNoOfAttributesTag
- procedure AttributeEntrySetTagsForTransaction
- table 99001471 "LSC POS Terminal" - procedure TerminalStartupController
- table 10001212 "LSC Hospitality Type" - procedure CheckHospitalityType
- codeunit 10014803 "LSC Offl. CC Sched. Jobs"
- codeunit 99001487 "LSC Additional POS Commands" - procedure ProcessLookupResult
- codeunit 10000715 "LSC Attribute Panel Controller"
- procedure RunAttributePanelWithDiningTable
- procedure RunAttributePanelWithPOSTransaction
- 38034 On After cancel Delivery Order
- 38033 Need Event in Delivery Order Management
- 37714 The following functions have been made public:
- codeunit 10000734 "LSC Pop-up POS Commands" - procedure BomPrintMenuTypePart2
- codeunit 10001215 "LSC Hosp. Transfer Commands" - procedure UpdateCoverTo
- codeunit 99001573 "LSC POS Transaction Functions" - procedure ProcessKDSCheckInputOnPosting
- codeunit 10001217 "LSC KDS Functions" - procedure ResetDiningTable
- codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction"
- procedure CheckInfoCode
- procedure ProcessExternalCommand
- procedure ConfirmOrderPressed
- table 10001253 "LSC Dining Table History Entry" - procedure FindActiveDiningTableHistoryEntry
- 38549 Public Procedure - LS Central 21.4 codeunit 10001217 "LSC KDS Functions"
38612 Joining information not correct in Allocation panel plus time scrolling issues
- Joining problems have been fixed. Time scrolling has been fixed. Changes have been made to the time handling to allow seating guests when the dining area is closed but the current time is within the advance seating time of the dining area (this is typically 30 minutes before the period starts). This applies to the dining table overview and the allocation panel. You can now scroll by interval in the Allocation panel. This is useful for the graphical view, to jump one interval at a time backwards and forwards. This was possible only in the timeline view by clicking the interval column heading. The filtering of a reservation in the panel (when you come from the Reservation Desk, the Reservation Search or from clicking a dining table to Show Reservation) has been fixed and stays on until Reset, Today, or time scrolling is pressed.
38584 Request to keep functions Public
- Details not available.
38321 Display on Kiosk cannot show all Sales Types
- The Self-Service Kiosk can now show 15 sales types in portrait mode and 12 sales types in landscape mode without overlapping anything.
37939 Members with decimal points, gives error after member search
- Details not available.
37389 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.
35741 An item that is scanned into the Self-Service Kiosk can be edited but page is blank
- Items that have been scanned into the Self-Service Kiosk can no longer be edited from the basket.
34712 Dining table locked because of two active dining tbl. hist entries
- Code change has been applied that makes inactive any previous active dining table history entries that were not made inactive when a new entry was created because of another error. If it is OK to close the entry, the entry is closed along with the related tables.
- The Dining Table Status Log contains an entry for this correction.

40868 Events released on version 22.2 - W32
- Codeunit LSC Pop-up POS Commands - BomPrintMenuTypePart2 - already in Pop-up POS Commands Public
- Codeunit LSC Dining Reservation Util. - already in Din. Reserv. Util. Public
- CancelTableAllocationFromStartupView
- CreateWalkinReservationEntryFromTable
- Codeunit LSC Dining Area Utilities - already in Dining Area Util. Public
- ChangeTableCoordinatesToDesignLoc
- CheckDayPlanAndInsertIfMissing
- Codeunit LSC Hospitality POS Commands - already in Hosp. POS Commands Public
- CheckIfOpenTable
- CheckServeManually
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. Transfer Commands - already in Hosp Trans. Commands Pub.
- ClearTransferVariables
- ClearVariables
- Codeunit LSC Dining History Utilities - internal removed
- CreateFreeDiningTblHistoryEntriesWhereMissing
- EditActiveDiningTblHistoryEntryGuestIDOnKeyboardClose
- GetActiveDiningTblHistoryEntryGuestID
- Codeunit HospitalityPOSStartup
- ExecuteCommandsOnClose - already public
- SetMenuAndInterfaceProfilesForHospType - already in Hosp POS Startup Public
- Codeunit LSC Dining Area Utilities
- FindTableToJoin - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetAdjacentDropAction - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetButtonSelected - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetCurrCoordinates - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetDiningTableInfoBuffer - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetLayoutFromPlan - in Dining Area Util Public
- GetMainKeyAndSavePositions - in Dining Area Util Public
- LoadRestaurantTablesFromBuffer - in Dining Area Util Public
- RotateTableCoordinates - in Dining Area Util Public
- SeatReservedGuests - in Dining Area Util Public
- UpdateDiningTableInfoBufferForSelectedTable - in Dining Area Util Public
- Codeunit LSC KDS Functions - ResetDiningTable - already in KDS Functions Interface
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. Transfer Commands - already in Hosp Trans Commands Pub
- TableTransferPreCheck
- TransferAllOrdersJoining
- TransferSeatingToTable
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. Order KOT Status - UpdateKOTStatus - already in HOsp ord KOT Status Public
- Codeunit LSC Delivery POS Commands
- ProcessCancelOrder - already in Deli. POS Commands Public
- SendDeliveryOrder - added to Deli. POS Commands Public
- Codeunit LSC Hospitality Functions - FindProductionTime - already in Hosp Functions Public
- Codeunit LSC Offl. CC Functions - codeunit is not internal
- IsWebServerWithError
- GetOrderStatus
- ResendErrorOrders
- GetOrderStatusFromStore
- ReSendFinalOrdersToCC
- ReSendStatusUpdateToCC
- SendConvOrdersToCC
- CheckIfOnline
- Codeunit LSC POS Transaction Functions
- ProcessKDSCheckInputOnPosting - added to POS Trans. Func. Public
- Codeunit LSC KDS Coursing Functions - already in DS Coursing Func. Public
- CoursingIfSendToKitchen
- CoursingUpdateCommandDescriptions
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. DIN Tbl. Mgt. Func. - already in Hosp Dining Table Mgt. Func. Public
- ChangeDiningTblStatus
- SaveLayout
- CheckOpenTransactions
- SetMenuLineLocation
- SetMenuLineLocationDesign
- GetDiningTblInUseOnPos
- InsertDiningTblInUseOnPos
- GetTableStatus
- TableOpenFor
- ChangeStatusManually
- UnlockTable
- ResetRemoveAlert
- SeatGuestsAtTable
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. Startup Utilities - already in Hosp Startup Util Public
- ChangeCover
- GetRequestedCover
- SetCoverInput
- CheckReservationsOnSeating
- GetRequestedGuestID
- SaveGuestIDInput
- GetGuestIDInUse
- SetDragGridForLayout
- GetOpenNewOrderPickupOldFlag
- SetOpenNewOrderPickupOldFlag
- GetChangeTableInfoCommand
- PopulateRecIDForComments
- ReleaseDesignLock
- SetDiningAreaAndFlowConstants
- DesignOK
- Codeunit LSC Hosp. Transfer Functions - UnlockOrder - already in Hosp Trans. Func Public
- Codeunit LSC Offl. CC Sched. Jobs - PrintOrdersSentFromCallCenter - codeunit is not internal
- Page LSC Hospitality Status Setup - PopulateStatusSetup - procedure not internal
- Table LSC Hospitality Type - CheckHospitalityType - procedure not internal
- Table LSC Dining Table History Entry - EditActiveGuestID - internal removed from function
- Table LSC Comment - GetNoOfCommentsTag - already in Comment Public
40338 - Login needed before pressing function buttons
40315 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.
39735 Request to make internal procedures visible
- 40553 Event merged to master W34.
- 40684 Event to skip optional ID input on POS.
39295 Missing CustomerOrderSetup.Get
- Details not available.
- Fixed POS commands that were not working. Both commands are only used for Norway:
39221 Solution proposal for OnAfterPrintSalesInfo event problem
- Allow to end of the function events to be executed even if the IsHandled is true.
39165 Exchange: Copy discount with correct types to exchange item
- Updated the SAME ITEM exchange functionality to respect the discount tracking.
Note: If the original discount is no longer active, a manual line discount is applied.
38662 Locking issue when running Replenishment Item Quantity Calculation in parallel
- A locking issue that occurred on the Scheduler Job Header table when running the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) calculation in parallel has now been fixed. Additionally, the performance of the master job when assigning the item range to the linked Scheduler jobs has been improved.
37389 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.

40646 Manual Discount on Refund Item is removed wrongly in Exchange Transactions
- Details not available.
39264 Item Image Url
- Event added
OnGetPosImageUrl(ImgCode: Code[20]; var Url: Text) on Retail Image Utils Codeunit, where you can subscribe and add a URL to a specific Retail Image.
38968 Changed filtered variable for Priority drill-down
- The applied SetRange was not correct because Value1 is an Item Category Code. The code has been changed to compare Value1 with Value2 directly.

40519 Functions made accessible in Activity
- The following functions have been made public:
- In codeunit LSC Activity POS Functions WEB
- In codeunit LSC Activity Group
- In codeunit LSC Activity Web Support
40335 VAT Posting setup required for BOM Version Item Lines on Recipe card
- Details not available.
38869 Why no DD-Push process after Z-Report printing for "Statement Method" = POS?
- A new field, which is a fixed value added to a transaction that should not be included in Z/Y Reports, was added to retail setup.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

40306 Events released on version 22.2 - W29
- 39889 - Filter out Souring Locations before they are shown in POS
- 39890 - Request for "LSC STAFF Functions" procedures to remain public
- 39891 - Ability to hide a confirm in the CO Utility
- 40173 - New Event on "HandleSalesPersonMode"
- 40020 - New entry point in ValidateInfocode procedure in POS transaction codeunit
- 40127 - Access RetSuspendedPressedEx procedure
- 39939 - Object Accessibility
- 39753 - Set codeunit 99008907 "LSC POS Price Functions" from internal back to external access
- 39738 - Event to handle the “Init” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- 39770 - Event to handle the “InsertPaymentLine” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- 39775 - Event to handle the “VoidTransaction” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- 39778 - Add new parameters to the existing event "OnVoidLine" in codeunit "LSC POS Transaction Event"
- 39863 - Event to handle the “PrintSuspendSlip” function of the "LSC POS Print Utility" CU
- 39942 - Add new parameters for OnAfterPrintSubHeader event of CU 99008903 - LSC POS Print Utility
- 39946 - Event to handle the “SendEmail” function of the "LSC POS Print Utility" CU
- 40019 - Codeunit 99001599 “LSC POS Transaction Impl” Event Requests Document: 2
- 40034 - New entry point in ProcessInfoCode procedure in POS transaction codeunit
- 40061 - Events and Changes for CUs - 99008903, 10012718 - LSC POS Print Utility, LSC POS Controller
- 39765 - Codeunit 99008903 “LSC POS Print Utility” New Event Requests
- 39884 - Event to handle the “InsertTenderDeclTransaction” function of the "LSC POS Post Utility" CU
40174 Remove internal from procedure CreateTransactionForWebCreatedCo
- Details not available.
39892 Cannot view Customer Order Shipments on POS
- An issue where the Shipment panel on POS was unable to open has been fixed.
39884 Need an Event to handle the “InsertTenderDeclTransaction” function of the "LSC POS Post Utility" CU
- Details not available.
39863 Need an Event to handle the “PrintSuspendSlip” function of the "LSC POS Print Utility" CU
- Details not available.
39765 Codeunit 99008903 “LSC POS Print Utility” New Event Requests Document
- Details not available.
39753 Set codeunit 99008907 "LSC POS Price Functions" from internal back to external access
- Details not available.
39738 Need an Event to handle the “Init” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- Details not available.
39606 Safe Management - Break Bag
- When breaking a bag, a safe ledger entry is now created for the uncounted tender in the safe.
34712 Dining table locked because of two active dining tbl. hist entries
- Code change has been applied that makes inactive any previous active dining table history entries that were not made inactive when a new entry was created because of another error. If it is OK to close the entry, the entry is closed along with the related tables.
- The Dining Table Status Log contains an entry for this correction.

39951 Price return error
- Details not available.
39948 Scale Issue with Item Price < 1
- Details not available.
39927 Min. To Reservation not correct in graphical view and tables not showing correct status on allocation
- The Min. To Reservation glyph has been fixed to show minutes to reservation from the time shown in the Allocation panel. Also, the Allocation view is now updated correctly (showing which tables are available) before filtering takes place, when you allocate a reservation or show the tables that are allocated to a reservation.
39897 Change Sales/Purchase Post Event Subscribers
- Details not available.
39896 Change sales type transaction
- Details not available.
39895 Change scope for procedure ArchivePeriodicDisc
- Details not available.
39894 Change access for codeunit 10000751 "LSC Store Manager Chart Mgmt"
- Details not available.
39888 CopyTransaction Function Access
- Details not available.
39757 Using codeunits that are internal in BC22
- Details not available.
39734 Released events on version 22.2 - W28
- 38584 Functions made public
- Codeunit 99008903 - PrintExtraItem
- Codeunit 99008903 - PrintCouponBarcode
- Codeunit 99008903 - PrintApplEntryBarcode
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpInfocodePressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpVariantPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpIncExpPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpIncExpAmountPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpPostCodePressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpCountryRegionPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpDealModifierPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpUOMMenuPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - MenuTypePressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - BomPrintMenuType
- Codeunit 10000734 - BomPopUpPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - DeliveryTypePressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PaymentMethodPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - DeliveryDriversPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpHospTypePressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpSalesTypePressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpTableSeatsPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpDiningAreaSectionPressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpAttributeOptionValuePressed
- Codeunit 10000734 - PopUpAttributeGroupOptionValuePressed
- 39276 Event request for RetrieveSusp function in "POS Function" Codeunit
- 39277 Event request for TypeApplyToEntry function in 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility"
- 39278 Event request for ProcessTransaction function in 99008902 "LSC POS Post Utility"
- 39283 Event request for ChangeSalesType function in codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction"
- 39328 Request for event to check for sourcing already done
- 39332 Need an Event to handle the ' HandleSafTenderPanel’ Function of the “LSC Safe Denom. Panel Commands " CU
- 39339 Make codeunit 99009000 "LSC POS Calc. Member Points" public
- 39412 Need event in codeunit LSC POS Post Utility
- 39457 Keep functions public in codeunit LSC POS Price Utility
- 39488 Need an Event to handle the ' PrePostingChecks’ Function of the “LSC Statement-Post " Codeunit
- 39489 Second Event Request to the ' PrePostingChecks’ Function of the “LSC Statement-Post " Codeunit
- 39502 Procedures made public
- codeunit 10000752 - SoftAttributeMgmt
- codeunit 99008906 - InsertPromotionDealEntry
- codeunit 99008906 - DeletePromotionDealEntry
- 39503 Need access to functions to call outside from the objects
- Remove internal modifier of function: IsTransUnchangableDiscounts in the codeunit: "LSC POS Price Utility"
- Remove internal modifier of function: AssignShiftAndDates in the table: "LSC Statement"
- 39504 Public access provided
- CU "LSC POS Transaction"
- function OpenDrawerEx
- function SelectCustPressed
- function ValidateDisc
- function TextLinkedPressed
- CU "LSC POS Print Utility"
- function WindowInitialize
- CU "LSC Store Inventory Management"
- function ErrorInBasicDataWorksheet
- function ErrorInStockRequestWorksheet
- "LSC POS Functions"
- function DiscReset
- CU "LSC Statement-Post"
- function CreateDocNo
- function ExplodeDocNo
- function FindItemVariantBarcode from CU "LSC Label Utility".
- function GetUserSetup from T "LSC Retail User"
- 39527 Public access provided
- Table 99001671 - LSC Preaction Creation - InsertAllTables
- 39551 Event Request
- Remove internal modifier of function: SetData on the report: "LSC Toplist".
- Remove internal modifier of function: LoadData on the page: "LSC Toplist Pie Chart".
- 39552 Codeunits and functions made public
- 39594 Event at the end of init procedure in POS Session
- 39644 Sender objects not provided
- 39667 Event to handle the “RunCommand” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- 39723 Event to handle the “PrintSalesSlip” function of the " LSC POS Print Utility " CU
- 39724 Add event to 99001457 "LSC Statement-Post"
- 39725 Event to handle the “PurgePressed” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- 39757 Public access provided
- Codeunit "LSC POS Prepayment Mgt." → SetPosTransLinePrepaymentPct
- 39888 CopyTransaction Function Access
- 39894 Change access for codeunit 10000751 "LSC Store Manager Chart Mgmt"
- 39895 Change scope for procedure ArchivePeriodicDisc
- 39896 Change sales type transaction
- 39897 Change Sales/Purchase Post Event Subscribers
39725 Need an Event to handle the “PurgePressed” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- Details not available.
39724 Add event to 99001457 "LSC Statement-Post"
- Details not available.
39723 Need an Event to handle the “PrintSalesSlip” function of the " LSC POS Print Utility " CU
- Details not available.
39665 Need an Event to handle the “InsertPaymentLine” function of the "LSC POS Transaction Impl" CU
- Details not available.
39662 Add events to LSC Statement-Calculate Codeunit
- Details not available.
39644 LSTS-26407 - it has not provided the sender objects
- Details not available.
39594 Event at the end of init procedure in POS Session
- Details not available.
39554 Store coupons not activating properly
- Details not available.
39552 Need access to functions and codeunits to call outside from the objects
- Details not available.
39551 Need access to functions to call outside from the objects
- Details not available.
39504 Event request list for modifications
- Details not available.
39503 Need access to functions to call outside from the objects
- Details not available.
39502 Procedures made public
- Details not available.
39489 Second Event Request to the ' PrePostingChecks’ Function of the “LSC Statement-Post " Codeunit
- Details not available.
39488 Need an Event to handle the ' PrePostingChecks’ Function of the “LSC Statement-Post " Codeunit
- Details not available.
39457 Keep functions remaining public in codeunit LSC POS Price Utility
- Details not available.
39412 Need event in codeunit LSC POS Post Utility
- Details not available.
39339 Make codeunit 99009000 "LSC POS Calc. Member Points" public
- Details not available.
39332 Need an Event to handle the ' HandleSafTenderPanel’ Function of the “LSC Safe Denom. Panel Commands " CU
- Details not available.
39328 Request for event to check for sourcing already done
- Details not available.
39283 Event request for ChangeSalesType function in codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction"
- Details not available.
39278 Event request for ProcessTransaction function in 99008902 "LSC POS Post Utility"
- Details not available.
39277 Event request for TypeApplyToEntry function in 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility"
- Details not available.
39276 Event request for RetrieveSusp function in "POS Function" Codeunit
- Details not available.
39181 Incorrect date on selecting virtual calendar for matrix
- Details not available.
38584 Request to keep functions Public
- Details not available.
37939 Members with decimal points, gives error after member search
- Details not available.

40100 Removed events on 22.0 for Send to KDS and Coursing Controller need to be added to public codeunits
- Events in Send to KDS and KDS Coursing Controller that were deleted in version 22.0 have been added again through the Send to KDS Interface and KDS Coursing Public codeunits.
39911 Events released for Replenishment on version 22.2 - W28
- 39887 LS Retail Event Request - codeunit 10012200 LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys
- The following integration events have been added to the LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys codeunit:
- OnCalcDailySaleOnAfterCalcStockOutDays
- OnCalculateReplenishmentQuantiesOnAfterProcessRecord
- OnCalcReplQtyForItemOnAfterCalcRemainingQuantity
- OnCalcReplQtyForItemOnAfterCalcQuantityOnPurchaseOrder
- The following integration events have been added to the LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys codeunit:
- 39955 LS Retail Event Request - codeunit 10012204 LSC Replen. - Create Purch Order
- The following integration events have been added to the LSC Replen. Create Purch Order codeunit:
- OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnAfterModifyPurchaseHeaderTEMP
- OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnCreateNewPOLineOnAfterModifyPurchaseLine
- The following integration events have been added to the LSC Replen. Create Purch Order codeunit:
39528 Inaccessible functions due to protection level change 2
- The following functions have been made public:
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - CheckRequiredResources
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - ChangeInternalStatusActivity
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - PrePopulatePreferences
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - PrePopulatePackageResources
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - AssignResource
- Codeunit 10015800 "LSC Activities Functions" - CheckResourceAvailability
38628 Release FAB events on 22.1 w23
- 36450 The following procedures have been made public:
- table 99008928 "LSC POS Startup Controller" - procedure RegisterStartupController
- page 10001218 "LSC Hospitality Status Setup" - procedure PopulateStatusSetup
- codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction"
- procedure UseTransaction
- procedure GetSelectLineNoBeforePLUKEYPressed
- codeunit 99008903 "LSC POS Print Utility"
- procedure PrintHOSPSlip
- procedure PrintPOSSlip
- table 10001253 "LSC Dining Table History Entry"
- procedure UpdateNoOfGuestsFromTrans
- procedure SetGuestID
- procedure UpdateDinTblHistoryEntry
- procedure UpdateJoinedDinTblHistoryEntry
- procedure DeleteDiningHistoryTblReceiptEntryOnClearingTransactionInPOS
- procedure GetSeatedAndGuestIDInfoForActiveEntry
- procedure UpdateDiningTableHistoryEntryOnTransStatusChange
- procedure EditActiveGuestID
- procedure GetActiveDiningTblHistoryEntryGuestID
- table 10012126 "LSC KOT Line" - procedure ChangeSeatNo
- codeunit 99008906 "LSC POS Price Utility" - procedure UpdatePrice
- codeunit 99008900 "LSC POS Functions"
- procedure InsertLinkToLastParent
- procedure RoundAmount
- procedure FormatCurrency
- procedure UpdateAmounts
- procedure ShiftLinesDown
- codeunit 99008922 "LSC POS Exch. rate conversion"
- codeunit 99001488 "LSC Cash Management"
- codeunit 99009181 "LSC KDS Coursing Functions"
- codeunit 10001212 "LSC Table List POS Startup" - procedure ExecuteCommandsOnClose
- codeunit 10001219 "LSC Takeout Panel Controller" - procedure OnAfterShowKitchenOrderStatus
- table 10001230 "LSC Hosp. Order KOT Status"
- procedure CoursingKOTReadyToBeServed
- procedure UpdateKOTStatus
- procedure UpdateKitchenStatusFromOtherOrderOnServingPartiallyVoidedKOT
- codeunit 99001571 "LSC POS Trans. Lines" - procedure RefreshLastCount
- codeunit 99009180 "LSC KDS Coursing Controller" -
- codeunit 10012718 "LSC POS Controller" - procedure PostCommandProcessing
- codeunit 10014802 "LSC Offl. CC Functions"
- codeunit 10001307 "LSC Dining Area Utilities"
- procedure CheckNoConflictExistsWithReservationAndSetDiningDurationOnSeatingTable
- procedure DisjoinMasterTableWhenFree
- procedure SeatReservedGuests
- procedure CheckDayPlanAndInsertIfMissing
- procedure GetDiningTableInfoBuffer
- procedure LoadRestaurantTablesFromBuffer
- procedure GetAdjacentDropAction
- procedure FindTableToJoin
- procedure ChangeTableCoordinatesToDesignLoc
- procedure RotateTableCoordinates
- procedure GetMainKeyAndSavePositions
- procedure GetCurrCoordinates
- procedure GetButtonSelected
- codeunit 10001317 "LSC Dining History Utilities"
- procedure UpdateNoOfGuestsActiveEntry
- procedure UpdateDiningTblHistoryOnTransferSeating
- procedure UpdateDiningTblHistoryOnTransferAllToFreeTable
- procedure CreateFreeDiningTblHistoryEntriesWhereMissing
- procedure EditActiveDiningTblHistoryEntryGuestIDOnKeyboardClose
- table 10001253 "LSC Dining Table History Entry" - procedure UpdateNoOfGuestsActiveEntry
- codeunit 10001213 "LSC Del. POS Panel Utilities"
- codeunit 10000786 "LSC Delivery Order Mgt Events"
- procedure OnBeforeExecuteCommand
- procedure OnAfterExecuteCommand
- procedure OnBeforePaymentPressedExecuted
- procedure OnAfterPaymentPressedExecuted
- procedure OnBeforeUpdateOrder
- procedure OnAfterUpdateOrder
- procedure OnBeforeUpdateAddress
- procedure OnAfterUpdateAddress
- procedure OnBeforeGetAddress
- procedure OnAfterGetAddress
- procedure OnBeforeAfterClosingOrderTakeNew
- procedure OnAfterAfterClosingOrderTakeNew
- codeunit 99008900 "LSC POS Functions"
- procedure CopyItemsFromPostTrans
- procedure CopyMarkedLines
- table 10001218 "LSC Delivery Order" - procedure AssignToOpen
- codeunit 99009256 "LSC WebPOS Request"
- codeunit 10001307 "LSC Dining Area Utilities"
- procedure UpdateDiningTableInfoBufferForSelectedTable
- procedure GetLayoutFromPlan
- table 10012160 "LSC HMP DIN Tbl. Main Status"
- procedure GetNotAvailLockedStatus
- procedure GetFreeSeatedCleanStatus
- procedure GetClearOpenBillPaidReadyServedStatus
- table 10001462 "LSC Dining Table Type"
- procedure GetDefaultWidth
- procedure GetDefaultHeight
- table 10012145 "LSC Hospitality Status Setup"
- procedure FindDiningStatus
- procedure ReturnNotAvailStatus
- procedure ReturnLockedStatus
- procedure ReturnFreeStatus
- table 10012148 "LSC Dining Table Status" - procedure DiningTblStatusIsFree
- table 10001468 "LSC Din. Table Grouping Entry" - procedure UpdateJoiningInfoFromTmpTblProp
- codeunit 10001308 "LSC Dining Reservation Util."
- procedure CancelSeating
- procedure CancelTableAllocationFromStartupView
- procedure CreateWalkinReservationEntryFromTable
- codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" - procedure SendTableTransaction
- codeunit 99001490 "LSC Loading Card Management"
- table 99008925 "LSC POS Data Table" - procedure GetCommandAndPOSMenuInColumn
- table 10001255 "LSC Attribute POS Trans. Entry"
- procedure CloseAttributesEntriesForPOSTransaction
- procedure AttributeEntrySetTagsForDiningTable
- procedure GetTblNoOfAttributesTag
- procedure AttributeEntrySetTagsForTransaction
- table 99001471 "LSC POS Terminal" - procedure TerminalStartupController
- table 10001212 "LSC Hospitality Type" - procedure CheckHospitalityType
- codeunit 10014803 "LSC Offl. CC Sched. Jobs"
- codeunit 99001487 "LSC Additional POS Commands" - procedure ProcessLookupResult
- codeunit 10000715 "LSC Attribute Panel Controller"
- procedure RunAttributePanelWithDiningTable
- procedure RunAttributePanelWithPOSTransaction
- 38034 On After cancel Delivery Order
- 38033 Need Event in Delivery Order Management
- 37714 The following functions have been made public:
- codeunit 10000734 "LSC Pop-up POS Commands" - procedure BomPrintMenuTypePart2
- codeunit 10001215 "LSC Hosp. Transfer Commands" - procedure UpdateCoverTo
- codeunit 99001573 "LSC POS Transaction Functions" - procedure ProcessKDSCheckInputOnPosting
- codeunit 10001217 "LSC KDS Functions" - procedure ResetDiningTable
- codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction"
- procedure CheckInfoCode
- procedure ProcessExternalCommand
- procedure ConfirmOrderPressed
- table 10001253 "LSC Dining Table History Entry" - procedure FindActiveDiningTableHistoryEntry
- 38549 Public Procedure - LS Central 21.4 codeunit 10001217 "LSC KDS Functions"
38612 Joining information not correct in Allocation panel plus time scrolling issues
- Joining problems have been fixed. Time scrolling has been fixed. Changes have been made to the time handling to allow seating guests when the dining area is closed but the current time is within the advance seating time of the dining area (this is typically 30 minutes before the period starts). This applies to the dining table overview and the Dining Allocation panel. You can now scroll by interval in the Dining Allocation panel. This is useful for the graphical view, to jump one interval at a time backwards and forwards. This was possible only in the timeline view by clicking the interval column heading. The filtering of a reservation in the panel (when you come from the Reservation Desk, the Reservation Search or from clicking a dining table to Show Reservation) has been fixed and stays on until Reset, Today, or time scrolling is pressed.

39656 Event request list for modifications
- Partner requests public access to the following:
CU "LSC Activity Group Mgmt."
function AssignGroupMembers ******* Hotel integration CUtable "LSC Reservation"
function CalculateBalance ******** Is already public procedureLSC Activities Functions
function ChangeStatusOnActivities **** hotel integration CUCU "LSC Activity POS Functions WEB"
function ErrorBeep ************** already publicCU "LSC Activity POS Functions WEB"
function FinalizeCharge *********** hotel integration CU
function InsertProductLine ****** hotel integration cu
function GetReservationList *** hotel integraiton CU
function RunLookup ****** already public
function PackageAllowanceHandler *** hotel integration CU
function PaymentHandler *** hotel integration CU"ICE Activity POS Functions"
function GroupPaymentHandler **** hotel CUCU "LSC Activity Integrations"
function InsertSalesLine *** hotel CU"LSC Availability Worktable"
function PopulateLocationAvailability **** hotel integrationCU "LSC Activities Functions"
function ReturnMemberAccountNo ****** hotel integration CU
function ReturnProductPrice ******** hotel integration CU"LSC ACT Package Offer Line"
function ReturnCurrentSalesPrice ****** already public
39645 Events released on version 22.2 W27
- #39477
- #39311
- #39312
- #39309
- #39274
- #39275
39477 Access PluKeyPressed from POS Transaction Impl
- Details not available.
39467 Events released for Replenishment on version 22.2 - W27
- 39028 Events for Buyer's Push
The following event requests have been implemented for the Buyer's Push functionality:- Two public codeunits: LSC Alloc. Plan Utils Public and LSC Alloc. Rule Calc. Public have been introduced to allow access to the following procedures in their respective internal codeunit:
- Procedure CalcWhseQtyForAllocLine in the LSC Alloc. Plan Utils codeunit.
- Procedure PopulateBuyPushWorkTblFrom in the LSC Alloc. Rule Calc codeunit.
- All the integration events requested for the Buyer's Push functionality have been added to the LSC Alloc. Plan Utils Public codeunit.
- The following procedures have been made public in their respective object:
- Procedure CalcPhysInventory in the LSC Product Ext codeunit.
- Procedure OpenAllocPlanLocationLines in the LSC Stock Recall Subform page.
- Procedure CalculatePercShare in the LSC Alloc. Plan Dim Values table.
- Procedure InsertWhseQuantiesOnDimLines in the LSC Alloc. Plan Lines table.
- Two new integration events: OnBeforeReturnAllocationRuleCode and OnBeforeInsertWhseQuantiesOnDimLines have been added to the LSC Alloc. Plan Lines table.
- Two public codeunits: LSC Alloc. Plan Utils Public and LSC Alloc. Rule Calc. Public have been introduced to allow access to the following procedures in their respective internal codeunit:
- 39466 Event to Override Unavailable Stock
- The integration event OnBeforeGetUnavailableStock has been added to the LSC Replen. Unavailable Stock table.
39466 Event to Override Unavailable Stock
- Details not available.
39312 DOCNO Event Signatures in Statement Post
- Details not available.
39311 Added Event to all skipping of 10 Character check
- Details not available.
39309 Add events to handle POS Inventory Lookup
- Details not available.
39274 Event request for InsertPaymentLine function in codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction"
- Details not available.
39258 Staff Management login is trying to compare to encrypted staff password
- If a staff logon password was required in the Staff Management setup for the clock-in/clock-out functionality, it now compares the entered password using encryption.
39224 Incorrect payment amount in Self-Service POS with MixMatch Discount
- Discount updating fixed in the Self-Service Kiosk.
38868 CO Discount change in POS is not registered in BO
- Fixed an issue with Customer Orders where a discount that was added/adjusted after selecting the Sourcing Location was not reflected in the Customer Order Header, Customer Order Lines, and Customer Order Discount Lines.

37734 Activity Matrix 'Page Refresh Interval' does not refresh open Activity Matrix page
- The Activity Matrix refreshes according to the Page Refresh Interval field in the Matrix Template Card.
Hotels hotfixes

40599 UpdateRoomBlocking upgrade error
- UpdateRoomBlocking procedure in Upgrade CU was fixed.

40521 Tape Chart not working
- Date comparison and sorting added so blocked dates do not have an impact on reservations which come right before or after.

39188 Cannot create invoice when customer has Currency Code field empty
- Fixed that a sales invoice had to have a currency code on customer.

39185 Changing Routing Rule on GroupMaster Reservation results in a record-not-up-to-date error
- Changing routing rule on groupmaster reservation has been fixed.

39186 Reservation Builder Not Removing Customer Discount from Amount
- Customer discount fixed in Reservation Builder.

39213 Sales Invoice adding a new line fails with license error
- Fixed adding a new Sales Line and it creates a DRE line.

39231 Get Availability with Overbooking-Underselling
- Hotel Integration GetRoomAvailabilityList procedure now returns offsets for over/underbooking of channel types.

38781 Customer Line Discount not calulated in LSHT
- Details not available.

39208 Payment Against Deposit posts to incorrect GL when used twice on the same reservation
- Details not available.

38544 When doing a deposit on a group and posting it, either through POS or BO, the lines do not get marked paid
- When using Payment against Deposit, the system did not find the lines to mark as paid and submitted an error. This has now been fixed, and users can use the Payment against Deposit action when balance = 0.
- When finalizing through POS on groups, the lines were not marked paid. This has also been fixed, and corresponding lines will be marked paid when finalizing from POS.
System hotfixes

63887 SPG unit issue on V21.5 - Unit missing
- Updated the SPG unit check to comply with the new behavior of the unit data from the API.
- Suggest the license to be refreshed by just pressing the Show License Details action on the License Manager Setup page.