Hotfixes on LS Central version 21.5.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).

45858 POS Data Entry issue - Hybrid environment
- Details not available.

48880 POS Data Entry One-Time Redemption does not write-off voucher balance
- Update Write-off amount when using vouchers with one time redemption.

47895 LSC-2604 incorrect error for Pull-Replication with Offline and Azure-DD-Replication Mode
- Details not available.

47574 Receipt printing for Deals that include item modifers do not listen to printing settings (#33514 recreated)
- Indent for modifiers are now cleaner.

39501 Wrong Item ledger entry after post sales entry in statement
- Details not available.

35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.

39219 Exchange with top-up with the mode of payment cannot process
- Details not available.

44344 Bug identified in Data Entry
- Details not available.

44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService

44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService

43470 Issue with the Send Transaction Job - DD Push
- Hotfix versions 21.4 and 21.5 with changes done on ticket #38241.
38241 Events added to influence the Name of DD Send Packets
- Details not available.

43476 RefundLookup - Add ID to OnBeforeEvent
- Added a LookupID variable to the event publisher, allowing the partner to use a different POS Lookup record on the Refund command.
38367 Replication: Error Message
- Updated the ErrorHandler procedure to allow more than 250 characters.
- Applied CopyStr when populating global variable LastError to truncate to 250 chars.

40143 Customer Orders - C4 Ship Items - No transaction Header
- Details not available.

41663 Cannot activate ScanPayGo license
- Updated license manager API URL.

41119 More efficiency in web availability call
- Improved performance in the web API availability request when the related activity product pricing was based on availability. Previously, two executions would be made to the availability logic for each interval or product. This has now been reduced to one execution.

38708 Joining arrows disappear when menu is loaded without loading the joined buttons
- An issue causing the joining arrows to disappear when the menu was redrawn has been fixed.

39730 Cannot enter integer, decimal, or time in zoom control
- An issue that was causing field no. 0 to be assigned has been fixed.

40945 Change procedure Scopes
- The following methods and objects have been unlocked:
- 'Codeunit "LSC RC Add Selected Activity"'
- 'Codeunit "LSC ACT Label Functions"'
- 'LocationOpeningTimes(Code[20], Date, var Time, var Time)'
- 'ScheduleTime(Code[20], Code[20], Date, var Time, var Time, Boolean)'
- 'RescheduleActivity(Code[20], Date, Time, Code[20], Code[20], Record "LSC POS Transaction", var Record "LSC POS Menu Line", Boolean, var Code[20])'
- 'CheckIfResourceOpen(Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, var Text, Record "LSC Activity Resource Group", Code[20])'
- 'CheckResourceAvailability(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, var Text, var Integer)'
- 'isProductOverBookingAllowed(Code[20])'
- 'IsResourceCapable(Code[20], Code[20], Boolean)'
- 'CheckUserRestrictions(Date, Time, Code[20], Boolean)'
- 'CheckProductAvailability(Code[20], Code[20], Date, Time, Date, Time, Code[20], Option, Integer, Code[20], Code[20], Code[20], Code[20], Code[20])'
- 'CalculateDuration(Code[20], Date, Time, Integer, var Date, var Time, Code[20], Integer, Code[20])'
- 'NewSearchClient(var Code[20], var Code[20])'
- 'SetAttributeFilters(var Record "LSC Activity Resource", Code[20])'
- 'CalculateResourceScheduleHours(Code[20], Code[20], Date)'

40329 Decimal number input in "Allocated time (min)" generates an error, Seating walk-in from reservation grid does not update correctly
- A decimal input in the Reserved For (Min.) field (also called Allocated For (Min.)) in Dining Reservation Entry is now rounded down to an integer value. The data update in the Allocation has been fixed when you seat an un-allocated walk-in entry directly.

39735 Request to make internal procedures visible
- 40553 Event merged to master W34.
- 40684 Event to skip optional ID input on POS.

38662 Locking issue when running Replenishment Item Quantity Calculation in parallel
- A locking issue that occurred on the Scheduler Job Header table when running the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) calculation in parallel has now been fixed. Additionally, we have improved the performance of the master job when assigning the item range to the linked Scheduler jobs.

39735 Request to make internal procedures visible
- 40553 Event merged to master W34.
- 40684 Event to skip optional ID input on POS

39165 Exchange: Copy discount with correct types to exchange item
- Updated the SAME ITEM exchange functionality to respect the discount tracking.
Note: If the original discount is no longer active, a manual line discount is applied.

40315 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.
39295 Missing CustomerOrderSetup.Get
- Details not available.
37389 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.

40646 Manual Discount on Refund Item is removed wrongly in Exchange Transactions
- Details not available.

38968 Changed filtered variable for Priority drill-down
- The applied SetRange was not correct because Value1 is an Item Category Code. The code has been changed to compare Value1 with Value2 directly.

40335 VAT Posting setup required for BOM Version Item Lines on Recipe card
- Details not available.

38869 Why no DD-Push process after Z-Report printing for "Statement Method" = POS?
- A new field, which is a fixed value added to a transaction that should not be included in Z/Y Reports, was added to retail setup.

39892 Cannot view Customer Order Shipments on POS
- An issue where the Shipment panel on POS was unable to open has been fixed.

39606 Safe Management - Break Bag
- When breaking a bag, a safe ledger entry is now created for the uncounted tender in the safe.

34712 Dining table locked because of two active dining tbl. hist entries
- Code change has been applied that makes inactive any previous active dining table history entries that were not made inactive when a new entry was created because of another error. If it is OK to close the entry, the entry is closed along with the related tables.
- The Dining Table Status Log contains an entry for this correction.

37939 Members with decimal points, gives error after member search
- Details not available.

39951 Price return error
- Details not available.

39948 Scale Issue with Item Price < 1
- Details not available.

39927 Min. To Reservation not correct in graphical view and tables not showing correct status on allocation
- The Min. To Reservation glyph has been fixed to show minutes to reservation from the time shown in the Allocation panel. Also, the Allocation view is now updated correctly (showing which tables are available) before filtering takes place, when you allocate a reservation or show the tables that are allocated to a reservation.

38321 Display on Kiosk cannot show all Sales Types
- The Self-Service Kiosk can now show 15 sales types in portrait mode and 12 sales types in landscape mode without overlapping anything.

35741 An item that is scanned into the Self-Service Kiosk can be edited but page is blank
- Items that have been scanned into the Self-Service Kiosk can no longer be edited from the basket.

36207 Z report ID is blank for a few transactions in Trans. payment entry
- A bug displaying Z-report ID on Trans. Payment Entry was fixed.

39224 Incorrect payment amount in Self-Service POS with MixMatch Discount
- Discount updating fixed in the Self-Service Kiosk.

37748 KOTs not getting the correct “finished” status when they have been paid and printed
- KOTs are now posted and finished correctly when using the Store setting "Kitchen Prod. System in Use" = "Retail POS - Printed on Posting"

38612 Joining information not correct in Allocation panel plus time scrolling issues
- Joining problems have been fixed. Time scrolling has been fixed. Changes have been made to the time handling to allow seating guests when the dining area is closed but the current time is within the advance seating time of the dining area (this is typically 30 minutes before the period starts). This applies to the dining table overview and the allocation panel. You can now scroll by interval in the Allocation panel. This is useful for the graphical view, to jump one interval at a time backwards and forwards. This was possible only in the timeline view by clicking the interval column heading. The filtering of a reservation in the panel (when you come from the Reservation Desk, the Reservation Search or from clicking a dining table to Show Reservation) has been fixed and stays on until Reset, Today, or time scrolling is pressed.

38856 Add event to WS Functions to bypass bug in Web Replication
- Details not available.

39299 Request to keep methods publicly available
- VoidSuspendedTrans: added to POS Transaction Public Codeunit.
- SetTemplateAndBatchName: internal removed.

38549 LS Central 21.4 codeunit 10001217 "LSC KDS Functions"
- Procedure made public.

37942 Cannot view the Customer Order Lines
- Details not available.
29559 Incorrect variable used in OnBeforeSendPOSTransSusp
- Procedure updated to use the correct POS Transaction variable.

38172 "Block empty transaction" staff permission not working correctly
- Details not available.

31918 Multiple selection of display station added to the Next Station field
- In KDS, it is now possible to have more than one Next Station for a Display Station. The Next Station ID field has been moved to the Section Display Stat, Mappings list instead of on the Display Station itself.

38647 Clock-out button disabled if shift passes midnight
- A bug has been fixed that caused the clock-out button to be disabled if an employee clocked out after midnight.
- When clocking out after midnight, the Clock-out button should be enabled (as long as there was a clock-in before midnight).

35431 Store coupon not working correctly with weight barcode
- Details not available.

38185 CRITICAL PERFORMANCE ISSUE: Great number of web requests after marking Loyalty Member Card at the end of the transaction
- Performance issue where GetMemberInfoForPos runs too often has been fixed.

38151 Error when trying to pay in split bill
Recursive error when paying in split bill has been fixed.

38772 Parameter length corrected in ApplySafeEntryByJoinedBag (GH PR #40)
- Details not available.

38648 Threshold Rule Values improvements
The following improvements related to Threshold Rule Values have been introduced:
- A new secondary key has been added to the LSC Threshold Rule Value table.
- A new integration event, OnBeforeOnAfterGetCurrThresholdRuleValueRecord, has been added to the LSC Threshold Rule Values page, to allow the calculation of the Total Cost Amount, Total Sales Amount, Total Profit Amount, Total Quantity, Total Weight, and Total Cubage Flow Fields to be overridden, if needed.

34203 Members and infocode
Code added to check for an infocode for a customer that is linked to a member.

35595 Discount offers and price groups
- Added field Disc. Type to the Discount Offer lines.
35431 Store coupon not working correctly with weight barcode
- Details not available.

38334 Reports not searchable
- Since release 21.5, reports went missing in the search due to changes in ApplicationArea, but are now back again through a hotfix for all affected versions.
37214 Handling No. of persons/Quantity in Group reservations regarding pricing setup
Parameters sent to the pricing/discount logic regarding Quantity and No. of persons are now sent as a multiply of the Quantity field in the group line, so discounts and price is correctly picked up according to the total number of persons and the total quantity in the group line. Previously, the values were sent as 1 reservation only, rather than the total number of Quantity being assigned in the group reservation.
Important: Note that the pricing logic is changed. Previously, the Activity pricing and discount settings would need to match the No. of Persons or Quantity to be activated. Now , the No. of persons or Quantity can either match or be less than the related values in the activity to be activated.
This means that more valid prices might be set on the activity product, and if so, the last price setting in the matching criteria will be returned as the active price. This is only valid, if your price logic is based on either Quantity or the No. of persons. So partners and end users should validate their settings on any activity products that are based on the above criteria, and note that the sequence order of the pricing settings is crucial in the resulting price.

36807 Member points decimal rounding is incorrect if Point Rounding Type is set to Down
- An issue, where member point decimal rounding is incorrect, has been fixed.

37643 Error in Sales Order when a CO is made with $0 total amount
- Fixed a posting error in Sales Order that occurred when a 100% discount was applied through Customer Order. Zero to invoice.

37401 Franchise: Release function enables pop-up
- Details not available.

37039 Make procedure public in "LSC ACT Support Functions"
- Procedure InsertMemberDepositAccount in codeunit 10015815 "LSC ACT Support Functions" made public.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

37906 Integration Event OnAfterPrintSalesInfo from local to public
- Details not available.

36636 Customer Order eCom payment
- A fix to make it possible to do a payment for customer orders online. When a payment is done from the web, a transaction will be created.

37627 Training Transaction - voided entries are not replicated anymore when Backup Training Trans. is used
- Details not available.

37327 Attachment report on group member causes endless loop
- An error, when attachment report was assigned on the email template sent to Activity group members, was fixed. This error caused an endless loop when trying to send the emails.

31438 Implement Activity Member Comments
- The Activity client (member contact) comments have been replaced by the new comment structure.

37398 Coupon discounts get removed in new Exchange Transaction Type
- Applied fix to keep the Coupon discounts on exchange lines.

37345 Self-Service Kiosk - Exclude ingredient button image does not change when pressed
- Details not available.

37688 Partially charge to Room is not working properly with taxes and the charge room line is missing folio
- The DRE amount for partial charges when "Rates does not include tax" has been fixed. Also, the room charge for "Guest" Folio is routed by default, a bug caused empty room charge without folio.

31592 When clicking a graphical table in Allocation panel, commands do not always work, tables appear free when they are not
- Reserved status of tables in graphical layout view has been fixed.
- Execution of commands when you click a reserved graphical table has been fixed.
- Creating a walk-in entry for a dining table in timeline view has been fixed.
- In graphical view, creating a walk-in entry for a free dining in the near future is now possible (the panel time needs to be set to a time in the near future).

34449 Unable to Use Floating Cashier without TS Send Transactions
- In the POS Functionality Profile, TS Floating cashier is made available to use with DD Send transactions as well as TS Send transactions.

37689 Rounding in SO creation from CO
POS Sale with Member card linked to customer is not processing customer in this scenario:
HO has all customers (Master data).
POS sale from the store (customer's information is not available in the store), with member card selected, GetPOSMemberinfo retrieves all the information of members. Still, the linked customer is not there in the store database. Now, with this fix, customers are retrieved from HO to store using web services.
This issue is in W1 and NA.
37568 Charge to Room rounding
- Rounding error fix for Sales Tax in North America.

37935 LS Transfer Posting Dimensions bug
- Code added to check if the Transfer Order was fully posted.
- Code added to handle Store dimensions on Transfer Orders created by a Requisition Worksheet.
37565 Error when validating description of Retail Image Link
- The field Description in table Retail Image Link has been replaced with Image Description of length 260 in sync with the Retail Image table to avoid overflow.

37066 Membership Point Setup not working correctly
- Fixed an issue where the Filter Type = Special Groups was not workings as expected, giving points to schemes not included on the filter.

36954 Pressing Search in Contact Search panel on POS returns error
- Member Contact Search with a single result was causing problems and has now been fixed.

37607 Events released for Replenishment on version 21.5 - W20
- 37578 - SetParameters function internal > external
- The SetParameters procedure has been made public in the LSC Add Items to Replen. Jrnl report.

3672 Release events on version 21.5 - W18
- 37079 - OnBeforeIsProcessReceiptBarcode
- 36351 -Keep UpdateMemberFromPOS functions public
- 36449 - Handle other options in case for procedure ProcessInfoCode
- 36482 - OnBeforeValidateLocationCode with ishandled in Store TableData
- 36730 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeSetbMoveLine
- 36895 - New event OnBeforePrintProvisionalReceiptHeaderInfo
- 37277 - More Events for Retail Messages (GitHub)
- 36732 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeUploadMenuHeaderRec
- 36897 - New event OnAfterPrintHeaderLine

36348 Transfer Posting Dimension issue
- Changes made to the way dimensions are assigned when Post-Receipt from a Retail Transfer Order, standard BC Transfer Orders, and the Retail Receiving page.
- Changes also applied to always skip the warning dimensions message when posting from the Retail Receiving page.

31691 Error doing sales quote in POS
- An error when suspending transactions with Susp./Retr. Transaction active on the POS functionality profile has been fixed.

36229 CO Shipment - Change inserted twice
- Details not available.

34800 New Microsoft field in VAT Transactions in V.21 New: TaxDate
- Details not available.

36418 Validation period issue
- Details not available.

36964 Customer Order - cancel and refund in BackOffice
- Details not available.

35928 Customer Order sourcing calculation error
- Adjustments made to prevent wrong inventory calculation when selecting a source for Customer Order.
To get the available quantity, the system now uses the sum of Remaining Quantity from Item Ledger Entries and deducts both the quantity reserved by other Customer Orders and the quantity of Sales Not Posted.

35980 Add a setting to create KOT per menu type automatically
- With the new option, Yes-Sent Automatically to KDS-KOT per Menu Type, for Menu Type Usage in the Hospitality Type Card, the program automatically creates one KOT per menu type assigned to the items when items are sent to the kitchen (on exiting the POS or when pressing the Send to KDS button). Lines with no menu type are assigned to one KOT with no menu type.

33985 Time period filter reset on restaurant Allocation panel when allocating
- In the Allocation panel, the period filtering on reservations when allocating is maintained. Also, when you open the Allocation panel without a reservation, an error does not occur. When you open it with a reservation, the reservation is the only one shown.
When you select a reservation to view from the Reservation List in the Allocation panel, this reservation is the only one shown.

36948 Request to keep methods publicly available
- Number of methods and codeunits in Bookings made public for partners.

36908 Functions made public
- Number of methods and codeunits in Bookings made public for partners.

36350 Cannot collect customer order with service item
- Fixed an error when collecting Customer Order with Service Item.

36113 Event Request for keeping Trans. Discount entries for coupons in returns
- Details not available.

35721 Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are now copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.

36134 Event Request Wrong Tender Declaration Receipt Print
- Details not available.

30911 For UTA need public method to access methods in internal codeunit "EPOS Control Interface TEST"
- Details not available.

36155 Release events on version 21.5 - W16
- 35945 - Event Request - Remove Retail User Validation
- New event OnBeforeUpdateNav added to "LSC Retail User" table.
- 35721 - Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.
- 30911 - For UTA need public method to access methods in internal codeunit "EPOS Control Interface TEST"
- Details not available.
- 36113 - Event Request for Keeping Trans. Discount Entries for Coupons in Returns
- Details not available.
- 36134 - Event Request Wrong Tender Declaration Receipt Print
- Details not available.
- 36415 - Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.
- 36121 - Change scope of procedure FindExtOffers to calculate new type of offers
- Changed FindExtOffers to global.
- 36122 - Add parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType
- Added a new parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36123 - Add parameter to event OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits
- Added parameter to OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits event in Codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36124 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterInsertOfferInFindExtOffers in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36127 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforeCalculateInProcessLinePreTotal in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36128 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforePopulateLineDiscGroupTempInFindAndPreCalcOffer in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility"
- 36129 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforeFindAndPreCalcOffer in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36130 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeqFunc in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36131 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36133 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterPopulateDiscSeqBufferInRecalcofferSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 35946 - Additional parameter in OnAfterInsertTransactionsProcessTransactionsV2 event
- Details not available.

36415 Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.

35793 Activity Matrix Freezing when clicking next/previous days too fast
The Activity Matrix does not stop working, if the next/previous day buttons are clicked too often too fast. A loading indicator was added when the matrix is updating after the dates have been changed.

35096 Cash difference will be deducted from the stock amount
- Start float difference entries moved from safe entries to decl. diff entries.

34392 Issues when a prepack item is exploded
- The following issues related to prepack item explosion have been fixed:
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase or transfer receipts, the Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code were not populated in the related positive and negative adjustment Item Ledger Entries.
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase receipts, the Cost Amount (Actual) field in the positive adjustment Item Ledger Entries created for the components were not calculated proportionally based on the cost price of the prepack item, according to the weight and share of each component.

35910 Events released for Replenishment on version 21.5 - W17
- 35909 Events to Adjust Replen. Journal Quantity with Warehouse Eff. Inventory
- Two new integration events: OnBeforeUpdQtyInDetailLinesPO and OnUpdQtyInDetailLinesPOOnBeforeUpdateDetailLinesLog have been added to the LSC Replen. Calculation codeunit.
Hotels hotfixes

41042 Error when changing status of a reservation to NOSHOW
- Fixed so a reservation with payments and routing rule can be set to NoShow.

40599 UpdateRoomBlocking upgrade error
- UpdateRoomBlocking procedure in Upgrade CU was fixed.

40521 Tape Chart not working
- Date comparison and sorting added so blocked dates do not have an impact on reservations which come right before or after.

39054 LS Hotels 21.5 needs Force Sync
- SplitFromLine field added to old Detailed Revenue Entry table.

38425 Hotel Integration procedures removed in version 21.5
- Details not available.

38544 When doing a deposit on a group and posting it, either through POS or BO, the lines do not get marked paid
- When using Payment against Deposit, the system did not find the lines to mark as paid and submitted an error. This has now been fixed, and users can use the Payment against Deposit action when balance = 0.
- When finalizing through POS on groups, the lines were not marked paid. This has also been fixed, and corresponding lines will be marked paid when finalizing from POS.

38119 Deposit posting from BO difference
- Fixed payment against deposit in BO, DRE were not marked as paid when HotelSetup.“Show Rate Lines” = No.

37766 New events needed to reuse functionality of Guest descriptions logic
- Codeunit GuestList 10033528 -> procedure AddOneToGuestList()
- Codeunit Group Reservation Managment 10033497 -> procedure AddHotelResToGroupRes()

36871 ChangeStatusOnRes_ChangeStatus integration method in Hotels does not accept NewStatusCode
- Details not available.

37700 Unable to do partial refund after cancellation
- Partial refund now allowed after cancellation.

37709 Tender Type rounding
- Fixed balance when tender type rounding is used.

37662 Staging tables check room availability
- Fixed import reservation from staging tables so it checks the hotel availability.

37708 HOTELPREPAY does not look at Deposit Due schedule
- A new lookup, #HOTELDEPOSITS, is used to select a deposit schedule line to pay from POS. In case of not finding unpaid deposits will create only deposit payment entry and will not affect the deposit schedule.
- The hotfix requires creating manually a POS Lookup and POS Data table named as #HOTELDEPOSITS. See #DEPOSITS lookup and data table existing for Activities.

36813 Status change selection in Hotels should be suppressed when GUIALLOWED=FALSE
- GUIALLOWED check was added to the ChangeInternalStatusReservation function in codeunit LSCHT Change Status On Res. to avoid an error when it is called from web services.
37052 Reservation Discount not applied when changing Rate Code
- When a rate code is changed, the system automatically applies a rate discount when there is only one. In case there are more than one discount, a notification is displayed to ask the user to choose which discount to apply.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

38048 Missing ValidateTableRelation in Hotel Setup, field User
- Add ValidateTableRelation property for field User from LSCHT Hotel Setup.

37704 Move Payment against Deposit Logic into Codeunit and Expose Access
- The Payment against deposit functionality was moved to Codeunit LSCHT Hotel Res. Pre Payment and exposed in LSCHT Hotel Integration as HotelResPrePayment_PaymentAgainstDeposit.
Furthermore, a new job, Payment against deposit, was created. It can also be run manually from the Hotel Job List.

37722 Canceling a Cancellation prompt deletes the DREs
- Fixed cancel of confirmation for cancellation policy deleting DRE lines.
37698 Re-evaluate Deposit Schedule on Rate Change
- Now, after changing rate code on confirmed reservations, the corresponding deposit schedule will be issued automatically.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

37707 HOTELPREPAY shows Balance without Tax
- Fixed HOTELPREPAY on POS so it checks if balance uses amount excl. VAT when HotelSetup.Rate incl. VAT is false.

37688 Partially charge to Room is not working properly with taxes and the charge room line is missing folio
- The DRE amount for partial charges when "Rates does not include tax" has been fixed. Also, the room charge for "Guest" Folio is routed by default, a bug caused empty room charge without folio.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only.

37570 Reservation Extra included in cancellation fee
- Reservation extras were part of the cancellation fee. This has been fixed.

37568 Charge to Room rounding
- Rounding error fixed for sales tax in North-America.

37487 Get VAT percentage again when unit price changes for DRE
- VAT pct fetched when unit price changed. Skip VAT calc when unit price is 0.

37043 LSCHT Hotel Res. Pre Payment Inaccessible
- Procedure PrePayReservationWEB in LSCHT Hotel Res. Pre Payment was made public.

37419 Night Audit calculates tax on Hotel Balance account
- Details not available.

36579 Post and delete DRE Reverse lines in Night Audit
- Details not available.

37417 Insert Deposit Entry returning always false
- A bug regarding the InsertDepositEntry function that caused it to always return false, was fixed.

37083 Routing rule not working correctly
- An issue regarding setting a routing rule with Paymaster was fixed. Another issue on settling a group invoice that skipped creation of some reservation lines has also been fixed. Anew field, LSCHT DRE Res No., was created in LSC POS Trans Line to better track DRE lines from the POS.

37018 Add TAX calculations to Detail Cancellation Policy page
- Tax calculations have been added to the Detail Cancellation Policy page.
When calculating the TAX on the Cancellation page, the system uses the item for the cancellation posting, if that is specified in the cancellation policy itself. If not, the one specified in Hotel Setup is used, because that is the one that will be behind the DRE for cancellation fee added to the reservation.

37021 Balance hotfix
- Balance fixed in the Reservation FactBox and POS.

37020 Link deposit to schedule line from Deposit Payment Page
- New field, Schedule Line Date, added to the Deposit Payment page to select which deposit schedule line is paying.

36818 Reservation Extras are included when canceling a reservation
- Previously, the "Prompt when applying" setup on the Cancellation Policy page resulted in a message box so users could decide if to apply the cancellation fee or not. This message has been replaced by a new page where users can select which reservation extras will be included in the cancellation fee.
- When a cancellation fee is applied, it is written in the FactBox notes for traceability. This page also shows separately the rate cancellation fee, the reservation extra cancellation fee, and the total cancellation fee that will be applied if the user clicks OK.

33560 Deposit and Cancellation schedule
- Enhancements for Cancellation Policy, now supports multiple penalty scenarios to define days/time before arrival or after confirmation. Cancellation Policy included in Rate Code Price Config.
- Enhancements for Deposits.

36679 Balance Transfer - tax calculations and modal error
- Balance Transfer now looks at the "Rate Includes Tax" in Hotel Setup, and shows the balance on the Balance Transfer page accordingly.
- A new line in the Factbox was added showing transfers where balance transfer lines can be viewed separately from other DREs.
- A commit was added for the RunModal error in an attempt to fix the reported error, which, however, could not be reproduced.

36676 Nationality report not available in SaaS
- Nationality Report and Guest List in Back Office Role Center are now available in SaaS.

36819 Incorrect Sales Tax on DREs
- Sales tax for DRE was fixed, now always uses the sales tax % from the store.

36820 Open Balance Tile on POS shows a lower number than the Reservation List with Open Balances
- The Open Balance tile on POS and the Reservation List are now in sync.

36814 Settle Invoice on POS does not include Sales Tax
- Sales Tax for North America was wrong when the amount is settled.

36729 POS settle guest invoice has the wrong amount including tax
- Finalized invoice on POS had the wrong amount for the room when a discount was applied.

36728 NA General Journal not posting Sales Tax liability
- The Night Audit General Journal now includes posting Sales Tax liability.

36691 Hotel Reservation List – Balance is without Tax and may show negative
- Hotel Reservation List, Balance now includes sales tax.

36649 Discounts are not calculated correctly in Upgrade Reservation Page
- When the discount amount is over the Room Price, an error is prompted.

36633 ActivitySave removes POS Trans Lines
- Fixed. Hotel POS Finalized Invoice command pulls in DRE lines into POS Trans Lines, but when activity status was changed on activity POS, the Hotel POS Trans Line was deleted without resetting the DRE line.

36440 Dimensions in Night Audit
- Fixed issue with Global Dimension 2.

36401 Reservation Builder customer discount not in price line
- Reservation Builder customer discounts fixed.

36390 Not able to edit dates for groups when no currency is set in the hotel setup/rate code
- An issue with changing dates on groups when no currency was set on the group reservation (rate code/hotel setup) has been fixed.

36227 Staging Comment not working
- Staging Comments have been fixed and are now using LSC Comment table.

36400 Include sales tax on income expense POS trans lines
- Income expense POS Trans Lines now include sales tax when VAT is not included in the rate.

36146 Accrual Accounting changed to Account Method
- In Hotel Setup, the Accrual Accounting field was renamed to Account Method and the data type option changed to enum.
Localization hotfixes

54869 IN Adidas: HSN Compliance Fix
- Details not available.