Hotfixes on LS Central version 21.4.x.x
Tip: Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).

44344 Bug identified in Data Entry
- Details not available.
44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService
43470 Issue with the Send Transaction Job - DD Push
- Hotfix versions 21.4 and 21.5 with changes done on ticket #38241.
42104 Hotfix for correct finish status
- Hotfix to finish KOT correctly when Restaurant setting Kitchen Prod. System in Use is set to Retail POS - Printed on Posting.
40646 Manual Discount on Refund Item is removed wrongly in Exchange Transactions
- Details not available.
40335 VAT Posting setup required for BOM Version Item Lines on Recipe card
- Details not available.
40329 Decimal number input in "Allocated time (min)" generates an error, Seating walk-in from reservation grid does not update correctly
- A decimal input in the Reserved For (Min.) field (also called Allocated For (Min.)) in Dining Reservation Entry is now rounded down to an integer value. The data update in the Allocation has been fixed when you seat an un-allocated walk-in entry directly.
40315 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.
39951 Price return error
- Details not available.
39948 Scale Issue with Item Price < 1
- Details not available.
39927 Min. To Reservation not correct in graphical view and tables not showing correct status on allocation
- The Min. To Reservation glyph has been fixed to show minutes to reservation from the time shown in the Dining Allocation panel. Also, the Allocation view is now updated correctly (showing which tables are available) before filtering takes place, when you allocate a reservation or show the tables that are allocated to a reservation.
39730 Cannot enter integer, decimal, or time in zoom control
- An issue that was causing field no. 0 to be assigned has been fixed.
39501 Wrong Item ledger entry after post sales entry in statement
- Details not available.
39224 Incorrect payment amount in Self-Service POS with MixMatch Discount
- Discount updating fixed in the Self-Service Kiosk.
39219 Exchange with top-up with the mode of payment cannot process
- Details not available.
39165 Exchange: Copy discount with correct types to exchange item
- Updated the SAME ITEM exchange functionality to respect the discount tracking.
Note: If the original discount is no longer active, a manual line discount is applied.
38708 Joining arrows disappear when menu is loaded without loading the joined buttons
- An issue causing the joining arrows to disappear when the menu was redrawn has been fixed.
38662 Locking issue when running Replenishment Item Quantity Calculation in parallel
- A locking issue that occurred on the Scheduler Job Header table when running the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) calculation in parallel has now been fixed. Additionally, the performance of the master job when assigning the item range to the linked Scheduler jobs has been improved.
38612 Joining information not correct in Allocation panel plus time scrolling issues
- Joining problems have been fixed. Time scrolling has been fixed. Changes have been made to the time handling to allow seating guests when the dining area is closed but the current time is within the advance seating time of the dining area (this is typically 30 minutes before the period starts). This applies to the dining table overview and the Dining Allocation panel. You can now scroll by interval in the Dining Allocation panel. This is useful for the graphical view, to jump one interval at a time backwards and forwards. This was possible only in the timeline view by clicking the interval column heading. The filtering of a reservation in the panel (when you come from the Reservation Desk, the Reservation Search or from clicking a dining table to Show Reservation) has been fixed and stays on until Reset, Today, or time scrolling is pressed.
38549 LS Central 21.4 codeunit 10001217 "LSC KDS Functions"
- Procedure made public.
38367 Replication: Error Message
- Updated the ErrorHandler procedure to allow more than 250 characters.
- Applied CopyStr when populating global variable LastError to truncate to 250 chars.
38241 Events added to influence the Name of DD Send Packets
- Details not available.
38185 CRITICAL PERFORMANCE ISSUE: Great number of web requests after marking Loyalty Member Card at the end of the transaction
Performance issue where GetMemberInfoForPos runs too often has been fixed.
38172 "Block empty transaction" staff permission not working correctly
- Details not available.
38151 Error when trying to pay in split bill
Recursive error when paying in split bill has been fixed.
37935 LS Transfer Posting Dimensions bug
- Code added to check if the Transfer Order was fully posted.
- Code added to handle Store dimensions on Transfer Orders created by a Requisition Worksheet.
37906 Integration Event OnAfterPrintSalesInfo from local to public
- Details not available.
37689 Rounding in SO creation from CO
POS Sale with Member card linked to customer is not processing customer in this scenario:
HO has all customers (Master data).
POS sale from the store (customer's information is not available in the store), with member card selected, GetPOSMemberinfo retrieves all the information of members. Still, the linked customer is not there in the store database. Now, with this fix, customers are retrieved from HO to store using web services.
This issue is in W1 and NA.
37565 Error when validating description of Retail Image Link
- The field Description in table Retail Image Link has been replaced with Image Description of length 260 in sync with the Retail Image table to avoid overflow.
37559 Event Request Block Total Discount Offers based on Member Scheme
- Details not available.
37401 Franchise: Release function enables pop-up
- Details not available.
37398 Coupon discounts get removed in new Exchange Transaction Type
- Applied fix to keep the Coupon discounts on exchange lines.
37345 Self-Service Kiosk - Exclude ingredient button image does not change when pressed
- Details not available.
37328 Release events on version 21.4 - W19
- 37079 - OnBeforeIsProcessReceiptBarcode
- 36351 -Keep UpdateMemberFromPOS functions public
- 36449 - Handle other options in case for procedure ProcessInfoCode
- 36482 - OnBeforeValidateLocationCode with ishandled in Store TableData
- 36730 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeSetbMoveLine
- 36895 - New event OnBeforePrintProvisionalReceiptHeaderInfo
- 37277 - More Events for Retail Messages (GitHub)
- 36732 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeUploadMenuHeaderRec
- 36897 - New event OnAfterPrintHeaderLine
37327 Attachment report on group member causes endless loop
- An error, when attachment report was assigned on the email template sent to Activity group members, was fixed. This error caused an endless loop when trying to send the emails.
37277 - More Events for Retail Messages
- Details not available.
37214 Handling No. of persons/Quantity in Group reservations regarding pricing setup
Parameters sent to the pricing/discount logic regarding Quantity and No. of persons are now sent as a multiply of the Quantity field in the group line, so discounts and price is correctly picked up according to the total number of persons and the total quantity in the group line. Previously, the values were sent as 1 reservation only, rather than the total number of Quantity being assigned in the group reservation.
Important: Note that the pricing logic is changed. Previously, the Activity pricing and discount settings would need to match the No. of Persons or Quantity to be activated. Now , the No. of persons or Quantity can either match or be less than the related values in the activity to be activated.
This means that more valid prices might be set on the activity product, and if so, the last price setting in the matching criteria will be returned as the active price. This is only valid, if your price logic is based on either Quantity or the No. of persons. So partners and end users should validate their settings on any activity products that are based on the above criteria, and note that the sequence order of the pricing settings is crucial in the resulting price.
37079 - OnBeforeIsProcessReceiptBarcode
- Details not available.
37066 Membership Point Setup not working correctly
- Fixed an issue where the Filter Type = Special Groups was not workings as expected, giving points to schemes not included on the filter.
37039 Make procedure public in "LSC ACT Support Functions"
- Procedure InsertMemberDepositAccount in codeunit 10015815 "LSC ACT Support Functions" made public.
36964 Customer Order - cancel and refund in BackOffice
- Details not available.
36954 Pressing Search in Contact Search panel on POS returns error
- Member Contact Search with a single result was causing problems and has now been fixed.
36947 Request to keep methods publicly available (v. 21.4)
- Number of methods and codeunits in Bookings made public for partners.
36908 Functions made public
- Number of methods and codeunits in Bookings made public for partners.
36897 - New event OnAfterPrintHeaderLine
- Details not available.
36895 - New event OnBeforePrintProvisionalReceiptHeaderInfo
- Details not available.
36807 Member points decimal rounding is incorrect if Point Rounding Type is set to Down
- An issue, where member point decimal rounding is incorrect, has been fixed.
36732 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeUploadMenuHeaderRec
- Details not available.
36730 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeSetbMoveLine
- Details not available.
36636 Customer Order eCom payment
- A fix to make it possible to do a payment for customer orders online. When a payment is done from the web, a transaction will be created.
36482 - OnBeforeValidateLocationCode with ishandled in Store TableData
- Details not available.
36449 - Handle other options in case for procedure ProcessInfoCode
- Details not available.
36422 Event Request Block Total Discount Offers based on Member Scheme
- Details not available.
36418 Validation period issue
- Details not available.
36415 Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.
36351 -Keep UpdateMemberFromPOS functions public
- Details not available.
36350 Cannot collect customer order with service item
- Fixed an error when collecting Customer Order with Service Item.
36348 Transfer Posting Dimension issue
- Changes made to the way dimensions are assigned when Post-Receipt from a Retail Transfer Order, standard BC Transfer Orders, and the Retail Receiving page.
- Changes also applied to always skip the warning dimensions message when posting from the Retail Receiving page.
36229 CO Shipment - Change inserted twice
- Details not available.
36158 Release events on version 21.4 - W16
- 35945 - Event Request - Remove Retail User Validation
- New event OnBeforeUpdateNav added to "LSC Retail User" table.
- 36121 - Change scope of procedure FindExtOffers to calculate new type of offers
- Changed FindExtOffers to global.
- 36122 - Add parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType
- Added a new parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36123 - Add parameter to event OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits
- Added parameter to OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits event in Codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36124 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterInsertOfferInFindExtOffers in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36127 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforeCalculateInProcessLinePreTotal in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36128 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforePopulateLineDiscGroupTempInFindAndPreCalcOffer in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility"
- 36130 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeqFunc in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36131 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36133 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterPopulateDiscSeqBufferInRecalcofferSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 35721 - Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.
- 30911 - For UTA need public method to access methods in internal codeunit "EPOS Control Interface TEST"
- Details not available.
- 36113 - Event Request for Keeping Trans. Discount Entries for Coupons in Returns
- Details not available.
- 36134 - Event Request Wrong Tender Declaration Receipt Print
- Details not available.
- 36415 - Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.
- 35946 - Additional parameter in OnAfterInsertTransactionsProcessTransactionsV2 event
- Details not available.
36134 Event Request wrong tender declaration receipt print
- Details not available.
36133 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterPopulateDiscSeqBufferInRecalcofferSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36131 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36130 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeqFunc in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36129 Add event to calculate new type of offers
New event OnBeforeFindAndPreCalcOffer in Codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility"
36128 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforePopulateLineDiscGroupTempInFindAndPreCalcOffer in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility"
36127 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforeCalculateInProcessLinePreTotal in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36125 Add event to check periodic discount before archiving
- Details not available.
36124 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterInsertOfferInFindExtOffers in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36123 - Add parameter to event OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits
- Added parameter to OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits event in Codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36122 - Add parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType
- Added a new parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36121 - Change scope of procedure FindExtOffers to calculate new type of offers
- Changed FindExtOffers to global.
36113 Event Request for keeping Trans. Discount entries for coupons in returns
- Details not available.
36023 Updates to KDS REST Web Service
- Updates to the KDS REST Web Service to work with the new Web KDS.
35980 Add a setting to create KOT per menu type automatically
- With the new option, Yes-Sent Automatically to KDS-KOT per Menu Type, for Menu Type Usage in the Hospitality Type Card, the program automatically creates one KOT per menu type assigned to the items when items are sent to the kitchen (on exiting the POS or when pressing the Send to KDS button). Lines with no menu type are assigned to one KOT with no menu type.
35946 Additional parameter in OnAfterInsertTransactionsProcessTransactionsV2 event
- Details not available.
35945 Event Request - Remove Retail User Validation
- New event OnBeforeUpdateNav added to "LSC Retail User" table.
35941 Disable the upgrade code for POS Data Entry Currency Code
- The upgrade of POS Data Entries with Currency has now been removed from the upgrade process. It was causing very slow upgrades for some customers. Instead, the Currency Code is fetched from Store/GLSetup when using POS Data Entries that were created in versions older than v21.1.
35928 Customer Order sourcing calculation error
- Adjustments made to prevent wrong inventory calculation when selecting a source for Customer Order.
To get the available quantity, the system now uses the sum of Remaining Quantity from Item Ledger Entries and deducts both the quantity reserved by other Customer Orders and the quantity of Sales Not Posted.
35911 LSC 21.4 Events Hotfix - W15
- Events released for Replenishment on version 21.4 - W15
- 35909 - Events to Adjust Replen. Journal Quantity with Warehouse Eff. Inventory
Two new integration events: OnBeforeUpdQtyInDetailLinesPO and OnUpdQtyInDetailLinesPOOnBeforeUpdateDetailLinesLog have been added to the LSC Replen. Calculation codeunit.
- 35909 - Events to Adjust Replen. Journal Quantity with Warehouse Eff. Inventory
35882 Create event for customizing SOD/EOD side menu
- New event, OnBeforeUploadMenuHeaderRec, added.
35831 New event OnBeforeKeyboardTriggerProcess in CU 99001570 POS Transaction
- OnBeforeKeyboardTriggerProcess made public.
35830 Customer Order procedures public
- GetCustomerOrderAmountFromPOSTransaction added in POS View.
- CreatePosTrans and UpdateOrderLines made public.
35793 Activity Matrix Freezing when clicking next/previous days too fast
The Activity Matrix does not stop working, if the next/previous day buttons are clicked too often too fast. A loading indicator was added when the matrix is updating after the dates have been changed.
35721 Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are now copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.
35654 Member Sales Buffer Sort Order Fix
- Member Sales Buffer Sort Order set as descending.
35096 Cash difference will be deducted from the stock amount
- Start float difference entries moved from safe entries to decl. diff entries.
34800 New Microsoft field in VAT Transactions in V.21 New: TaxDate
- Details not available.
34712 Dining table locked because of two active dining tbl. hist entries
- Code change has been applied that makes inactive any previous active dining table history entries that were not made inactive when a new entry was created because of another error. If it is OK to close the entry, the entry is closed along with the related tables.
- The Dining Table Status Log contains an entry for this correction.
34449 Unable to Use Floating Cashier without TS Send Transactions
- In the POS Functionality Profile, TS Floating cashier is made available to use with DD Send transactions as well as TS Send transactions.
34392 Issues when a prepack item is exploded
- The following issues related to prepack item explosion have been fixed:
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase or transfer receipts, the Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code were not populated in the related positive and negative adjustment Item Ledger Entries.
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase receipts, the Cost Amount (Actual) field in the positive adjustment Item Ledger Entries created for the components were not calculated proportionally based on the cost price of the prepack item, according to the weight and share of each component.
34091 Member Discount Limit not working as expected
- Fixed an issue where changing a line quantity on the POS would generate a discount bigger than allowed by the discount tracking.
33995 Copy_TR function not allowing to add new item
- Adding items to transactions after copying transaction is now possible.
33985 Time period filter reset on restaurant Allocation panel when allocating
- In the Dining Allocation panel, the period filtering on reservations when allocating is maintained. Also, when you open the Dining Allocation panel without a reservation, an error does not occur. When you open it with a reservation, the reservation is the only one shown.
When you select a reservation to view from the Reservation List in the Dining Allocation panel, this reservation is the only one shown.
33607 Remove access internal for a few functions
- New codeunit added, Delivery Order Mgt Interface, to give partners direct access to procedures in codeunit Delivery Order Management.
33514 Receipt printing for deals that include item modifiers does not listen to printing settings
- If a recipe is part of a deal and the recipe has some item modifiers, the selected modifiers are printed out on a sales slip if All lines are selected in Deal Printing Lines in the current Functionality Profile.
31691 Error doing sales quote in POS
- An error when suspending transactions with Susp./Retr. Transaction active on the POS functionality profile has been fixed.
31592 When clicking a graphical table in Allocation panel, commands do not always work, tables appear free when they are not
- Reserved status of tables in graphical layout view has been fixed.
- Execution of commands when you click a reserved graphical table has been fixed.
- Creating a walk-in entry for a dining table in timeline view has been fixed.
- In graphical view, creating a walk-in entry for a free dining in the near future is now possible (the panel time needs to be set to a time in the near future).
31438 Implement Activity Member Comments
- The Activity client (member contact) comments have been replaced by the new comment structure.
30911 For UTA need public method to access methods in internal codeunit "EPOS Control Interface TEST"
- Details not available.
29559 Incorrect variable used in OnBeforeSendPOSTransSusp
- Procedure updated to use the correct POS Transaction variable.

44344 Bug identified in Data Entry
- Details not available.
44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService
43470 Issue with the Send Transaction Job - DD Push
- Hotfix versions 21.4 and 21.5 with changes done on ticket #38241.
42104 Hotfix for correct finish status
- Hotfix to finish KOT correctly when Restaurant setting Kitchen Prod. System in Use is set to Retail POS - Printed on Posting.
40646 Manual Discount on Refund Item is removed wrongly in Exchange Transactions
- Details not available.
40335 VAT Posting setup required for BOM Version Item Lines on Recipe card
- Details not available.
40329 Decimal number input in "Allocated time (min)" generates an error, Seating walk-in from reservation grid does not update correctly
- A decimal input in the Reserved For (Min.) field (also called Allocated For (Min.)) in Dining Reservation Entry is now rounded down to an integer value. The data update in the Allocation has been fixed when you seat an un-allocated walk-in entry directly.
40315 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.
39951 Price return error
- Details not available.
39948 Scale Issue with Item Price < 1
- Details not available.
39927 Min. To Reservation not correct in graphical view and tables not showing correct status on allocation
- The Min. To Reservation glyph has been fixed to show minutes to reservation from the time shown in the Dining Allocation panel. Also, the Allocation view is now updated correctly (showing which tables are available) before filtering takes place, when you allocate a reservation or show the tables that are allocated to a reservation.
39730 Cannot enter integer, decimal, or time in zoom control
- An issue that was causing field no. 0 to be assigned has been fixed.
39224 Incorrect payment amount in Self-Service POS with MixMatch Discount
- Discount updating fixed in the Self-Service Kiosk.
39219 Exchange with top-up with the mode of payment cannot process
- Details not available.
39165 Exchange: Copy discount with correct types to exchange item
- Updated the SAME ITEM exchange functionality to respect the discount tracking.
Note: If the original discount is no longer active, a manual line discount is applied.
38708 Joining arrows disappear when menu is loaded without loading the joined buttons
- An issue causing the joining arrows to disappear when the menu was redrawn has been fixed.
38662 Locking issue when running Replenishment Item Quantity Calculation in parallel
- A locking issue that occurred on the Scheduler Job Header table when running the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) calculation in parallel has now been fixed. Additionally, the performance of the master job when assigning the item range to the linked Scheduler jobs has been improved.
38612 Joining information not correct in Allocation panel plus time scrolling issues
- Joining problems have been fixed. Time scrolling has been fixed. Changes have been made to the time handling to allow seating guests when the dining area is closed but the current time is within the advance seating time of the dining area (this is typically 30 minutes before the period starts). This applies to the dining table overview and the Dining Allocation panel. You can now scroll by interval in the Dining Allocation panel. This is useful for the graphical view, to jump one interval at a time backwards and forwards. This was possible only in the timeline view by clicking the interval column heading. The filtering of a reservation in the panel (when you come from the Reservation Desk, the Reservation Search or from clicking a dining table to Show Reservation) has been fixed and stays on until Reset, Today, or time scrolling is pressed.
38549 LS Central 21.4 codeunit 10001217 "LSC KDS Functions"
- Procedure made public.
38367 Replication: Error Message
- Updated the ErrorHandler procedure to allow more than 250 characters.
- Applied CopyStr when populating global variable LastError to truncate to 250 chars.
38241 Events added to influence the Name of DD Send Packets
- Details not available.
38185 CRITICAL PERFORMANCE ISSUE: Great number of web requests after marking Loyalty Member Card at the end of the transaction
Performance issue where GetMemberInfoForPos runs too often has been fixed.
38172 "Block empty transaction" staff permission not working correctly
- Details not available.
38151 Error when trying to pay in split bill
Recursive error when paying in split bill has been fixed.
37935 LS Transfer Posting Dimensions bug
- Code added to check if the Transfer Order was fully posted.
- Code added to handle Store dimensions on Transfer Orders created by a Requisition Worksheet.
37906 Integration Event OnAfterPrintSalesInfo from local to public
- Details not available.
37689 Rounding in SO creation from CO
POS Sale with Member card linked to customer is not processing customer in this scenario:
HO has all customers (Master data).
POS sale from the store (customer's information is not available in the store), with member card selected, GetPOSMemberinfo retrieves all the information of members. Still, the linked customer is not there in the store database. Now, with this fix, customers are retrieved from HO to store using web services.
This issue is in W1 and NA.
37565 Error when validating description of Retail Image Link
- The field Description in table Retail Image Link has been replaced with Image Description of length 260 in sync with the Retail Image table to avoid overflow.
37559 Event Request Block Total Discount Offers based on Member Scheme
- Details not available.
37401 Franchise: Release function enables pop-up
- Details not available.
37398 Coupon discounts get removed in new Exchange Transaction Type
- Applied fix to keep the Coupon discounts on exchange lines.
37345 Self-Service Kiosk - Exclude ingredient button image does not change when pressed
- Details not available.
37328 Release events on version 21.4 - W19
- 37079 - OnBeforeIsProcessReceiptBarcode
- 36351 -Keep UpdateMemberFromPOS functions public
- 36449 - Handle other options in case for procedure ProcessInfoCode
- 36482 - OnBeforeValidateLocationCode with ishandled in Store TableData
- 36730 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeSetbMoveLine
- 36895 - New event OnBeforePrintProvisionalReceiptHeaderInfo
- 37277 - More Events for Retail Messages (GitHub)
- 36732 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeUploadMenuHeaderRec
- 36897 - New event OnAfterPrintHeaderLine
37327 Attachment report on group member causes endless loop
- An error, when attachment report was assigned on the email template sent to Activity group members, was fixed. This error caused an endless loop when trying to send the emails.
37277 - More Events for Retail Messages
- Details not available.
37214 Handling No. of persons/Quantity in Group reservations regarding pricing setup
Parameters sent to the pricing/discount logic regarding Quantity and No. of persons are now sent as a multiply of the Quantity field in the group line, so discounts and price is correctly picked up according to the total number of persons and the total quantity in the group line. Previously, the values were sent as 1 reservation only, rather than the total number of Quantity being assigned in the group reservation.
Important: Note that the pricing logic is changed. Previously, the Activity pricing and discount settings would need to match the No. of Persons or Quantity to be activated. Now , the No. of persons or Quantity can either match or be less than the related values in the activity to be activated.
This means that more valid prices might be set on the activity product, and if so, the last price setting in the matching criteria will be returned as the active price. This is only valid, if your price logic is based on either Quantity or the No. of persons. So partners and end users should validate their settings on any activity products that are based on the above criteria, and note that the sequence order of the pricing settings is crucial in the resulting price.
37079 - OnBeforeIsProcessReceiptBarcode
- Details not available.
37066 Membership Point Setup not working correctly
- Fixed an issue where the Filter Type = Special Groups was not workings as expected, giving points to schemes not included on the filter.
37039 Make procedure public in "LSC ACT Support Functions"
- Procedure InsertMemberDepositAccount in codeunit 10015815 "LSC ACT Support Functions" made public.
36964 Customer Order - cancel and refund in BackOffice
- Details not available.
36954 Pressing Search in Contact Search panel on POS returns error
- Member Contact Search with a single result was causing problems and has now been fixed.
36947 Request to keep methods publicly available (v. 21.4)
- Number of methods and codeunits in Bookings made public for partners.
36908 Functions made public
- Number of methods and codeunits in Bookings made public for partners.
36897 - New event OnAfterPrintHeaderLine
- Details not available.
36895 - New event OnBeforePrintProvisionalReceiptHeaderInfo
- Details not available.
36807 Member points decimal rounding is incorrect if Point Rounding Type is set to Down
- An issue, where member point decimal rounding is incorrect, has been fixed.
36732 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeUploadMenuHeaderRec
- Details not available.
36730 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeSetbMoveLine
- Details not available.
36636 Customer Order eCom payment
- A fix to make it possible to do a payment for customer orders online. When a payment is done from the web, a transaction will be created.
36482 - OnBeforeValidateLocationCode with ishandled in Store TableData
- Details not available.
36449 - Handle other options in case for procedure ProcessInfoCode
- Details not available.
36422 Event Request Block Total Discount Offers based on Member Scheme
- Details not available.
36418 Validation period issue
- Details not available.
36415 Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.
36351 -Keep UpdateMemberFromPOS functions public
- Details not available.
36350 Cannot collect customer order with service item
- Fixed an error when collecting Customer Order with Service Item.
36348 Transfer Posting Dimension issue
- Changes made to the way dimensions are assigned when Post-Receipt from a Retail Transfer Order, standard BC Transfer Orders, and the Retail Receiving page.
- Changes also applied to always skip the warning dimensions message when posting from the Retail Receiving page.
36229 CO Shipment - Change inserted twice
- Details not available.
36158 Release events on version 21.4 - W16
- 35945 - Event Request - Remove Retail User Validation
- New event OnBeforeUpdateNav added to "LSC Retail User" table.
- 36121 - Change scope of procedure FindExtOffers to calculate new type of offers
- Changed FindExtOffers to global.
- 36122 - Add parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType
- Added a new parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36123 - Add parameter to event OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits
- Added parameter to OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits event in Codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36124 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterInsertOfferInFindExtOffers in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36127 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforeCalculateInProcessLinePreTotal in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36128 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforePopulateLineDiscGroupTempInFindAndPreCalcOffer in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility"
- 36130 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeqFunc in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36131 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36133 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterPopulateDiscSeqBufferInRecalcofferSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 35721 - Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.
- 30911 - For UTA need public method to access methods in internal codeunit "EPOS Control Interface TEST"
- Details not available.
- 36113 - Event Request for Keeping Trans. Discount Entries for Coupons in Returns
- Details not available.
- 36134 - Event Request Wrong Tender Declaration Receipt Print
- Details not available.
- 36415 - Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.
- 35946 - Additional parameter in OnAfterInsertTransactionsProcessTransactionsV2 event
- Details not available.
36134 Event Request wrong tender declaration receipt print
- Details not available.
36133 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterPopulateDiscSeqBufferInRecalcofferSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36131 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36130 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeqFunc in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36129 Add event to calculate new type of offers
New event OnBeforeFindAndPreCalcOffer in Codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility"
36128 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforePopulateLineDiscGroupTempInFindAndPreCalcOffer in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility"
36127 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforeCalculateInProcessLinePreTotal in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36125 Add event to check periodic discount before archiving
- Details not available.
36124 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterInsertOfferInFindExtOffers in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36123 - Add parameter to event OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits
- Added parameter to OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits event in Codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36122 - Add parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType
- Added a new parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
36121 - Change scope of procedure FindExtOffers to calculate new type of offers
- Changed FindExtOffers to global.
36113 Event Request for keeping Trans. Discount entries for coupons in returns
- Details not available.
36023 Updates to KDS REST Web Service
- Updates to the KDS REST Web Service to work with the new Web KDS.
35980 Add a setting to create KOT per menu type automatically
- With the new option, Yes-Sent Automatically to KDS-KOT per Menu Type, for Menu Type Usage in the Hospitality Type Card, the program automatically creates one KOT per menu type assigned to the items when items are sent to the kitchen (on exiting the POS or when pressing the Send to KDS button). Lines with no menu type are assigned to one KOT with no menu type.
35946 Additional parameter in OnAfterInsertTransactionsProcessTransactionsV2 event
- Details not available.
35945 Event Request - Remove Retail User Validation
- New event OnBeforeUpdateNav added to "LSC Retail User" table.
35941 Disable the upgrade code for POS Data Entry Currency Code
- The upgrade of POS Data Entries with Currency has now been removed from the upgrade process. It was causing very slow upgrades for some customers. Instead, the Currency Code is fetched from Store/GLSetup when using POS Data Entries that were created in versions older than v21.1.
35928 Customer Order sourcing calculation error
- Adjustments made to prevent wrong inventory calculation when selecting a source for Customer Order.
To get the available quantity, the system now uses the sum of Remaining Quantity from Item Ledger Entries and deducts both the quantity reserved by other Customer Orders and the quantity of Sales Not Posted.
35911 LSC 21.4 Events Hotfix - W15
- Events released for Replenishment on version 21.4 - W15
- 35909 - Events to Adjust Replen. Journal Quantity with Warehouse Eff. Inventory
Two new integration events: OnBeforeUpdQtyInDetailLinesPO and OnUpdQtyInDetailLinesPOOnBeforeUpdateDetailLinesLog have been added to the LSC Replen. Calculation codeunit.
- 35909 - Events to Adjust Replen. Journal Quantity with Warehouse Eff. Inventory
35882 Create event for customizing SOD/EOD side menu
- New event, OnBeforeUploadMenuHeaderRec, added.
35831 New event OnBeforeKeyboardTriggerProcess in CU 99001570 POS Transaction
- OnBeforeKeyboardTriggerProcess made public.
35830 Customer Order procedures public
- GetCustomerOrderAmountFromPOSTransaction added in POS View.
- CreatePosTrans and UpdateOrderLines made public.
35793 Activity Matrix Freezing when clicking next/previous days too fast
The Activity Matrix does not stop working, if the next/previous day buttons are clicked too often too fast. A loading indicator was added when the matrix is updating after the dates have been changed.
35721 Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are now copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.
35702 Function Update Repl. Counter in subjobs does not respect field list mapping
- Details not available.
35654 Member Sales Buffer Sort Order Fix
- Member Sales Buffer Sort Order set as descending.
35096 Cash difference will be deducted from the stock amount
- Start float difference entries moved from safe entries to decl. diff entries.
34800 New Microsoft field in VAT Transactions in V.21 New: TaxDate
- Details not available.
34712 Dining table locked because of two active dining tbl. hist entries
- Code change has been applied that makes inactive any previous active dining table history entries that were not made inactive when a new entry was created because of another error. If it is OK to close the entry, the entry is closed along with the related tables.
- The Dining Table Status Log contains an entry for this correction.
34449 Unable to Use Floating Cashier without TS Send Transactions
- In the POS Functionality Profile, TS Floating cashier is made available to use with DD Send transactions as well as TS Send transactions.
34392 Issues when a prepack item is exploded
- The following issues related to prepack item explosion have been fixed:
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase or transfer receipts, the Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code were not populated in the related positive and negative adjustment Item Ledger Entries.
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase receipts, the Cost Amount (Actual) field in the positive adjustment Item Ledger Entries created for the components were not calculated proportionally based on the cost price of the prepack item, according to the weight and share of each component.
34091 Member Discount Limit not working as expected
- Fixed an issue where changing a line quantity on the POS would generate a discount bigger than allowed by the discount tracking.
33995 Copy_TR function not allowing to add new item
- Adding items to transactions after copying transaction is now possible.
33985 Time period filter reset on restaurant Allocation panel when allocating
- In the Dining Allocation panel, the period filtering on reservations when allocating is maintained. Also, when you open the Dining Allocation panel without a reservation, an error does not occur. When you open it with a reservation, the reservation is the only one shown.
When you select a reservation to view from the Reservation List in the Dining Allocation panel, this reservation is the only one shown.
33607 Remove access internal for a few functions
- New codeunit added, Delivery Order Mgt Interface, to give partners direct access to procedures in codeunit Delivery Order Management.
33514 Receipt printing for deals that include item modifiers does not listen to printing settings
- If a recipe is part of a deal and the recipe has some item modifiers, the selected modifiers are printed out on a sales slip if All lines are selected in Deal Printing Lines in the current Functionality Profile.
31691 Error doing sales quote in POS
- An error when suspending transactions with Susp./Retr. Transaction active on the POS functionality profile has been fixed.
31592 When clicking a graphical table in Allocation panel, commands do not always work, tables appear free when they are not
- Reserved status of tables in graphical layout view has been fixed.
- Execution of commands when you click a reserved graphical table has been fixed.
- Creating a walk-in entry for a dining table in timeline view has been fixed.
- In graphical view, creating a walk-in entry for a free dining in the near future is now possible (the panel time needs to be set to a time in the near future).
31438 Implement Activity Member Comments
- The Activity client (member contact) comments have been replaced by the new comment structure.
30911 For UTA need public method to access methods in internal codeunit "EPOS Control Interface TEST"
- Details not available.
29559 Incorrect variable used in OnBeforeSendPOSTransSusp
- Procedure updated to use the correct POS Transaction variable.

39219 Exchange with top-up with the mode of payment cannot process
- Details not available.

44344 Bug identified in Data Entry
- Details not available.

44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService

44173 Multiple Events for Gift Card Usage
- Added events:
- In codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" event OnBeforeIsInputOkV2 parameter is needed by var
- In codeunit 99008909 "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" in procedure SendAtEndOfTransaction
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in ValidateDataEntryInput
- In codeunit 99001599 "LSC POS Transaction Impl" in procedure ProcessInfoCode
- In codeunit codeunit 99008905 "LSC POS Infocode Utility" in procedure TypeCreateDataEntry
- In codeunit 99009641 "LSC Web Request Handler" in procedure SendToWebService

43470 Issue with the Send Transaction Job - DD Push
- Hotfix versions 21.4 and 21.5 with changes done on ticket #38241.
38241 Events added to influence the Name of DD Send Packets
- Details not available.

42104 Hotfix for correct finish status
- Hotfix to finish KOT correctly when Restaurant setting Kitchen Prod. System in Use is set to Retail POS - Printed on Posting.

38367 Replication: Error Message
- Updated the ErrorHandler procedure to allow more than 250 characters.
- Applied CopyStr when populating global variable LastError to truncate to 250 chars.

38708 Joining arrows disappear when menu is loaded without loading the joined buttons
- An issue causing the joining arrows to disappear when the menu was redrawn has been fixed.

40329 Decimal number input in "Allocated time (min)" generates an error, Seating walk-in from reservation grid does not update correctly
- A decimal input in the Reserved For (Min.) field (also called Allocated For (Min.)) in Dining Reservation Entry is now rounded down to an integer value. The data update in the Allocation has been fixed when you seat an un-allocated walk-in entry directly.

39165 Exchange: Copy discount with correct types to exchange item
- Updated the SAME ITEM exchange functionality to respect the discount tracking.
Note: If the original discount is no longer active, a manual line discount is applied.

38662 Locking issue when running Replenishment Item Quantity Calculation in parallel
- A locking issue that occurred on the Scheduler Job Header table when running the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) calculation in parallel has now been fixed. Additionally, the performance of the master job when assigning the item range to the linked Scheduler jobs has been improved.

40315 Shipping cost is refunded when all items have Shortage
- In Customer Order the handling of whether to refund shipping cost has now been fixed and now fully depends on the Customer Order Setup field Refund "Service Items" and "Non Inventory Items" when Order is Canceled.

40646 Manual Discount on Refund Item is removed wrongly in Exchange Transactions
- Details not available.

40335 VAT Posting setup required for BOM Version Item Lines on Recipe card
- Details not available.

34712 Dining table locked because of two active dining tbl. hist entries
- Code change has been applied that makes inactive any previous active dining table history entries that were not made inactive when a new entry was created because of another error. If it is OK to close the entry, the entry is closed along with the related tables.
- The Dining Table Status Log contains an entry for this correction.

39730 Cannot enter integer, decimal, or time in zoom control
- An issue that was causing field no. 0 to be assigned has been fixed.

39951 Price return error
- Details not available.
39948 Scale Issue with Item Price < 1
- Details not available.

39927 Min. To Reservation not correct in graphical view and tables not showing correct status on allocation
- The Min. To Reservation glyph has been fixed to show minutes to reservation from the time shown in the Dining Allocation panel. Also, the Allocation view is now updated correctly (showing which tables are available) before filtering takes place, when you allocate a reservation or show the tables that are allocated to a reservation.

39224 Incorrect payment amount in Self-Service POS with MixMatch Discount
- Discount updating fixed in the Self-Service Kiosk.

38612 Joining information not correct in Allocation panel plus time scrolling issues
- Joining problems have been fixed. Time scrolling has been fixed. Changes have been made to the time handling to allow seating guests when the dining area is closed but the current time is within the advance seating time of the dining area (this is typically 30 minutes before the period starts). This applies to the dining table overview and the Dining Allocation panel. You can now scroll by interval in the Dining Allocation panel. This is useful for the graphical view, to jump one interval at a time backwards and forwards. This was possible only in the timeline view by clicking the interval column heading. The filtering of a reservation in the panel (when you come from the Reservation Desk, the Reservation Search or from clicking a dining table to Show Reservation) has been fixed and stays on until Reset, Today, or time scrolling is pressed.

38549 LS Central 21.4 codeunit 10001217 "LSC KDS Functions"
- Procedure made public.

29559 Incorrect variable used in OnBeforeSendPOSTransSusp
- Procedure updated to use the correct POS Transaction variable.

38172 "Block empty transaction" staff permission not working correctly
- Details not available.

38185 CRITICAL PERFORMANCE ISSUE: Great number of web requests after marking Loyalty Member Card at the end of the transaction
Performance issue where GetMemberInfoForPos runs too often has been fixed.

38151 Error when trying to pay in split bill
Recursive error when paying in split bill has been fixed.

36807 Member points decimal rounding is incorrect if Point Rounding Type is set to Down
- An issue, where member point decimal rounding is incorrect, has been fixed.

37214 Handling No. of persons/Quantity in Group reservations regarding pricing setup
Parameters sent to the pricing/discount logic regarding Quantity and No. of persons are now sent as a multiply of the Quantity field in the group line, so discounts and price is correctly picked up according to the total number of persons and the total quantity in the group line. Previously, the values were sent as 1 reservation only, rather than the total number of Quantity being assigned in the group reservation.
Important: Note that the pricing logic is changed. Previously, the Activity pricing and discount settings would need to match the No. of Persons or Quantity to be activated. Now , the No. of persons or Quantity can either match or be less than the related values in the activity to be activated.
This means that more valid prices might be set on the activity product, and if so, the last price setting in the matching criteria will be returned as the active price. This is only valid, if your price logic is based on either Quantity or the No. of persons. So partners and end users should validate their settings on any activity products that are based on the above criteria, and note that the sequence order of the pricing settings is crucial in the resulting price.

37401 Franchise: Release function enables pop-up
- Details not available.

37039 Make procedure public in "LSC ACT Support Functions"
- Procedure InsertMemberDepositAccount in codeunit 10015815 "LSC ACT Support Functions" made public.

37906 Integration Event OnAfterPrintSalesInfo from local to public
- Details not available.

36636 Customer Order eCom payment
- A fix to make it possible to do a payment for customer orders online. When a payment is done from the web, a transaction will be created.

37627 Training Transaction - voided entries are not replicated anymore when Backup Training Trans. is used
- Details not available.

37327 Attachment report on group member causes endless loop
- An error, when attachment report was assigned on the email template sent to Activity group members, was fixed. This error caused an endless loop when trying to send the emails.

31438 Implement Activity Member Comments
- The Activity client (member contact) comments have been replaced by the new comment structure.

31592 When clicking a graphical table in Allocation panel, commands do not always work, tables appear free when they are not
- Reserved status of tables in graphical layout view has been fixed.
- Execution of commands when you click a reserved graphical table has been fixed.
- Creating a walk-in entry for a dining table in timeline view has been fixed.
- In graphical view, creating a walk-in entry for a free dining in the near future is now possible (the panel time needs to be set to a time in the near future).

37345 Self-Service Kiosk - Exclude ingredient button image does not change when pressed
- Details not available.

37398 Coupon discounts get removed in new Exchange Transaction Type
- Applied fix to keep the Coupon discounts on exchange lines.

34449 Unable to Use Floating Cashier without TS Send Transactions
- In the POS Functionality Profile, TS Floating cashier is made available to use with DD Send transactions as well as TS Send transactions.

37066 Membership Point Setup not working correctly
- Fixed an issue where the Filter Type = Special Groups was not workings as expected, giving points to schemes not included on the filter.

37565 Error when validating description of Retail Image Link
- The field Description in table Retail Image Link has been replaced with Image Description of length 260 in sync with the Retail Image table to avoid overflow.

37935 LS Transfer Posting Dimensions bug
- Code added to check if the Transfer Order was fully posted.
- Code added to handle Store dimensions on Transfer Orders created by a Requisition Worksheet.

37689 Rounding in SO creation from CO
POS Sale with Member card linked to customer is not processing customer in this scenario:
HO has all customers (Master data).
POS sale from the store (customer's information is not available in the store), with member card selected, GetPOSMemberinfo retrieves all the information of members. Still, the linked customer is not there in the store database. Now, with this fix, customers are retrieved from HO to store using web services.
This issue is in W1 and NA

36954 Pressing Search in Contact Search panel on POS returns error
- Member Contact Search with a single result was causing problems and has now been fixed.

33985 Time period filter reset on restaurant Allocation panel when allocating
- In the Dining Allocation panel, the period filtering on reservations when allocating is maintained. Also, when you open the Dining Allocation panel without a reservation, an error does not occur. When you open it with a reservation, the reservation is the only one shown.
When you select a reservation to view from the Reservation List in the Dining Allocation panel, this reservation is the only one shown.

37328 Release events on version 21.4 - W19
- 37079 - OnBeforeIsProcessReceiptBarcode
- 36351 -Keep UpdateMemberFromPOS functions public
- 36449 - Handle other options in case for procedure ProcessInfoCode
- 36482 - OnBeforeValidateLocationCode with ishandled in Store TableData
- 36730 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeSetbMoveLine
- 36895 - New event OnBeforePrintProvisionalReceiptHeaderInfo
- 37277 - More Events for Retail Messages (GitHub)
- 36732 - Safe Management Events - OnBeforeUploadMenuHeaderRec
- 36897 - New event OnAfterPrintHeaderLine

36348 Transfer Posting Dimension issue
- Changes made to the way dimensions are assigned when Post-Receipt from a Retail Transfer Order, standard BC Transfer Orders, and the Retail Receiving page.
- Changes also applied to always skip the warning dimensions message when posting from the Retail Receiving page.

31691 Error doing sales quote in POS
- An error when suspending transactions with Susp./Retr. Transaction active on the POS functionality profile has been fixed.

36229 CO Shipment - Change inserted twice
- Details not available.

34800 New Microsoft field in VAT Transactions in V.21 New: TaxDate
- Details not available.

36418 Validation period issue
- Details not available.

36964 Customer Order - cancel and refund in BackOffice
- Details not available.

36158 Release events on version 21.4 - W16
- 35945 - Event Request - Remove Retail User Validation
- New event OnBeforeUpdateNav added to "LSC Retail User" table.
- 36121 - Change scope of procedure FindExtOffers to calculate new type of offers
- Changed FindExtOffers to global.
- 36122 - Add parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType
- Added a new parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36123 - Add parameter to event OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits
- Added parameter to OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits event in Codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36124 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterInsertOfferInFindExtOffers in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36127 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforeCalculateInProcessLinePreTotal in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36128 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforePopulateLineDiscGroupTempInFindAndPreCalcOffer in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility"
- 36130 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeqFunc in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36131 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36133 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterPopulateDiscSeqBufferInRecalcofferSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 35721 - Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.
- 30911 - For UTA need public method to access methods in internal codeunit "EPOS Control Interface TEST"
- Details not available.
- 36113 - Event Request for Keeping Trans. Discount Entries for Coupons in Returns
- Details not available.
- 36134 - Event Request Wrong Tender Declaration Receipt Print
- Details not available.
- 36415 - Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.
- 35946 - Additional parameter in OnAfterInsertTransactionsProcessTransactionsV2 event
- Details not available.

36947 Request to keep methods publicly available (v. 21.4)
- Number of methods and codeunits in Bookings made public for partners.

35928 Customer Order sourcing calculation error
- Adjustments made to prevent wrong inventory calculation when selecting a source for Customer Order.
To get the available quantity, the system now uses the sum of Remaining Quantity from Item Ledger Entries and deducts both the quantity reserved by other Customer Orders and the quantity of Sales Not Posted.

35980 Add a setting to create KOT per menu type automatically
- With the new option, Yes-Sent Automatically to KDS-KOT per Menu Type, for Menu Type Usage in the Hospitality Type Card, the program automatically creates one KOT per menu type assigned to the items when items are sent to the kitchen (on exiting the POS or when pressing the Send to KDS button). Lines with no menu type are assigned to one KOT with no menu type.

36023 Updates to KDS REST Web Service
- Updates to the KDS REST Web Service to work with the new Web KDS.
36908 Functions made public
- Number of methods and codeunits in Bookings made public for partners.

Version number skipped. Internal use only.

36350 Cannot collect customer order with service item
- Fixed an error when collecting Customer Order with Service Item.

36134 Event Request wrong tender declaration receipt print
- Details not available.

36113 Event Request for keeping Trans. Discount entries for coupons in returns
- Details not available.

36158 Release events on version 21.4 - W16
- 35945 - Event Request - Remove Retail User Validation
- New event OnBeforeUpdateNav added to "LSC Retail User" table.
- 36121 - Change scope of procedure FindExtOffers to calculate new type of offers
- Changed FindExtOffers to global.
- 36122 - Add parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType
- Added a new parameter to event OnBeforeCheckingAllPeriodicDiscountType in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36123 - Add parameter to event OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits
- Added parameter to OnCalcTotalOfferOnBeforeFindLastPeriodicDiscBenefits event in Codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36124 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterInsertOfferInFindExtOffers in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36127 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforeCalculateInProcessLinePreTotal in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36128 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnBeforePopulateLineDiscGroupTempInFindAndPreCalcOffer in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility"
- 36130 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeqFunc in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36131 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterGetOfferTypeSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 36133 - Add event to calculate new type of offers
- New event OnAfterPopulateDiscSeqBufferInRecalcofferSeq in codeunit "LSC POS Offer Ext. Utility".
- 35721 - Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.
- 30911 - For UTA need public method to access methods in internal codeunit "EPOS Control Interface TEST"
- Details not available.
- 36113 - Event Request for Keeping Trans. Discount Entries for Coupons in Returns
- Details not available.
- 36134 - Event Request Wrong Tender Declaration Receipt Print
- Details not available.
- 36415 - Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.
- 35946 - Additional parameter in OnAfterInsertTransactionsProcessTransactionsV2 event
- Details not available.
35882 Create event for customizing SOD/EOD side menu
- New event, OnBeforeUploadMenuHeaderRec, added.

36415 Salesperson Entry Prompt is Missing in Member Transaction
- Restores missing Sales Person prompt, keeps waiting for user input, whilst allowing user to move around journal lines.

35721 Infocode Entries are copied and created for the first line only in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions
- Infocode Entries are now copied and created for all lines in the case of Return with Receipt Transactions.

35793 Activity Matrix Freezing when clicking next/previous days too fast
The Activity Matrix does not stop working, if the next/previous day buttons are clicked too often too fast. A loading indicator was added when the matrix is updating after the dates have been changed.

35096 Cash difference will be deducted from the stock amount
- Start float difference entries moved from safe entries to decl. diff entries.

33995 Copy_TR function not allowing to add new item
- Adding items to transactions after copying transaction is now possible.

34392 Cost Amount is Inaccurate from BOM Receiving Explode
- The following issues related to prepack item explosion have been fixed:
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase or transfer receipts, the Global Dimension 1 Code and Global Dimension 2 Code were not populated in the related positive and negative adjustment Item Ledger Entries.
- When a prepack item was exploded via purchase receipts, the Cost Amount (Actual) field in the positive adjustment Item Ledger Entries created for the components were not calculated proportionally based on the cost price of the prepack item, according to the weight and share of each component.

35941 Disable the upgrade code for POS Data Entry Currency Code
- The upgrade of POS Data Entries with Currency has now been removed from the upgrade process. It was causing very slow upgrades for some customers. Instead, the Currency Code is fetched from Store/GLSetup when using POS Data Entries that were created in versions older than v21.1.

35831 New event OnBeforeKeyboardTriggerProcess in CU 99001570 POS Transaction
- OnBeforeKeyboardTriggerProcess made public.

35830 Customer Order procedures public
- GetCustomerOrderAmountFromPOSTransaction added in POS View.
- CreatePosTrans and UpdateOrderLines made public.

33607 Remove access internal for a few functions
- New codeunit added, Delivery Order Mgt Interface, to give partners direct access to procedures in codeunit Delivery Order Management.

35654 Member Sales Buffer Sort Order Fix
- Member Sales Buffer Sort Order set as descending.

35911 LSC 21.4 Events Hotfix - W15
- Events released for Replenishment on version 21.4 - W15
- 35909 - Events to Adjust Replen. Journal Quantity with Warehouse Eff. Inventory
Two new integration events: OnBeforeUpdQtyInDetailLinesPO and OnUpdQtyInDetailLinesPOOnBeforeUpdateDetailLinesLog have been added to the LSC Replen. Calculation codeunit.
- 35909 - Events to Adjust Replen. Journal Quantity with Warehouse Eff. Inventory

34091 Member Discount Limit not working as expected
- Fixed an issue where changing a line quantity on the POS would generate a discount bigger than allowed by the discount tracking.

33514 Receipt printing for deals that include item modifiers does not listen to printing settings
- If a recipe is part of a deal and the recipe has some item modifiers, the selected modifiers are printed out on a sales slip if All lines are selected in Deal Printing Lines in the current Functionality Profile.

33456 Fixes for Replen. Planned Events
- The following improvements and fixes related to Replen. Planned Events have been introduced:
- When the Type of a Replen. Sales History Adjustment Calculation Rule is set to Planned Demand Event, its Event Start Date is not being updated when the Start Date of its linked Planned Demand Event is changed. This has now been fixed.
- A new index key has been added to the "LSC Replen. Planned Sales Dem." table to improve the performance of the Enable and Disable actions in the Replen. Planned Events page.
- When creating the Planned Sales Demand lines for a Replen. Planned Event with Source Type set to Discount, we have refactored how the last Line No. of the Planned Sales Demand record is retrieved and incremented, to improve the performance of the creation process.

35789 Release events on version 21.4 - W14
- 35786 - Exposing procedures in LS
- Keep several procedures public on codeunits "LSC POS Functions", "LSC POS OPOS Utility", "LSC POS Transaction", and "LSC Retail Price Utils".
- Keep procedure AddQtyDisc public on table "LSC POS Trans. Line".
- 35577 - Need Public Function
- Keep some procedures public on codeunit "LSC Discount Ledger Mgt.".
- Keep codeunit "LSC Loading Card Management" public.
- New public codeunit "LSC POS Trans. Func. Public" to expose "LSC POS Transaction Functions" procedures.
- 35768 - Event request in codeunit 99001570 "LSC POS Transaction"
- New event OnAfterSetQuantityAndPrice on codeunit "LSC POS Transaction Events".
- 35761 - Make variables on Toplist accessible
- Set several global variables as protected on page "LSC Toplist Card".
- 35311 - Make procedures public for upgrade 18.3 -> SaaS
- Keep some procedures public on codeunits "LSC POS Functions" and "LSC Tender Declaration".
- 35309 - Make procedures public
- Keep several procedures public on codeunits "LSC POS Functions", "LSC POS Trans. Server Utility" and "LSC POS Command Registration".
- 35116 - New event OnBeforeRunRequest in CU 10033076 SendDataEntryUtils
- New event OnBeforeRunRequest.
- 35780 - Event request for missing message during NEC (Taxfree) transaction
- Obsoleted event created on #34270
New event OnBeforeProcess_CHSALESTYPE_TRANS created.
- Obsoleted event created on #34270
- 35119 - Change OnAfterPrintSalesVATAmt and OnBeforePrintSalesVATAmt events
- Changed IncludeSender parameter to true on events OnBeforePrintSalesVATAmt and OnAfterPrintSalesVATAmt
- 35891 - New event on POS Print Utility (github)
- New event OnAfterPrintTenderTypeDescription on codeunit "LSC POS Print Utility".
- 35122 - Refund policy and NPR QR not required in receipt copy with signature lines
- New function GetPrintExtraSignatureLines to get the boolean variable PrintExtraSignatureLines value.
- 35318 - New event to codeunit 99009002
- New event OnCompareBooleanTrueOnBeforeCheckResult.
- 35319 - New event to codeunit 99009002
- New event OnAfterSetFilterOnDynamicQueryLine
- 35765 - An event to skip the AddMemberPointEntry for AwardPoints and OtherPoints when it is handled from UpdateMemberFromSalesInvoice
- New event OnBeforeAddMemberPointEntryOnUpdateMemberFromCrMemo.
- 35766 - An event to skip the AddMemberPointEntry for AwardPoints and OtherPoints when it is handled from UpdateMemberFromSalesInvoice
- New event OnBeforeAddMemberPointEntryOnUpdateMemberFromSalesInvoice.
- 35767 - An event to skip the AddMemberPointEntryPOS for AwardPoints and OtherPoints when it is handled from UpdateMemberFromPOS()
- New event OnBeforeAddMemberPointEntryOnUpdatememberFromPOS.
- 35788 - Make codeunit 99009000 "LSC POS Calc. Member Points" accessible
- Added procedure UpdateMemberFromSPGCustomerOrder to public codeunit 10000806 "LSC POSCalcMemberPointsPublic".
- 35118 - Automatically Fixed Amount float entry on Tender Declaration
- Added event OnAfterValidatePosCashDeclaration on codeunit tender declaration.
- 35125 - ASN extended to work with Transfers, but for these a different Ordered Qty must be set
- Added event OnBeforeFindASNLinesInASNDeliveryDocumentLine on table picking receiving lines.
- 35317 - New publisher in "LSC Retail Price Utils" - function GetStandardCustomerPrice
- Added event OnBeforeGetLineWithPriceGetStandardCustomerPrice on Codeunit Retail Price Utils.
- 35764 - Event to be able to alter PaymentAmount in CU 99001470
- Added event OnAfterAdjustAmount(TenderType, Rec, PaymentAmount) on codeunit POS Transaction.
- 35614 - Event in ItemUpdate at Retail Item Registration
- Added events OnBeforeItemUpdate, ItemUpdateOnBeforeModify. and OnAfterItemUpdate on page Retail Item Registration.
- 35585 - App Extension - Internal functions
- Set function CustomerOrderInventoryAvailability on Codeunit 10016661 "LSC CO Web Service Functions" as public.

34974 Move old comments to new comments in Comment Setup instead of upgrade
- Upgrade on Comments in the Upgrade codeunit has been added:
This upgrade creates a record in the Comment Setup table and Comment Setup Line table. The data is analyzed in this process to check what needs to be upgraded and what needs to be in place to be able to use the new comment structure. Upgrade steps are included in the Comment Setup page and take the user through the necessary upgrade. See the LS Central Help for more details.

34623 Image selection on POS web templates not working for Self-Service Kiosk
- Images are assigned to Web Template Image Lines and Language Profile Lines through Retail Image Link. Upgrade provided that moves the now obsolete Retail Image Code from these two tables to Retail Image Link.

35449 Release events on version 21.4 - W13
- 35536 - Events needed for Pharmacy
- New event OnBeforePrintItemDescriptionSalesInfo on "LSC POS Print Utility" codeunit.
- New event OnAfterCalcPeriodDiscV2 to replace OnAfterCalcPeriodDisc on "LSC Web Service POS Light" codeunit.
- 34965 - OnBeforeCheckPointBalance
- New event OnBeforeCheckPointBalance on POS Transaction/POS Transaction Events codeunits.
- 34966 - Hide Select Customer Dialog
- New event OnBeforeAskConfirmationOnValidateCustomer on POS Transaction/POS Transaction Events codeunits.
- 35031 - Accessibility of functions
- Procedures made public.
- 35120 - Functions that turned into Internal
- Procedure InfoKeyPressed made public.
- 35315 - Need to add new event OnBeforeCreateDiscBufferin CU99001457 Statement-Post
- New event OnBeforeCreateDiscBufferInPostItemSales.
- 35316 - POSTransactionEvents.OnReceiptNoFilter(FilterFrom,FilterTo)
- New event OnBeforeFilterRecOnInit on POS Transaction/POS Transaction Events codeunits.
- 35464 - CU99001457 Statement-Post - New event OnAfterCreateBOMJnlLineDim
- 35474 - CU99001457 Statement-Post - New event OnAfterCreateGenJnlLineDim
- 35479 - CU99001457 Statement-Post - New event OnAfterCreateItemJnlLineDim
- 35482 - CU99001457 Statement-Post - New event OnAfterGetDefaultDimInPostItemSales
- 35606 - New event on Retail Message Management (GitHub)
- New events added to "LSC Retail Message Management" and "LSC Retail Message Utils" codeunits.
- 35356 - Customized event request - OnBeforeProcessLookupResult - LS Central 20.2 - updated

35581 Franchise module - reinsert removed field as obsoleted
- Reinsert "Fran. Scheduler Subjob ID" and "Fran. Subjob Desctiption" to Franchise Setup table.

35175 Issue with Training trans - Replication counter increased for Training trans
- Skip increasing replication counter for transaction tables when posting training transaction.
35033 Large number of records growing for Scheduler job header in Action table
- Skip creating preactions for Scheduler header when running Scheduler job.

28824 AE need events in code unit “LSCAE POS Print Utility” of Application “LS Central Arabic Receipt”
- Details not available.

34516 Release events on version 21.4 - W12
- 31553 - Make functions accessible for Pharmacies
- Keep several procedures public.
- 34527 - Added variables Dec to the OnBeforeDiscPrPressed event.
- 34532 - New integration event OnBeforeShowSalesHistory on "LSC POS Create New Customer" codeunit.
- 34575 - New integration event OnItemProductGroupCodeAfterValidateEvent_BeforeUpdateLookupTable on "LSC Product Ext." codeunit.
- 34576 - New codeunit "LSC CO Session Public".
- Keep the below procedures public:
- SendAfterStatusUpdate - codeunit "LSC CO Omni Mgt"
- CreatePOfromCO - codeunit "LSC CO Utility"
- CreateDiscountLines - table "LSC CO Discount Line"
- CreateCouponLines - table "LSC Customer Order Line"
- 34619 - New integration event OnErrorInPostWorksheet_OnBeforeInsertTempItemJnlLine on "LSC Store Inventory Management" codeunit.
- 34621 - Removed access = internal from Codeunit "LSC Request Parser".
- 34624 - Keep PrintExtra, PrintFooter procedures public on "LSC POS Print Utility" codeunit.
- 34626 - Handled in #34624
- 34798 - New variable MobileTransLineTemp added to event OnAfterCalcPeriodDisc.
- 34842 - New integration events OnPrintXZReport_OnBeforePrintPaymentStaff and OnPrintXZReport_OnBeforePrintItemCategory on "LSC POS Print Utility" codeunit.
- 34843 - Handled in #34842
- 34844 - New integration event OnPostDiscountBuffering_OnAfterGetDefaultDim on "LSC Statement-Post" codeunit.
- 34845 - New integration event OnTotDiscPrPressed_OnAfterEvaluateInput on POS Transaction / POS Transaction Events.
- 34855 - New integration event OnBeforeDataFieldSetFilterOnAttributeValue on "LSC Member Attribute Mgm" codeunit.
Hotels hotfixes

37766 New events needed to reuse functionality of Guest descriptions logic
- Codeunit GuestList 10033528 -> procedure AddOneToGuestList()
- Codeunit Group Reservation Managment 10033497 -> procedure AddHotelResToGroupRes()

37043 LSCHT Hotel Res. Pre Payment Inaccessible
- Procedure PrePayReservationWEB in LSCHT Hotel Res. Pre Payment was made public.

36633 ActivitySave removes POS Trans Lines
- Fixed. Hotel POS Finalized Invoice command pulls in DRE lines into POS Trans Lines, but when activity status was changed on activity POS, the Hotel POS Trans Line was deleted without resetting the DRE line.

35865 Rounding issue when room charge multiple lines are charged to room
- Fixed an issue where Detailed Revenue Entries were not created when a POS Transaction was split and DRE had a routing rule.

36227 Staging Comment not working
- Staging Comments fixed and now using LSC Comment table

35889 Need Access to LSCHT Hotel Web Support procedures
- The following procedures were added to the Hotel Integration codeunit:
- RoomTypBlockSave()
- SetReservation()
- RunCommand()
- GetLastErrorFromRun()
- GetReservationNumbersFromRun()

36044 Checking two reservations into the same room when the previous one should be already checked out but isn't
- Fixed, it is no longer possible to check in two reservations into the same room when the prior one should have been checked out.

35589 Hotels-Deposit not applied upon finalizing the invoice on POS
- Deposit made in BO not being shown on POS has been fixed.

35293 POS Discount on DRE line discount has incorrect balance
- Fixed an issue where the balance was incorrect when a POS line discount % was applied to a Detailed Revenue Entry line that already had a discount %.

35326 Reservations coming in empty from MMS and
- Publishing derived rates for BEC lost the rate attributes. Only affected BEC users.