Hotfixes on LS Central version 20.4.x.x
Tip: LS Retail Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).

33464 Hotfix for EFT recovery and many MarkedREcords issues
- Details not available.

33144 Code change to prevent deadlock
- Code changed to prevent deadlock in restaurant when changing dining table status.

33112 Restaurants - order paid not served even display station is set to Served
- When KDS printers are used for a restaurant that has KDS printing On POS Exit and Posting, and KOT Status after Send is Served, adding an item and then paying results in a free dining table, not an occupied dining table with status Paid-Not Served as before.

32622 Extra KOT created for deal header in Coursing
- An extra KOT was created for a deal header (deal header with 0 menu type) containing items with coursing menu types, when a deal was sold with Coursing active. This has been fixed.

22701 Restaurants POS - "Show Reservation" does not work in table allocation
- The command TR-A-SHOW_RESERV has been changed to filter the dining reservation grid to show the reservation that is connected to the dining table that is pressed. The filtering is removed on idle-timer and when other commands are performed. This command can be added to allocation pop-up menus as needed.

31071 New Integration Event for Replenishment
- A new integration event, OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnBeforeInsertPurchaseHeaderTEMP, has been added in codeunit LSC Replen. Create Purch Order, to allow you to override the details of the temporary Purchase Header variable.

30520 Short-picking one item out of many in Customer Orders keeps transaction in "To Collect" state
- Details not available.

24766 No dining area plan found when changing dates of hotel reservation with restaurant reservation
- The way Date From, Date To, Time From, and Time To fields in the Activity Reservation table are validated has been fixed. Dining Activity Type must now have Day DurationSingle Day (upgrade included). Next Day and Previous Day functions were added to the Product Availability Lookup page.

29794 Enter Table number with #HOSP-TABLELIST Startup Controller does not work in version 20.3
- The function to enter a table number in the Tablelist overview (command HOSP-TABLELIST-FUNC with parameter NUMBER or ALPHA) has been changed; instead of a POS command HOSP-PRESS-TBL, the system automatically runs the dining table pressed function if a table matching the input is found. Otherwise, a list of matching tables is shown. If parameter NUMBER is used, the number pad is displayed.

28578 AE Localization App and inaccessibility of codeunits
- Created codeunit LS Recommend Mgt. Public to provide public access to procedures from codeunit LSC Recomm. Mgt.
- Updated codeunit LSC POS Print Utility Extras to provide public access to procedures.

29313 Fields Reorder-Points Parameters and Order Modifiers not editable in Retail Item Card
- Reordering of some fields in the Retail Item Card.

27968 Suspended slip is printed even if Sales Type is set to no print
Code added to check the Sales Type setup for Suspend printing.

28862 New Integration Events for Replenishment
- Three new integration events have been added in the following codeunits for Replenishment:
- Codeunit LSC Replen. Calculation
OnReturnPlannedSalesDemandUpdatedQtyOnFindPlannedSalesDemand, which lets you extend the function that returns the Planned Sales Demand quantity during Replenishment Journal calculation. - Codeunit LSC Replen. Create Transf. Ord
OnCreateTransfOrdersOnBeforeModifyTransferHeader and
OnCreateTransfOrdersOnBeforeModifyTransferLine, which let you override the details being written into the Transfer Order created from the Replenishment Journal.
- Codeunit LSC Replen. Calculation

29376 The POS terminal does not exist. Identification fields and values: No.=''
- Use the Terminal No. stored on the POS Session codeunit to be able to retrieve the Terminal record.

28270 Add member to reservation without creating a transaction to avoid Duplicate Receipt Nos and $0 Transactions - Restaurants
- Populating the member web template is now done without creating a dummy POS Transaction.

28948 Release new events on version 20.5 - W46
- New events released to 20.5.

28825 Web Request logging failing and preventing login
- Code updated to only store 250 characters on the Web Service logs.

28319 Franchise - pop-up when posting Single Shipment for SO
- Fixes in Franchise - Single Shipment pop-up.

27921 Add access to multiple functionality
- Access to internal procedures added.

28472 Release new events on version 20.4 - W43
- Details not available.

28017 LSC Customer Account tender type in Norwegian Localization
- Details not available.

27643 Link to Account Issue
When a new member contact is created on the POS by adding the member to an existing Member Account, the Link to Account lookup is filtered according to criteria set in the Member Contact zoom record (same as is used for searching for existing member contacts when the Search command is used). The name is compared with the Description field in the Member Account record and specific Member Account No. can be used to find the existing account. This is done to limit the data flowing from main data base to the client.
When an account has been selected, the search criteria is cleared. Enter information about the Member Contact, and then press the Save button.

28194 Release new events on version 20.4 - W42 part 2
- Events added in hotfix to 20.4.

23773 Functions added to OData Replication
- Missing functions added to Odata Replication codeunit.

28009 Release new events on version 20.4 - W42
- Details not available.

27693 Release new events on 20.4 - W41
- Details not available.

25005 Discount Amount on Deals gives a wrong Total
- Line amount is right when using Line Amount.

26900 Customer posting: Credit memos
- Create Credit Memo when Customer is marked Post as Shipment. Changes to Navigate in Posted Statement implemented to show Return Receipts, Customer Orders and Posted Customer Orders that relate to the Posted Statement.

25820 VAT calculating issue
- Fix for a bug dating back to version 19.1. If a customer was added to a transaction after an item was added, the VAT% field was not updated on the line, causing incorrect VAT and Sales Entries.

27373 New events released on 20.4 W40
- New events released on 20.4 W40.

26957 Bug - Discount limitation when refunding without receipt
- Details not available.

27478 Web replication oAuth fix II
- Final fix regarding oAuth for web replication.

26254 Issue with the Retail Item - Variant Availability and the Dimension Matrix Pages
- An issue where the Retail Item - Variant Availability and the Dimension Matrix pages are not displaying correctly, has now been fixed.

26952 Member Point Redemption concern when order is created in SOAPUI
- Details not available.

26018 Franchise – pop-up when posting Single Shipment for SO
- Franchise – pop-up fixed when posting a Single Shipment for Sales Order.

26823 New events on 20.3 W39 and 20.4
- New events released on 20.3 W39 and 20.4.

26917 Web Replication between two SaaS environments, Tenant Character missing
- Details not available.