Hotfixes on LS Central version 20.0.x.x
Tip: LS Retail Partners can download the LS Central hotfixes directly from the LS Retail Portal (login required).

28270 Add member to reservation without creating a transaction to avoid Duplicate Receipt Nos and $0 Transactions - Restaurants
- Populating the member web template is now done without creating a dummy POS Transaction.

28017 LSC Customer Account tender type in Norwegian Localization
- Details not available.

25005 Discount Amount on Deals gives a wrong Total
- Line amount is right when using Line Amount.

25820 VAT calculating issue
- Fix for a bug dating back to version 19.1. If a customer was added to a transaction after an item was added, the VAT% field was not updated on the line, causing incorrect VAT and Sales Entries.

26018 Franchise – pop-up when posting Single Shipment for SO
- Franchise – pop-up when posting a Single Shipment for Sales Order fixed.

26917 Web Replication between two SaaS environments, Tenant Character missing
- Details not available.

25677 Variants and linked items
- Linked item fixed. When a linked item is a variant item, an error was displayed when the item was sold the first time after login. When a linked item was voided, the linked item was not voided - fixed.

25661 Backslash in URL and Shopify ID lookup error
- Fix test connection on distribution location.

25658 Voucher and gift card not working in version 20.2
- Error fixed with gift card and vouchers not working if Create Voucher Entry was not set to true.

25020 Distribution Location Card - Web Server FastTab has no company field
- Added a new field, Web Service Company Name, to the Distribution Location Card.

20183 LSC NO [LSTS-19983] POS SAF-T report with validator failed
- Details not available.

24370 Find Customer does not work
- Fix on Http Authentication for OAuth.

20136 Amount cannot be negative when creating a Data Entry
- Gift card redemption and balance is lower than the amount entered to pay. The rest of the balance will be applied with a message to inform the cashier that the gift card amount was not enough.

19667 EBT charging tax with LS Pay - Verifone Point
- Details not available.

23700 Bug in Function GetStandardCustomerPrice
- This was fixed in the new price module VAT Prod. Posting Group was not filled when Customer was added in POS.

23693 Search Index Hotfix 20.0
- Details not available.

23271: Following an upgrade from version 16.x to 19.5, all Inventory Cost posting is failing with ExeID Buffer Index Out of Range
- Subscribe to a different event when updating Unit Cost.

20145 Create hotfix for 20.0
- Details not available.

23196 Incorrect Unit Cost on items in Purchase orders processed through Customer Order as Vendor Sourced
- An Event subscriber created to set Requested Order Date for Purchase Order Header, when processing Requisition Journal.

23182 Register POS Card Entries from Customer Orders SPG
- Get card type breakdown to the Statement for ScanPayGo orders.

22739 Cannot collect Customer Order or make a CO without paying
- Details not available.

20161 Sort items on printed kitchen ticket
- It is possible to control for each printer display station the sorting of items on the printed kitchen ticket. The sorting is by menu type and input order, or by retail product group and item no.

23033 Manager cannot take over EoD after 3rd attempt and warning when diff is too high
- Fixed an issue where it is not possible to log in the manager in tender declaration.

22797 Support for company Nær
- Details not available.

22780 Issue with authentication of several V2 Web Services
- Added missing code to handle global changes previously done to support S2S authentication.

22761 Issue with authentication of Web Services "GetActionsFromRmtDBV2"
- Added missing code to handle global changes previously done to support S2S authentication.

20334 Franchise: UOM or Qty is changed on a Sales Return Order at franchiser and auto posting of Purchase Return Orders
- Two new fields were added to the Franchise Partner Setup: Auto Ship Return Order and Auto Invoice Return Order. This enables automatic processing of Purchase Return Orders.

22638 Fix CalcVAT function so it works for NA version
- Details not available.

15785 Email Receipts
- Error message "Email Print Status Line is Missing" has been fixed.

20161 Sort items on printed kitchen ticket
- It is possible to control for each printer display station the sorting of items on the printed kitchen ticket. The sorting is by menu type and input order, or by retail product group and item no.

- Version number skipped. Internal use only

13994 Gift Card Return Error
- Field inconsistency error when making a gift card return has been fixed.

20790 Block Member Account/Contacts and delete personal information
- Remove personal data from Member records upon request.

20114 Rounding issue when scanning member cards
- Fixed scanning illegal member card barcode through virtual scanner.

22290 Remover Internal Property from codeunit 99009325 LSCCOSourcingLocListV2Utils
- Details not available.

2145 LI-552 Sales History Adjustment (SHA) not working without ILEs
- Details not available.

15954 Item import and Icelandic characters
- Details not available.

20414 Store coupon triggers the 100 % invoice discount
- New event OnBeforeInsertCpnPOSTransPerDiscLine

19284 New event in ApplyCouponsToTransaction. Newly created event OnBeforeApplyCouponsToTransaction obsoleted (issue 16233)
- In Coupon Management codeunit, a new event, OnBeforeTransPeriodicDiscUpdate, has been added in procedure ApplyCouponsToTransaction. By this event the POSTransPeriodicDisc line can be altered before the call to PosTransDiscUpdateRec is called.

20244 Staff can post EoD with higher cash diff. than allowed
- Field Max. Diff./Warn. from Perm. Gr added to GetStaffXML.

20127 Add parameters to existing events
Parameter TmpMenuLine was added to three events and one procedure was created in codeunit LSC POS Dynamic MenuAndLookup.
Additionally, local property was removed from procedure UpdatePOSButtonParameters in table LSC POS Menu Line.
Events: OnBeforePopulateMenuLines, OnAfterPopulateMenuLines, and OnAfterSetBackCommand.
Procedure: GetTmpMenuLine

19663 GST is not calculating on Item Modify and Addon - LS Central 19.3 IN app
- Details not available.

20160 Add "Send Receipt by E-mail" to member contact web services
- The field Send Receipt by E-mail was added to web services MemberLogon, MemberAuthenticatorLogin, and GetMemberContact.

19098 Error when opening Web Service log error messages
- Details not available.

19773 MemberContactCreate returns error when receiving text attribute error
- It is possible to send different Member Attribute Types in the MemberContactCreate and MemberContactUpdate web services.

- Version number not skipped. Internal use only.

19775 Add events to LS Central version 20.0
- Events released in version 20.1 are now available in version 20.0 by installing this hotfix.

19817 Balance shown incorrect when Recipe with modifiers within a deal
- CalcTotals added to InsertDealItemLines in POS Transaction codeunit.
19418 Error on split bill in restaurant
- Return value of GetMemberCard function in Split bill codeunit fixed.

19067 LS Central hotfix to resolve Assisted setup issues and NO Cert issues
- Details not available.

19436 New Integration Events for Replenishment
New events have been added to the following codeunits for Replenishment:
- LSC Replen. Create Purch Order, which let you override the details of the Purchase, Transfer, and Sales Orders created from the Replenishment Journals.
- OnInsertQtyForTransferOnBeforeInsertTransferHeader
- OnInsertQtyForTransferOnBeforeModifyTransferHeader
- OnInsertQtyForTransferOnBeforeInsertTransferLine
- OnInsertQtyForTransferOnBeforeModifyTransferLine
- OnInsertQtyForSalesOnBeforeInsertSalesHeader
- OnInsertQtyForSalesOnBeforeModifySalesHeader
- OnInsertQtyForSalesOnBeforeInsertSalesLine
- OnInsertQtyForSalesOnBeforeModifySalesLine
- OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnAfterDocumentsCreation
- LSC Replen. Calculation, which let you override the Location Lead Time retrieved from the Customer Order Sourcing Locations setup.
- OnInsertWorksheetDetailOnAfterLocationLeadTimeCalculation
- LSC Replen. Create Purch Order, which let you override the details of the Purchase, Transfer, and Sales Orders created from the Replenishment Journals.

19322 Commerce Request Mgt, add new request GetVariantRegWithStatus
- New request added to Commerce Request Mgt that returns "Item Variant Registration" with Item Status information.
Hotels hotfixes

LS Retail_LS
- Details not available.

LS Retail_LS
- Details not available.