How to: Set Up Extra Information on X/Y/Z Reports

It is possible to add some extra information to the X/Y/Z Reports by adding an Outbound Code on specific POS commands. The table below shows the information that can be added.

Line on X/Y/Z Report Represents POS Command
Price check Number of Price Checks performed, displaying Retail Product Group Code and amount. PRICECHK
Copy receipts Number of Receipt Copies printed. PRINT_C
Pro forma receipts Number of Pre-Receipts printed. PRINTBILL
Voided lines Number of lines voided and the total amount voided. VOID_L
Open Drawer zero regis Number of times the drawer has been opened without a transaction or refund being made. OPEN_DR

By default none of the above options are printed on the X/Y/Z reports. To add, for example, the Open Drawer zero regis information, you need to add a value to the Outbound Code field for the POS command.

  1. Click the icon, enter POS Commands, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click the Edit List action.
  3. Find OPEN_DR in the list, and click to select.
  4. Click the Edit List action again, and add a value to the Outbound Code column. The value can be letters, digits, or a mix of both.