Variant Weights and Dimension Patterns

This section covers the elements used in Replenishment for the Phase In process and how they are set up. In this step, items are allocated manually to stores. Variant Weights and Dimension Patterns describe the distribution ratio, how items are distributed between different dimensions (for example size, color). This is only relevant if the retailer uses variants.

Variant Weights

Variant Weights describe a percentage ratio, how a quantity is broken down between different sizes.
For example:

  • Small: 25%
  • Medium: 50%
  • Large: 25%

When 100 shirts are allocated to a store using this Allocation Rule, the store would get 25 pcs. in size Small, 50 pcs. Medium, and 25 pcs. Large.

Dimension Pattern

Dimension Patterns describe the quantities of dimension values (sizes, colors) which form a full lot or Dimension Pattern.
For example:

  • Small: 1
  • Medium: 2
  • Large: 1

When 50 lots are allocated to a store using this Dimension Pattern, the store would get 50 pcs. in size Small, 100 pcs. Medium, and 50 pcs. Large.


The goals of this step:

  • Get an understanding of Variant Weights and Dimension Patterns for item allocation.
  • Setup Variant Weights and Dimension Patterns.

Key questions / considerations


  • Are variants (sizes, colors) and the Variant Framework in use?
  • Are items manually distributed to the stores?
  • If yes:
    • How are quantities shared between the dimensions?
      • Top-Down approach, using Variant Weights?
      • Bottom-Up approach, using Dimension Patterns?
    • Can share ratios be calculated?
      • If yes:
        • Store size
        • Quantity sold
        • Turnover
    • Are rules the same for all items?
      • If no:
        • For which groups are the rules the same?


  • Variant Weights (example):

    (Click to enlarge)

  • Dimension Pattern (example):

    (Click to enlarge)

LS Central setup considerations

Dimension Pattern and Dimension Pattern Link

Dimension Patterns describe the distribution share between variant dimensions:

(Click to enlarge)

Dimension Patterns have to be linked to the Variant Frameworks Codes to be used:

(Click to enlarge)

For more information on how to set up Dimension Patterns see Dimension Pattern.

Variant Weights

Variant Weights are maintained on the Variant Framework Base Values page:

(Click to enlarge)

For more information on how to set up Variant Weights see Variant Framework.

Variant Weight Curve

The Variant Weight Curve allows the definition and calculation of weights for Variant Dimensions.
The curve can be assigned to Dimension Patterns and Variant Framework Base Values and updates the ratios when recalculated.

(Click to enlarge)

For more information on how to use the Variant Weight Curve see:

Go back to:

Phase In

