
The Planning section covers the elements used in Replenishment for planning and how these are set up.


  • Budgets
    Sales Budgets and Purchase Budgets to plan future sales and purchases and compare with actual values.
    Open-to-Buy to compare Sales and Purchase Budgets with actual purchase values to compare outstanding purchases to achieve the sales goals.
  • Item Lifecycles
    Plan the future sales behavior and patterns of items based on historical data.
    Change the Replenishment methods based on lifecycles.


The goals of this step:

  • Get a detailed understanding of the retailer's planning process
  • Create a planning structure
  • Set up budgets and Open-to-Buy
  • Get an understanding, if the retailer uses a lifecycle approach for items to change the Replenishment method during the lifecycle
  • Set up lifecycles and assign to items.

Key questions / considerations

Covered in the detail sections.


Covered in the detail sections.

LS Central setup considerations

Covered in the detail sections.

Steps See
Budgets and Open-to-Buy Budgets
Item Lifecycle Rules Item Lifecycles

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