Planning and Data Maintenance

Replenishment is a fully integrated module designed to support the purchase department with proposals, what to order for the warehouse(s) and the stores, to avoid out-of-stock situations, and to have the right items at the right place at the right time.

The Replenishment suite in LS Central can be divided into four major areas:

In the area of Planning and Data Maintenance Replenishment supports the following processes:

Process Function
Budgets To create sales and purchase budgets and compare actuals with the budgets.
See: Retail Sales Budgets and Retail Purchase Budgets
Open to Buy To create Open to Buy views to compare actuals with sales budgets.
Assortment Management To build assortments to define which items are replenished in which warehouse and store locations.
See:Retail Sales Budgets
Lifecycle Management To track the sell-through of items within a season and to easily take action.
See: Lifecycle Planning, Lifecylce Curve
Item Import To easily import item master data from vendors, allowing different formats and filetypes per vendor.
See: How to Import items

See also


Replenishment Implementation Guide