Changing a Style Profile, Example

Example: Change a Style Profile for a POS setup

  • This example is done in the Demo Data company.
  • This is the Hyper POS with the active Style Profile #HYPER.

  • Now you change the active Style for the same setup, the new active Style is #METRO: 
  • You can do this by changing the value in the Style Profile field on the POS Terminal Card or the Staff Card.
  • Restart the POS.

This is the same POS but now with different colors and fonts as defined in the active Style Profile #METRO.

To see how easy it is to change the look of the POS, do the following:

  • Copy the Style Profile #HYPER to a new Profile: #TEST.
  • Change the #TEST Style Profile.
  • Change the SKIN shape to Ellipse for all Skin lines.
  • Change the Font Name to Impact for all Font lines.
  • Change the Font Color to Red number 255 for all Font lines.
  • Change the ##DEFAULT Color Setup  to grey number 12632256.
  • Add a color line to your #TEST profile with code #MENUBUTTONSPACE and give it color grey number 12632256
  • Create a new Staff ID that has Interface and Menu Profile as #HYPER and Style Profile as #TEST
  • Restart the POS and use the new Staff ID.

The HYPER POS is now like this:

Tip: The above example shows how easy it is to change the look of the POS. The #TEST Style Profile is not an ideal look, but it shows well how easy it is to change the look.