How to: Create Member Contacts

Member contacts are lists with various information about account members and are created for every member account. Each member account can have one or multiple member contacts. A member contact can be an active contact with a card, or a contact created only to store information.

The way the member club was originally set up determines where and how member contacts are created: a member contact is only created on the Member Contacts card (as described here), if you selected the option Member Contacts Only on the Member Club card (the Contact Handling field on the Numbering FastTab).

To create a member contact

  1. Navigate to the Member Contacts card: click the icon, enter Member Contacts, and select the relevant link.
  2. Click New on the action menu to bring up the Member Contact card.
  3. Click the arrow in the Account No. field to select an account from the list, and link the contact to the account. You also have the option to click New at the bottom of the dialog box to open the Select - Member Account card and link the member contact to an account in another member club.
  4. Press the Tab key twice. The Contact No. field is filled out automatically.
  5. Select the Main Contact check box if you want this contact to be the account's main contact.

    Note: The first contact you specify for an account always becomes the main contact by default. Every account must have one main contact, but you can override this selection later on another contact's card.

  6. Fill in the field Send Receipt by Email, if the user wants to receive the receipt for ScanPayGo orders by email, and to choose an option by selecting 'Yes' or 'No'. Selecting the empty option will assign the value set in the Member Management Setup.
  7. Fill in the remaining fields. Add more contacts to the account, if you like.

When you finish creating member contacts, the No. of Accounts and No. of Contacts fields on the relevant Member Club card and Member Scheme card are updated to show how many accounts and contacts you added to the club or scheme.