How to: Attach Values to Account Attributes

Important: Before you can attach values to member account attributes, the attributes for the club to which the account belongs must have been set up (see How to: Set Up Club Attributes).

To attach values to member account attributes

  1. Go to the Member Accounts page, and select the account you want to work with from the list.
  2. On the action menu, click Related - Account - Attributes Setup. The Member Attribute Value card is displayed with a list of the attributes that have been specified for this account's club.
  3. Click the three dots to the right in the Attribute Value column to attach a value to the attributes, for example a country code for a COUNTRY attribute.

Tip: You can view all attributes and the values that have been assigned to them: on the Member Accounts card, select an account and on the action menu, click Related - Account - All Attributes.