POS Functions

In this article

Points generated by a POS sale

Using points as payment in a POS sale

Some member management functions can be performed directly from the POS client. This article describes how member points are generated by POS sales and how to prepare for payments with points in the POS.

Points generated by a POS sale

When club members come to the store to buy goods, the cashier must ask them for their membership card and register it to the sale. It does not matter when the card number is registered to the sale; it can happen at the beginning, at the end of the sale, or sometime in between.

There are three ways to register the card:

  • Press the Member Card Button on the POS panel, and manually enter the member card number.
  • Manually enter the member card number, and then press the Member Card button.
  • Use the MSR reader to input the member card number.

When a Membership Card is read on the POS, the card is validated and all relevant information about the contact is read and kept to the end of the transaction. This means that once validated, the POS does not need to be online in order to finish the transaction.

When the card has been registered for the sale, information about the member account is displayed on the panel: the card holder's personal data, the name of the member club, the account scheme code, and the account point balance, for example.

When the sale has been completed, a receipt is printed with various information about the member account. Depending on the setup, this information can be Issued Points, Used Points, and Point Balance, for example. See How to: Create a Member Club, the Show Points on Receipt field, step 4, for details.

Note: Member point entries that are originated by the POS client are not valid in the Member Management system until the process Update Member Points has been processed. This process can be run manually in Periodic Activities, but the process is usually set up in the LS Retail Scheduler.

Using points as payment in a POS sale

In order to use member points as payment in the POS, the system must be set up correctly on the Member Clubs card, see How to: Create a Member Club.

  • Member points must be set up as a Tender Type in the store.
  • The club must be set up with the correct tender type in the Member Point Tender Type field.
  • The POS must have a button for this particular Tender Type.
  • The POS command must be connected with the currency that was selected for this use. The currency must be set up with the exchange rate for the points.

When the sale has been completed, a receipt is printed with the information specified in the setup.