How to: View Member Point Entries

All transactions of member points are registered and kept in the system with detailed information about each entry. You can view these data in three different ways: 

1. Via the Membership Card:

  1. Click the Point Entries action. The Member Point Entries list opens.
  2. Click the Applied Entries action to see how the points were applied.

2. Via the Member Club Card:

  1. Click the Active Cards action. The Membership Card List is displayed.
  2. Click the Related action - Card - Point Entries, and the Member Point Entries list opens.
  3. Click the Applied Entries action to see how the points were applied.

3. Via the Member Scheme Card

  1. Click the Related action, then Entries - Member Points to open the Member Point Entries list.
  2. Click the Applied Entries action to see how the points were applied.

Note: The Statistics FactBox on the Member Scheme Card also shows member point data.