How to: Block and Unblock Accounts

For one reason or other, you may need to block a member's account. The following describes how to block and unblock a member account.

To block a member account

To unblock a member account

To block a member account on the POS

To block a member account

  1. Open the Member Accounts card.
  2. In the member accounts table, locate the member account you wish to block, and double-click the account.
  3. Select the Blocked check box in the General FastTab.
  4. A Reason Codes dialog box appears where you must select a reason for blocking the account.
  5. The Date Blocked, Reason Blocked, and Blocked By fields are automatically filled out.

To unblock a member account

  1. Navigate to the General FastTab on the Member Account card, and clear the Blocked check box.
  2. You are asked whether you wish to unblock related contacts, cards, and login devices. Even if your answer is "No", the member account will be unblocked.

Note: Member contacts and member cards can also be blocked in the same or a very similar way as member accounts.

Reason codes are needed to block member accounts, contacts, and cards. The reason codes are set up and managed in the Numbering FastTab on the Member Club card. For more information see How to: Create a Member Club.

To block a member account on the POS

  1. Press the Member Contact button.
  2. Use the search function on the Member Contact Management panel to locate the member account you wish to block.
  3. Press the Block button.
  4. In the next panel, highlight the appropriate line to select a Reason Code for blocking the account, and press OK.
  5. The Blocked, Reason Blocked, Date Blocked, Reason Blocked, and Blocked By fields on the Member Contact Management panel and in the Back Office are automatically filled.